HighTechRasta's Recirculating Drip, Coco, 480W QB With Dr.Seeds LSD, Fem, Photo

Ratio is 20ml Calplex and 4gr or 3/4tsp Epsom for 2Gal.
I started at 1.5gr per Gal and upped it to 2gr, don't think I'm there
yet, any help with the quantity is appreciated. But I will be upping it more
on next top up mix...
Interesting. I'll have to read up on that stuff. It's new to me. You're the best cook right now so keep an eye on the new growth. If it continues to show signs then bump it up. I wouldn't go outside the recommended doseage unless you know of others who give more than called for.
So, I did a modification on my QB light, wanted 6in separation for better light spread...

You can see my Raspberry Pi on the left, I have to move it the center space in the light now...
That center space is also getting a "RapidLED Far Red Initiator Puck" from GrowMau5. Will be using it
for the 5min go-to-sleep effect. I also hear this can afford me a flowering light cycle of 13on/11off...Yup!


Got some new fans for the lights, they will be tied into the current 4-fan-cyclone-of-wind power supply, that
12v power supply is also getting an upgrade to 18v HP laptop power supply, affording me a little more RPM
on the whole lot of 6. I might throw a voltage tester at it and see what the voltage settles at with them running.

Had a long phone call with Flying Skull today about the Z7/Z9 product that I use. You see, when I started adding
Insect Frass Tea, I changed the watering system to drain-to-waste in fear of what the return would do to the res.
Well, we feel that it's worth trying going back to recirculating, based on my very gentle use of the tea. So, tonight
I will be putting the system back to recirculating...
Quick Update...

Got the light fans in, didn't upgrade the power supply yet.
Put the watering system back to recirculating, PPM and PH both stable!
Should have my GrowMau5 730nm Flower Initiator Puck this week.
Pulled the trigger on a Pulse One monitor, should have it this week too.

I'm concerned with my low RH of 30-32% in the tent with the lights on,
it jumps to as high as 70% during lights out! Temp in the tent is 27-28c
lights on and dips to 19-20c lights off. Although I did well the last run,
I've been looking at the VPD charts and feel I can do better! That's where
the Pulse One monitor comes in. It will feed my HighTech Lust with real time
data logging on my phone, enabling me to better dial in my environment.
I need to get the RH up to at least 50-55% during lights on to make me happy.
I'll be using the 730nm light to put the plants to sleep and should stop the RH
jump during lights out. I need to get a small yet powerful humidifier and run
it with the lights on timing or on an Inkbird humidistat controller. This VPD
thing is gonna be my next addiction. But I already know it's gonna be tough
in this small tent. The goal will be to find really small yet powerful and accurate
devices for small size climate control.

Gotta go get some shots of the girls...
3 Weeks Flower


The full spread, tried to let the stretch come up higher this time. Better, but the stretch is over and I'd like to
have seen them all about 6in higher, next time.


Here on the entire right side is LSD from Dr.Seeds. Looking really good so far, I think this one is gonna produce!

LSD Close Up.


Front half of the left side we have my Bruce Banner #2 from the first run. I have my Bruce Banner #1 in re-veg
and will run it after this one. I made notes on the first run about these 2 BBs, my notes favored #1, it was the
one in the back last run, it had better sized buds, finished earlier with better stacking. But that whole run was
a roller coaster so I'll be paying more attention on these next 2 runs and pick a keeper for a mom. This Bruce
Banner is the most incredible reward to date I've got from a bagseed!

Bruce Banner #2 Close Up.


This is the Purple Nuken, in the back left. I have a hate-on for this plant. It has fought me since day 1.
Something about this strain is difficulty level max! I don't know what it's issue is and don't care at this point,
just running it to get it outta my life... LoL It's a Special-needs bitch that needs to run alone so it's needs can
be sorted out and I'm just not interested. Look at these Mutant pics...



Hey, remember those 2 Northern Lights seeds, from Dr.Seeds, I started way back?
They are gonna be the majority of the next run, they're doing great in the new
Veg closet!

9 Weeks Veg, trained and topped, probably take at least 20 cuttings off them before they get to the flower tent...

This one is doing amazing.

This one not so much, but they will both get the full love and run before a Mom is chosen,
aint over till it's over right...


My obtaining of this RapidLED/GrowMau5 Far Red Initiator Puck
has been another journey down WTF Blvd.
:rolleyes: The Story goes...

I'm at the US RapidLED website on the product page for the "Far Red Initiator Puck",
the 12v adapter and Carclo Lens are select-able additions, with both selected the total
is $42usd. The description touts of new higher output XP-E2 diodes! Below in the Features
portion of the page I see this...

"For Canadian customers this can be purchased domestically using CAD by visiting our Canadian site"

So, I go there, because Canada right...
I place the order, but later on further inspection I notice...

The Canadian site product page does not mention the new XP-E2s,
there is no option to add the Carclo lens. It comes with the 12v adapter,
but the details list the output at 7w, the same as the US site, despite the 2
products using different diodes, hmmm...:hmmmm: Price $55cad.

So, of course I email them about it. They get back to me right away
saying the Canadian product does not use the new XP-E2s and comes
with the Carclo Lens as default. On the 7w on both products, the answer was
"The voltage difference between the 2 is pretty minuscule which is why the total
wattage is labeled at the same 7w for each."
They offer to cancel the order, I declined. I just want the damn light now!
$55.00 Far Red Initiator Puck
$21.28 Criminal Canada Post Regular-ass shipping from BC to Ont!
$3.81 Tax, not bad
$80.09cad In my hand, for an inferior Canadian stocked version of a $42us Product!

Ohhhh it gets better!
So, this is the perfect shiny soldered advertising pic for reference.

This is what I got!

What, was the pick-n-place drunk?! Wait, where's the shiny solder? That looks done by a real human drunk!
Hand soldered with some dirty-ass solder and iron...


Power socket a little cock-eyed too! What in the actual F? Same brutal soldering going on there...


Oh, it's getting ugly in here...



Saving the best for last,
Check out the solder job on the driver...





You see the bit reaching out to the right, it's squished and flattened off. When looking straight down on that
from above, it's immediately apparent that a small screwdriver was wedged in there to check for a gap. The
screwdriver was pushed in and wiggled a bit, squishing and flattening off that solder finger tip! Yup.

Anyway, too tired to give this my full salt shaking. Point is, I got screwed by blindly ordering from the
Canadian site. Also, if I were GrowMau5, I would not be happy that's the way my product is going out!


I've got it installed doing 8mins at both ends of the light cycle with a 1min overlap.
My cycle will be 12/12 until first sign of flower/end of stretch, generally 14-21 days.
Then 13.5/10.5 for 4-5 weeks. Then finish 1-2 weeks 12/12 again, all with the 8+1min
overlap of far red 730nm at both ends of light cycle.
Just got off the the phone with Pulse Labs support.
The person was awesome and is sending me some swag
to make up for the damaged packaging! Let you know how that goes...
I've also not touched the thing since leaving it at the end of the video,
did not want to go through the trauma of it not working until I spoke to them.

Now going to turn it on and see if we can get it up and running, I'll even make a video.
@Pennywise so good to see you again!

I have a question for ya, while I can catch you here on the boards...

I was talking to a local hydro shop owner that does genetics of some sort on the side.
He's really holds his cards close to his chest about it. But, I mentioned my intention
to attempt making some seeds with colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate soon. He was all
about how he read something in the past that indicated the silver method was bad in some way.
I asked what he does and he wouldn't tell me! But he did say that he is reversing, but not with silver.

Any idea what he's using?
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