Hello! These are my sad seedlings


420 Member

I am new. I have been growing for a year. Some success. However rectally I have ran into problems. From bugs (spider mites, little white beatle looking things in the soil and fungus knatts) to dead seedlings. I know to prevent damping off by watering once when they are germinating in the medium (after 12 hour soaking) and then not watering again until dryish. When i do water i give them a good water and then dump off excess. However sometimes they grow and then they just stop.... I cant figure out why this is. This happened last batch of autos i used also, they were growing sooo slowly that by the time they were beginning to flower there was such little plant, also the lower leaves were kind of going yellowish and then with brown spots.

Anyway here are the pictures, the small ones are 1.5 weeks old from germination and the big one is 2.5. Even the big one looks like the leaves may be starting to yellow.

They are under a 400 W LED that is not shown becuase its kind of hard to look at when its on.

Anyone have any ideas for my sad little plants? :(


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Okay so what i got from the watering thing is that i need to start in a small pot and work way up, i was under impression transplanting is bad for them so i should just start in the finished container. It has worked for me before :( As for the watering technique i do ensure that it is all soaked, even the sides and i do pour off excess. I use the lift method to check for how much mositer is left.

No nutes yet, i think they are too young. And the soil? Well its a normal potting soil basic brand from the store.
I checked the bottom of the pots and they all have roots at the bottom. Even the younger ones. What i ave done is elevated the bottom of the pots to allow for more drying in case of water pooling at the bottom. Do you think there is any way of saving them?


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Honestly to me they look over watered, stretched out and hungry. I'm not the expert. Let me tag the person who wrote that brilliant watering thread. I'm sure she can get you on the right path. In the meantime, provide all the details of the grow. What strain is it? Light used? Temps? And so forth. The more details the better. One thing I can say is they know their stuff here and will have you back on track in no time. You'd be surprised the beating these ladies can take and still bounce back stronger then ever. @Emilya
Wow lol, on Amazon it is 66$! Well that's pretty cool. Maybe i need to find other pot raisers....

The light is about 5 inches above the tops. They did stretch a bit at the beginning but i moved them closer. I water them maybe every 5 days? I pick the pot up and once i think its pretty light I water thoroughly.

So the small ones were watered the Saturday Nov 2nd when i put the seeds in. They hatched within a day. I think i might have watered small ones once in between maybe last Thursday or Friday and then this morning.

The strin is a auto flowering one i sourced on the internet. Auto Grapefruit they are called. Light is a mars 400 W LED, mostly red lights but a bit of blues in it. Right now its 25 C but it has been up to 35 C before probably on a hot day. it might get a bit cold at nighttime on a cold night.
Welcome NScrilla, what are you using for soil? Do you PH? What do you feed them?

Hello! Okay so its just basic potting soil from the store, nothing fancy. It was a inexpensive bag. I can find the name if you want but i think it was just the store brand sort of soil.

I have given them zero nutes as they are still very small and i figured they would need none for quite awhile. Therefore the PH should be neutral...?
Those are solo cup size, add at least 25% perlite to the soil. If you transplant into the same type soil and keep root ball together you should avoid much shock to the plants. When you move them back to a solo cup bury up on the stalk a little and it will take out the stretch, use a light fan, (like USB type), blowing toward them and that will strengthen the stalk as they grow. I think they will be fine.
You should be watering about 2" from the stalk in a circle around the plant. I wouldn't be soaking the whole pot, she can't drink that much yet. Any Mars light at 5" off the canopy is too close. I think you went from too far away to being too close.Go by manufacturers instructions.
Your daytime highs are a bit, well, high.
How are you controlling your environment?
I have listed three stressors. These are the things that need attention.

And add more perlite for drainage. 30% extra would be a good amount.
Hello! Okay so its just basic potting soil from the store, nothing fancy. It was a inexpensive bag. I can find the name if you want but i think it was just the store brand sort of soil.

I have given them zero nutes as they are still very small and i figured they would need none for quite awhile. Therefore the PH should be neutral...?
Along with watering like Virgin Ground mentioned I'd get an idea of what your ph is of the water. When you start feeding they require the ph to be in a certain range. Here's a chart. You can see they can only feed in the zone. Nutes are not available to the plant outside of this zone.
Those are solo cup size, add at least 25% perlite to the soil. If you transplant into the same type soil and keep root ball together you should avoid much shock to the plants. When you move them back to a solo cup bury up on the stalk a little and it will take out the stretch, use a light fan, (like USB type), blowing toward them and that will strengthen the stalk as they grow. I think they will be fine.

Are you saying i need to take them out of the big pot and put then into solo cup pots? Wont that seriously mess them up at this stage?

I do have a light fan in there, right now its pointed at bottom of the pots.
You should be watering about 2" from the stalk in a circle around the plant. I wouldn't be soaking the whole pot, she can't drink that much yet. Any Mars light at 5" off the canopy is too close. I think you went from too far away to being too close.Go by manufacturers instructions.
Your daytime highs are a bit, well, high.
How are you controlling your environment?
I have listed three stressors. These are the things that need attention.

And add more perlite for drainage. 30% extra would be a good amount.

Okay well i have been fully saturating them. Next watering i can only do the middle part.

I have moved the light back to 7 or 8 inches. When i follow manufacture instructions (12 inches or something) that is where i get the stretch. Therefore in the past i have been keeping it closer.

The day time is where it gets during the day, i live south facing and on the top floor. Its tough to keep it cool although the winter is much better than the summer. These days it probably isnt breaking 30 anymore.

The environment? Well i have a fan in there that creates air flow. Dont know what else to say about it? It is in a tent so it says dark at night.

Are you saying they need repoting with diff soil? Or is that for the next grow? Would repotting them now mess them up?
Along with watering like Virgin Ground mentioned I'd get an idea of what your ph is of the water. When you start feeding they require the ph to be in a certain range. Here's a chart. You can see they can only feed in the zone. Nutes are not available to the plant outside of this zone.

I dont currently have a ability to test PH on water. Perphaps after work I will go get it from the store. From what i understand the tap water where i live is quite good. I have used it on MJ and other plants before and had no issue with nute lockout.
Hello! Okay so its just basic potting soil from the store, nothing fancy. It was a inexpensive bag. I can find the name if you want but i think it was just the store brand sort of soil.
If you have the exact name that is on the bag of this basic potting soil anyone could then look on-line to see if there is a webpage about it. This might help people better understand what is happening to the recently spouted plants. Basic soil might be so basic that it is almost entirely peat moss and has very little real soil in it and that can mean it has very little in the way of nutrients.
If you have the exact name that is on the bag of this basic potting soil anyone could then look on-line to see if there is a webpage about it. This might help people better understand what is happening to the recently spouted plants. Basic soil might be so basic that it is almost entirely peat moss and has very little real soil in it and that can mean it has very little in the way of nutrients.

GOLFGREEN potting soil 15L from Canadian tire.
What I decided to do this morning is to soak 3 new weeks. 2 autos and then 1 normal feminized. I’m going to try to do better this time. The ones I have are toast coz they are autos and they will not have time to recover before they flower... ☹️ I will make a new thread from start to finish and link it here.

I will buy new soil from Canadian tire when I get off work today. I will also buy some perlite so mix in 25%. Also am going to start in solo cups
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