How are medical marijuana users interacting with doctors and therapists?

When I had the discussion with my docs (not VA), I made it quite clear that I was not interested in their medications, I’ll use THC and CBD as meds, but I’m willing to do the therapy, etc. It’s working out well so far. Good luck!

Thanks. I've been through it all, and really don't want to repeat any of it. I still do the PT stuff, which helps but doesn't correct anything. Makes it more manageable for sure.

That's what has kept me from trying another doc. They all want to start at step 1 every time as they haven't been the one to take you through it all.

Whatever happens, the end result will be the same. The only difference will be whether or not I'm looking over my shoulder. Even if it doesn't workout for me, being able to at least have a program is a step in the right direction.
I haven't said a word to any doctor and doubt that I ever will.
Not only do I not want to find out that my doctor that iam trusting with my life is some nutbag, the main reason is that 99.8% of every doctor out there literally knows less than nothing about the endocannabinoid system so you may as well get an opinion from just a random person at the mall for what good it will do you.
Only way I would ever discuss cannabis with any doctor would be if I ever were to get cancer I would find a doctor in a legal state that specializes in cannabis medication for cancer.
And if this ever happens my wife and I both plan to only use cannabis oil instead of chemotherapy.
Same with our dog.

And btw both my wife and I already use cannabis medicinally.
I use it to lower my blood pressure which it does perfectly, and for minor aches and pains.
My wife has had Fibromyalgia for over 25 years, she used to take several opioids a day plus about 6 tylenol and it might take her pain from a 7 to 8 down to a 4 to 5, it just lessened it a bit.
For the past 5 years she has been completely off of opioids altogether.
And her pain now is more like a 0 to a 2.
I dont know what telling the doctor would do one way or the other because I honestly dont care what they have to say about it, wont make any difference whatsoever in our use of cannabis.
I know what it does, how it does it, what cultivars are needed and that it works beautifully with zero bad side effects.
How soon did you drop off blood pressure meds?
I went to Colorado as soon as Oklahoma changed the law. Wife and I bought some had seeds in it .. I went to a store front doctor for my card
And bought some more seeds.... 6 month later I went to my GP. He is very conservative. I had been on Omeprazole for acids reflux, a pain pill such as alleve or Motrin for my neck and shoulders pain, suffering from IBS, and insomnia.
My blood pressure was down, I lost weight, stopped having acid reflux, and was sleeping without pain pills.
He asked what I was doing and I told him. I dropped the Omeprazole and alleve and replaced it with weed. He said ,,"we don't know what the side effects of marijuana are" I said I know what the side effects of Omeprazole are! He had no answer. He said the dispensary are not trustworthy. I said that's why I'm growing my own and my own food as well. He said well I cannot argue with whatever you are doing. I will see you in a year.
I have since dropped the testosterone shots, it was tough but I seem to be regaining most of my functions?
3 years ago I developed stomach cancer, went thru 6 months of cemo ( that shit will kill u ) the doc tried to feed me opioids.It’s Not going to happen, I told the doc I wanted to treat my condition with weed he was In favor of it and even Gave me a script for man made weed in the form of a cap.
dronabinol is the name and is given to cancer patients to increase appetite and wellbeing.
I went thru hell and came out cured of the cancer and a whole new outlook on weed. Iol
I went to Colorado as soon as Oklahoma changed the law. Wife and I bought some had seeds in it .. I went to a store front doctor for my card
And bought some more seeds.... 6 month later I went to my GP. He is very conservative. I had been on Omeprazole for acids reflux, a pain pill such as alleve or Motrin for my neck and shoulders pain, suffering from IBS, and insomnia.
My blood pressure was down, I lost weight, stopped having acid reflux, and was sleeping without pain pills.
He asked what I was doing and I told him. I dropped the Omeprazole and alleve and replaced it with weed. He said ,,"we don't know what the side effects of marijuana are" I said I know what the side effects of Omeprazole are! He had no answer. He said the dispensary are not trustworthy. I said that's why I'm growing my own and my own food as well. He said well I cannot argue with whatever you are doing. I will see you in a year.
I have since dropped the testosterone shots, it was tough but I seem to be regaining most of my functions?

What strain(s) have you found for the acid reflux? Also the shoulder pain? Just general strains for pain, or something specific? Thanks to the miracle of DNA and genetics, I've been fortunate to have arthritis since my early to mid 20's, and well, it SUCKS. :D
The Kushage took care of all of it. Since then I have started mixing strains to get the same effect? My Island sweet skunk is about the only thing that keeps me pain free for 5 or 6 hours of sleep but won't stop the acid reflux or the insomnia. So I vape a little indica like Purple Hindu kush or white widow for sleep and toke a little ISS for the pain. Edibles help too but for me they carry over into the next day. I don't mind on Friday nights but can't do it during the week. Also the edibles seem to slow down my bowels and I have ibsc. So I don't use edibles every day. I smoked some sensi skunk (my recent grow) the other night and it seemed to work for the insomnia and pain only time will tell.
I have grown the ISS but it is not ready to cut yet. I am also growing bubba hash and taskenti so I will report back in those.
I felt like a crash dummy during each round of cemo treatment lasting 5-7 days. I wouldn’t wish this hell on anyone.
The weed in the form of a eatable I took 3 x day while hospital bound and continued at home between rounds.
It helped with pain, appetite, ( I lost a lot of weight ) and sleep during the later rounds I was a veg.
Stairing for hours at nothing, didn't even want to move. No energy at all....the tanks are on empty and the pilot lights out, drained but still in tact. I’m in my 3th year of remission now but at a cost u can never totally get back to where u were before ( a new normal ) the cancer and the cemo takes u down 4 notches and if u survive u my get back 2 . LOL
That sounds bloody ghastly for you @Bud
Every waking moment like swimming through treacle. You dissociate from the pain and end up questioning what the hell you’re surviving for, right?! Damn.

How are your doctors with all this? Are clinicians alongside you using cannabis to help?

In New Zealand I cant have a sensible conversation about cannabis with a doctor.
You raise the idea you get thrown on a scrap heap. Capsules of infused cannabis oil are the only thing that stops the pain I have ATM. I try to be honest with people I’m asking for help. Reactions range from dismissive at best to downright hostile.
Unless the doctor is from overseas in which case the conversation is more about mutual frustration.
Som react well to it and try to help, other doctors disapprove....I’ve been given enough names of sympathetic doctors in my area to get a MM card several times over but don’t want to get on any list
And I really prefer to grow my own anyway , I know what goes into my girls and what comes out in the harvest and if I ever step into a dispensary I’m sure the camera will take a snapshot or two of me as well. Smile for the birdie. Cheese
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