Help! I found some mold forming!


Active Member
Hey, I was looking for some advice. The climate I'm in is extremely humid at this time of year. I have a dehumidifier in my tent but just a small one. I also have two fans running. I have been fighting to get the RH below 70. I'm currently in week 6 of flower and I noticed a bit of mold forming. What should I do? Did I ruin the whole plant? Will I get bud rot ?. Are there any other suggestions to keep humidity out of the tent.



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My sympathies fella, I have no idea how to sort (though prolly cut it out without distributing spores and get more arid airflow in there some how) but thats only a newbs opinion so I could be out of order here...
as a hail mary you could maybe get some dehumidity wardrobe packs, a couple will pull a pint or so in a few days and they are cheap

So would very much like to know outcome.

It a shame you have, no doubt lost a little bit, but hopefully the 'cure' wont be too brutal...;)
you should ask Emilya. b prepared to answer some questions as you don't have a journal going. She can help you but you'll have to help yourself a bit with critical info, soil, lite temp, RH and many other things. I have learned that while this is a weed, it's pretty easy to mess things up. Good luck diagnosing your issue sir!
Mould will thrive in the right conditions- high humidity and still air. You kinda have to assume that mould spores are ever-present in the air outside of laboratory conditions, and will grow when conditions become good.
So, worrying about spreading the spores around at this point isn’t the main concern. The room will already have a zillion spores in it.

Sounds like you should have good air movement- but just to check- are those two movement fans reasonably powerful? Do you feel like you have a fair amount of wind circulating around in there, or could it use more?

Air circulation can work wonders against mould.

What is the RH of your outside air- coming through your fresh air intake - is that air humid as well? If it’s then you just need to be recycling your air more often

If so, and more fans doesn’t fix things then a larger dehumidifier is probably your answer.

My intake air usually hovers between 80 and 100 RH.
Thanks for the advice!! I really appreciate all the comments. As of now I have cut the moldy section off my plant. I inspected both plants fairly thoroughly and dont see any other signs of mold. I only have 2 small fans running and no air induction system so stale air is more than likely my problem. I now have a full size dehumidifier out side my tent and have left the tent flap open a I little to increase air exchange. I will keep a close eye and make sure no more mold forms.
I never had this issue on my first grow as it was winter and humidity wasnt a problem. I will need to invest in a good filter and air induction system for the concerning is a moldy bud? If no more mold forms. Is the plant still ok to harvest and smoke ?
Yes it is totally fine in my opinion. I don’t know of any real info about mould on buds causing health issues.
It’s kind of an ick factor that gets blown out of proportion by some people, IMO. In the end a personal call if somehow the idea of mould bothers you.
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