Hello! And a couple questions

Well bigger plants yield more bud, but you don’t want the plant growing into your lights either. 6.5 vertical space. Subtract the space your takes up and give yourself 12”-18” space between the top of the plant and your lights. That’s how much space you have for the plant. If you flip the plant at 18” tall it should end up around 3’ tall.
Okay I think I understand. So you're saying, subtract about 1.5 ft for the 5gal bucket it's in, then subtract another 1ft for the distance the plants need to stay from the light. And that leaves me with about 3ft of vertical grow space in there? So I'd want to flip them to flower at about 1.5-2ft height including the bucket that it's in? If that's the case I'm almost there. It's been 11 days since I transplanted them into the hydro system.
Hey all! My grow is going great thanks in part to your help. I'm in the 4th week now. I'll post an update photo here if it's allowed? I have a noob/dumb question for you. When I'm looking at Seedsmans website for example, it says the Flowering Time is 9 weeks. Does that mean approx. 9 weeks total grow time until I can harvest or 9 weeks after switching to flowering 12/12 schedule? Thanks in advance!
Awesome. Well here is my most recent photo! Growing great thanks to all your help!
Hey all, so I'm back with another question. I'm well into the 3rd week of flowering and I thought I timed when to switch them over to flowering but they have just skyrocketed and two of the plants are only a few inches away form my light now. They aren't showing signs of being burnt yet but I'm getting worried about it. My light is as far up as I can put it. Are there any techniques to keep it from getting burnt here or am I just out of luck unless I can find a new grow space? I'll attach a photo!


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Yes it's okay to do in flower and no don't cut it off lol. You just basically pinch it with your fingers to weaken it then bend it over. Just search supercropping and you should find a ton of guides on how to do it. I dont think I have any pictures or I'd just show you ya. But like I said it's gonna feel like your doing something that the plant isn't gonna like but it will be fine. Good luck. If you can't figure it out or need more advise let me know and I'll see if I can find a guide or make one for ya.
Yes it's okay to do in flower and no don't cut it off lol. You just basically pinch it with your fingers to weaken it then bend it over. Just search supercropping and you should find a ton of guides on how to do it. I dont think I have any pictures or I'd just show you ya. But like I said it's gonna feel like your doing something that the plant isn't gonna like but it will be fine. Good luck. If you can't figure it out or need more advise let me know and I'll see if I can find a guide or make one for ya.
Thank you so much! I'll look into it tonight.
Hey guys, I've got a photo update! We're doing great. Getting ready to harvest in a couple weeks. I hope I don't mess up the timing!


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Yes, I have a jewelers tool. They are still looking clear! I'm am supposed to be looking on the flower, not the leaves, right?
Yes look at the trichomes on the buds themself not the sugar leaves or anything else.
Okay guys I've got another question for you. I just did my nutrient change yesterday and I noticed that there are alot of buds down lower on the plants stay are like super light green, almost white. Is that normal? Do they darken up eventually, or is that a sign something is wrong?
Okay that's what I figured, they weren't getting enough light. I'm about 2 weeks from harvest, is it too late to take those off?
Are they the very bottom buds? Like the really small ones? I would just chop them off as they won't amount to anything. They probably aren't getting any light. I usually clear the bottom third or so of my plants of buds and leaves. It's called lollipopping.
I'm not sure if it would stress them too much or not at this point. I honestly don't know so I don't wanna tell you one way or another. I don't think leaving them on this late in the game is gonna make much difference though. Hopefully someone else will chime in and give you a better answer, sorry. Make sure you post some pictures before you chop. You should think about doing a journal next time you grow. Good luck though your almost there.
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