How can I get over 1lb at harvest?


420 Member
I’m on my 4th grow now and have pulled no more than 3oz per plant each time. my girls have been health the whole way through veg and flower with good size ....the last round I thought I’d hit the jackpot as they were falling over from how heavy they were and I ended up getting less than the time before.....I’ve topped/defoliated 2 times/ tied down but still getting no more than 3 oz a plant

Using 600w HID lights
Canna A & B - veg/flower
Bio diesel bat guano - flower
Biodiesel Rhino K - flower

anyone have tips on how I can get 15oz or more per plant?
Keep the plant in the growth phase longer (8+ weeks).

Grow less plants per light.

Set up HPS as a vertical "bare bulb" light in the center of your grow space, and position plants around it (extra credit if you place each one on a turntable that runs the entire time the light is on ;) ).

Grow indicas.

And there's always the "not really answering your question" answer: Stop worrying about yield per plant and think in terms of yield per watt or even yield per watt per day - and do SOG grows. Like this one (he didn't worry about "15oz or more per plant," but really nailed the harvest weight:

Pretty simple way to go about it, too.
I’m on my 4th grow now and have pulled no more than 3oz per plant each time. my girls have been health the whole way through veg and flower with good size ....the last round I thought I’d hit the jackpot as they were falling over from how heavy they were and I ended up getting less than the time before.....I’ve topped/defoliated 2 times/ tied down but still getting no more than 3 oz a plant

Using 600w HID lights
Canna A & B - veg/flower
Bio diesel bat guano - flower
Biodiesel Rhino K - flower

anyone have tips on how I can get 15oz or more per plant?
Are your co levels near the 1500 mark and if yes is your temp staying closer to the 25 mark
I don't see the problem. Pretty good production for a 600 watt light. You could go with a longer veg and growing the plant bigger or wider. Or you could upgrade to a 1000 watt light. Or invest in high quality Cob LED's I have found they can pack on more weight on a similar sized plant. You could also go with long flowering sativa. Sativa's can be great producers. Those all may need a bigger grow space. You never mentioned the size of you tent/room. You could also change genetics. That may also change your quality. You never mentioned you wanted good weed. You just said you want a pound.

I just got 3 oz's off a Banana Sorbet and was damn happy about it. That is a lot for the time and place that plant had to grow. Everything is going to have limitations. A plant and a grow space can only do so much. I if you want lots go big. 3 oz's off a plant with a 600 watt light is doing good for most home growers. Just my opinion.

Just reread. If you want 15 oz's or more from 1 PLANT you are probably going to need to go outside.
15oz per plant? Wet weight? That is going to have to be a very large plant in a very large pot. with a very long veg time as the others have posted.

I would say anything around a pound per plant would be doing well indoors unless you have the space to really spread the plant in a scrog. As mentioned above outdoors would be more suitable for that.
Just reread. If you want 15 oz's or more from 1 PLANT you are probably going to need to go outside.

Oh, it's doable (with, as you, others, and I have mentioned, proper strain choice) indoors. But not without the proper setup / method. That's only .7 gram per watt... IF OP is only growing one plant in there. Be highly unlikely if he's trying to grow three more just like it ;).
The secret is in the light. I have gone from my start many years ago using a T5 x 8 setup for bloom, to a 400w HPS, to a 600w HPS with no hood, to TWO 600w bulbs in a large Raptor Hood, to COB LED, and now next run to a NextLIght MEGA. Each improvement on my lighting over the years has resulted in a significant increase in yield and quality. Part of this is that over these years I have also gotten better and better at my craft, but I believe that most of the improvement has been due to the increasingly better lighting.
Totally agree with Emilya here. My COB led's are doing some amazing things. I went with Timber lights for mine and am not disappointed I did. I used to swear by 1000 HPS lights. I have yet to use the COB led's in a big way. I have now learned they can produce LOTS more weight per square foot then a 1000 watt light can. That's with a lower power bill.

IF you can afford the price.
If you veg for 10 to 12 weeks and you have the space you can easily get a pound per plant indoor.
I've gotten up to 11 oz on a plant but I can only veg for about 8 weeks and I am out of space, which is 2 x 5.
So a 4 x 4 space should be enough for two plants to veg for 10 to 12 weeks and fill it wall to wall in a SCROG and get about 2 pounds.
It sounds like its all about time and training
You can take all the time in the world and train them till they can sit up and roll over

...or you can pack in a room full of rooted clones and go straight to flower. Admittedly, tending a plant or three can be more fun - but you can't smoke fun.

On the other hand, if you've got a fat sack NOW, and your rate of consumption is slow, then it comes down to which way you prefer. Although... Harvesting a comparable amount, significantly sooner, well... that's pretty fun, too ;).

I always considered my rate of cannabis consumption to be moderate/average; I generally didn't smoke more than a half-ounce or so per week, even when I had a cupboard full. <SCRATCHES HEAD> But I always seemed to run out before a new supply was ready. Partly because I was lazy and didn't immediately start the next round. Mostly because people seem to be happy to help.
Yep, 8 week veg
Large fabric pots
900 PPFD light as evenly as possible over canopy.
And genetics

That's pretty much as close as you're going to get to a step by step list for growing a lb.

If your concern is weight you need to look at it from a canopy/crop perspective rather than per plant.
I pack my tent wall to wall, IDC what each plant does or weighs, as long as the whole light footprint is being used effectively. I've gone 2g/w in soilless. 1000+g/480watts 4x4 tent no AC, no co2, no bloom nutes. Genetics make the biggest difference on yield, some strains are big fatties, some are dainty little beauties. Sometimes you get both in the same strain depending on how well the breeder worked it. Two different strains under perfect conditions for each can give you a drastically different end weight.

For weight as mentioned it's more about grams per watt per foot of canopy. Your already spending the money to run the light you may as well use all those photons.
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