HonestGR's First Indoor Soil Grow 2018

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  • Twisted Citrus

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  • Purple Candy

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Cutting her back is an option, so is pinching .
New pictures in normal light!


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So a quick update. Currently dealing with the after aspects of wife getting t boned.

Ran into one random thripe, larval stage. Only seen the one, but where theres one there are probably more. (Looked very thorough, and sprayed the leaves with an insecticide (I will post ths name when I get a chance)

Did my final training of the plants. (A topping 5 days prior) I will let them grow on their own for aprox 3 weeks or until they are 30" +. Then I will lollippp, and final defoilation (Yes, i know there is beliefs against it) change to flowering.

But here they are currently. Glove in the picture for size compairson (Large).

@SmokeSara these are the Mars Hydro 144's. So far kicking A**. (Veg mode)

A bit of an update. All is well. I am done my training, I am now letting them grow natural here on out!

Another 2-3 weeks in veg, lollipop and the 12/12 switch!

I would say the tent is pretty full if I need to get in there to do any work!:) If not, it will be!


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Just figured a small update is in order!

So my techanaflora (nutrients) (5Gal mixture at a time!)
I am feeding slightly under half strength.

BC Bloom 30ml
BC grow 15ml
Thrive Alive (Red) 6ml
MagiCal 10ml
Sugar Daddy 20ml

Ph is adjusted to 5.8 to 6.3

No issues so far! All is well!

I can start to see a dominant cola on each plant, those will be adjusted to be flat prior to flower. 2 weeks left until I switch to 12 / 12 lighting.

When I do switch, be aware the ladies will look naked!! I will be defoilating and lollipoping these ladies. As a plus there should be a lot of growth to come.


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Ok, so I am super stoked.

I have less than 2 weeks planned left in veg.

I have included 3 photos.
One is of hight, a reminder they are 7 Gal pots.

I have only had then growing up for 6 days now. I was training to grow flat prior.
It is a 5x5 tent. It is now full!

The other two pics are a compairson of 6 days difference.

I counted the predominant colas. 115 total. 22,26,30,37. This will be recounted after defoilation and lollipopping!

I think it will be a great harvest in approx 2 months! :)

Thank you Mars Hydro for so far! :)

Thank you random led light off of wish! :)


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Another update.

I have 9-10 days left in veg before I do the switch.

I know not all believe in defoilating. But I decided to give all the smaller colas additional light. It took me probably about 3 hours to fo a light defoilation.(lollipopping will be done just before I switch over to remove bud sites that will not produce as much)

The new picture has A LOT less leaves than the last pic of this am.... the plant CLOSEST to the camera is insane and took 1 hr alone to do. So leafy and SOO many bud sites! (Smaller, but soooo many!)

I like to leave at least one leaf per cola. So what you see is all colas. I do have a few that are dominant, i may supercrop them at the flip...

I cut off any bud sites that were clearly going to be popcorn buds (light starved)

Holy jebus, if all continues to go like it has been it will be a monster crop!

Have a blessed day!


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Figured I would again upload a picture. All is going extreamly well. (Note: All plants had to be rotated) but look at those colas!:)

One issue I overlooked: HOLES IN MY POTS! A major issue I relized this past week. So to fix this issue, I spent 4-5 hours drilling holes in my plastic 7gal containers taking EXTREAMLY good care not to damage any roots. If I hit one or two, hey should be fine.

This will allow my soil to dry slightly faster to ensure they dont sit in damp soil for as long, also allowing more air to the root systems.

I will not be home for a week, but a friend is watching the ladies and watering for me. (He calls, and I provide a walk through for him)

Gotta enjoy time with family and friends over the Christmas season! So if I dont get around to posting again over the next week or so, I want to say:

Merry Christmas & Best wishes to all of my 420 friends. I will be sure to smoke some for all of you!

Happy new year, may all of your dreams come true this year!

Happy growing! Cant wait to get back and do the 12 hr switch!
Ok, so completed the lolipop yesterday and a minor defoilation just now (nothing major enough to open up some light leaving the majority of leaves)

The tent cam is showing how sad they are right now. (Pink) I also uploaded a pic of one of the colas potential. Let me know what you think!


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