Help: confused first grow!

Your plant is still young and could be repot to either soil or coco.

To answer your question : Can I foliar feed with GH nutrients?

Of course. Make sure you use a weaker nutrient solution than you would for root feeding. Avoid foliar feeding in the heat of the day and under excessive sunlight. Generally, the best times to foliar feed are in the early morning and late afternoon. Make sure you spray the undersides of the leaves. This is where the stomata or "lungs of the plant" are located, and where maximum absorption occurs.

I personally think you need to find the right medium first and move on as per normal from there.
@Dkmg01 am i going to change the medium because its hot, drainage or what
@Dkmg01 am i going to change the medium because its hot, drainage or what
Beacuse you need to choose between the two. You can have both really without it becoming harder and more complicated. @Lerugged suggested the soil is hot. Have you looked at some of the threads we have to see what we run.?
Dk has some coco vibes going on and I have organic outdoor vibes. Can be used indoors No problem. Read up a bit and decide what's best for you. You seem antsy (in a good way) and excited so if you put the time and research coco you would most likely be fine. Good dirt and water with a bit of nutes also super easy way to grow. It's all preference really and after many years I've learnt there is no wrong or right way. Just the right way for YOU.
Dk has some coco vibes going on and I have organic outdoor vibes. Can be used indoors No problem. Read up a bit and decide what's best for you. You seem antsy (in a good way) and excited so if you put the time and research coco you would most likely be fine. Good dirt and water with a bit of nutes also super easy way to grow. It's all preference really and after many years I've learnt there is no wrong or right way. Just the right way for YOU.
Preach my brother! Hahaha but yeah I fully agree
Dk has some coco vibes going on and I have organic outdoor vibes. Can be used indoors No problem. Read up a bit and decide what's best for you. You seem antsy (in a good way) and excited so if you put the time and research coco you would most likely be fine. Good dirt and water with a bit of nutes also super easy way to grow. It's all preference really and after many years I've learnt there is no wrong or right way. Just the right way for YOU.
@Lerugged i have this gorrila mix i bought, i never really look into medium that much, just seen a bag that kind of fits the description in my eyes
That will work great. it's an organic soil so best to get your nature instinct on and read up about organic and living soils. It's great stuff. It's what works for me. If you can learn that (pretty simple once you get the hang of it) you Have to understand that you are feeding the microbes in the soil and they are breaking the food down to be plant ready. Like in nature. The rest is what to feed them. Some great journals to follow would be @stoneotter and @Emilya. They are packed full of info and would be happy to help if you Get confused. They can help with lights and all that. I don't bother with indoor thanks to loadshedding.
That will work great. it's an organic soil so best to get your nature instinct on and read up about organic and living soils. It's great stuff. It's what works for me. If you can learn that (pretty simple once you get the hang of it) you Have to understand that you are feeding the microbes in the soil and they are breaking the food down to be plant ready. Like in nature. The rest is what to feed them. Some great journals to follow would be @stoneotter and @Emilya. They are packed full of info and would be happy to help if you Get confused. They can help with lights and all that. I don't bother with indoor thanks to loadshedding.
Yeah loadshedding gona be my problem.. I will look in to it... Thank you guys so much i will post an update


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Looks much better Dre! :) You can clearly see the difference.

Now there is less water in the soil so the roots can grow (looking for water ghehe) The leaves are growing as well and able to evaporate more water. Within 48u the leaves will stand strong (upwards) that will be the sign of full recovery.
So to my fellow south africans, lets talk seeds.. as a community of smokers we know we get alot of bullshit from dealers saying its all kinds of different strains... So where do you get yours and is kt safe
Looks much better Dre! :) You can clearly see the difference.

Now there is less water in the soil so the roots can grow (looking for water ghehe) The leaves are growing as well and able to evaporate more water. Within 48u the leaves will stand strong (upwards) that will be the sign of full recovery.
You are using a mixed soil but it is organic, so don't ph the water down to 5.8!
@ganjaguy its good to know im on a good path.. In the next year or two il be forced to get a new profile here because 'Dre can grow' hahaha
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