How many plants can you grow?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is the proper forum to ask this. I am looking to buy a tent and was wondering how many plants can grow in a 4X2X 60 tent?
Anywhere from 1 to 72.

I'd recommend two or three, maybe four. Or, if you want to do a two-liter soda bottle hempy grow, no more than 32.

The above assumes 100% of the area / floor space will be devoted to plant space. And that's probably not realistic... Figure out how much floor space (if any) you'll be using for equipment, and deduct that.

Basically, it depends on things like the strain(s) you're growing, growing method/style, container size, et cetera.
I would suggest 4 feminized plants. If you are growing regular seeds you will need to start a couple more to end up with 4. You can do a couple more with single stalked plants or less and bush them out more. 4 is a good #

If you grow regular strains keep them in 1 gallon pots till they show sex. You may even need to drop the lights back for a week or so. After you find the females you can up-pot and jump the lights back to 18 hrs so they can veg a little more.
With only a 60” height to work with, you'll need to keep the plants short. That’s not 60” for plant height, you also have to factor in the distance from light to your canopy, the height of your grow containers, etc.

Pick shorter strains, and learn how to lst/scrog/etc. to keep them short.
As straight forward as that question is it really has a lot of different answers based upon many factors.
How long do you want to veg them for is the ultimate factor. Once you flip to 12/12 your plants can double in size potentially.
If you asked me how many plants would be suitable for a 4x2 area I would say 2 plants. My opinion is based upon my own growing style. For the first grow just go with 2. No need to make your first grow more difficult than it has to be.
My first grow I grew 5 in a 4x4. Then the next few grows I only did 4 because it worked better for me.
Now in my 8x4 I have 8 plants ready to move in for flower.
You will fine tune things as you gain more experience.
Thank you all for your responses! From all of your examples it gives me good information of your past experiences. I will keep this all in mind as I move forward in my grow. :passitleft:
@Greenlizard is right, just like Howard Johnson.

The key pieces to determining the number of plants for the space available are:
- experience
- grow style
- strain genetics

Experience is a given. Let's break the other two down a bit.

Grow style:

What medium and what size of containers do you plan to use?
Soil? Coco? DWC/RDWC/Flood and Drain....

How do you plan to train your plants?
LST? SCROG? SOG? Quadline? Flux? Mainline?


Photo period plants? Auto flower?
Short plant height, medium plant height?

These are the kinds of things you need to think about before you start and end up in trouble.

What kind of light will you be using? (Please, please for the love of everything holy don't say a $50 blurple light off of amazon, or household bulbs! :nervous-guy:)

Don't get me wrong, you don't need to spend $1500 on lighting. But you really, really, REALLY need to do it right from the start and get a decent enough light to go with. So many people put themselves behind the 8-ball from the start with shit lighting, but expect results from professional level lighting. Then they get all pissed off and quit growing. That's sad to me, when a little bit of research and planning would have got them a lot farther down the road.
2 x 4 x 7 feet tall is the size of my tent, I use 10 gal plastic pots to flower
under a SCROG net and can comfortably run ONLY 2.

Using 7 gal pots I can get 3

HID hood, bottom is set at 50" from floor and never needs to be moved.
I raise and lower each plant as they progress, since I use a RIM Mount Scrog net
I can raise or lower them separately.

Plant canopy is kept at 21 inches below HID Hood
with an 8" soil to net distance I can finish with 12" inch buds/colas
and still be 21 inches under

That's a very nice setup you have there. Those detail picture have given me some ideas for my grow closet. Currently running 2 600w full spectrum LED in a 6X5X8 closet.
That's a very nice setup you have there. Those detail picture have given me some ideas for my grow closet. Currently running 2 600w full spectrum LED in a 6X5X8 closet.


A few things have changed since I put that picture together, I have found
21 inches below the HID is best for my set up to hold the VPD range.

I have also found using the 2 ten gal pots is easier than 3 sevens.

Last 10 gal pots can get heavy when watered.

Oh I use The Kit so no flushing / PHing / PPM or Ecc to worry about just keep the Microbes happy
and its simple as letting the Plants & Microbes work together in s symbiotic relationship.
Microbes feed Plants, Plants feed Microbes :yummy:
@Gazoo, you've given me an idea for my own spaces. All are divisible into 2x2 parts, and you're individual scrogs have sparked an idea for me to make upcoming runs less frustrating at harvest time.

I tend to run different strains at the same time, although as close in flower period and height as possible, and individual 2x2 scrogs would be super. I can then just whack off the main stem at harvest, and move each scrog over to the trim space. No having to untangle branches, or guess what's what.


@Gazoo, you've given me an idea for my own spaces. All are divisible into 2x2 parts, and you're individual scrogs have sparked an idea for me to make upcoming runs less frustrating at harvest time.

I tend to run different strains at the same time, although as close in flower period and height as possible, and individual 2x2 scrogs would be super. I can then just whack off the main stem at harvest, and move each scrog over to the trim space. No having to untangle branches, or guess what's what.



Sounds good Drop me a Private message and I can link you to my DIY build instructions for the

Also I always run 2 different strains, I Have even done Indica and Sativa in same Run No problem
When starting flower I do a slow time change of minus 1/2 hour each day, takes 10 days
and always see first pistils very near the end of the 10 day switch.

Right now I am running two girls One is 80% sativa and the other is 100% sativa in the same space
Sounds good Drop me a Private message and I can link you to my DIY build instructions for the

Also I always run 2 different strains, I Have even done Indica and Sativa in same Run No problem
When starting flower I do a slow time change of minus 1/2 hour each day, takes 10 days
and always see first pistils very near the end of the 10 day switch.

Right now I am running two girls One is 80% sativa and the other is 100% sativa in the same space

Awesome stuff! Putting this new grow space together I've tried to pay attention to the smaller details as much as possible. To the point of over-engineering, some may say, but certainly will have some handy features for me. :)
I have found this to be a little confusing as a new grower too, In a similar situation with a 1.2m x1.2m .2m tent starting a new grow.

Also when reading the breeder data on seeds with the grams/m and how much per plant etc trying work out how many for a meter - do they all use the same lights / veg for same amount of time and growing techniques to achieve these numbers? I was never sure how accurate these numbers are.

I decided on a mix of six auto's for my size tent in 20 litre pots. I'm trying out new strains and a new light so not sure about how much space they will take over. If it starts getting over crowded I can always remove one.

Although I have seen some breeders descriptions that are quite good - detailing plant height and width/ any stretching etc and details about any different phenotype which helps, some other descriptions can be a little vague.
Indica's flower faster than Sativa's. Hybrid's very in flowering time. So if you're growing and flowering in same tent. You should stick with same strain. Try to choose a strain that is short to medium In hight. Pruning- when you top a plant it will grow shorter and wider. If you prune lower limbs it grows taller. And in most strains you can flower as soon as you have a well established root system. But always keep in mind that after light change your plant will grow anywhere from 1 to 2 feet. Coli growth. Hope this is helpful. But my best advice buy a book. I own Ed Rosenthal's marijuana growers hand book. And Jorge Cervantes marijuana horticulture. The indoor/outdoor Medical grower's Bible. Knowledge is power. Photo of my second indoor grow in progress now. Bare in mind have grown a few tons outdoors in late 70s early 80s. And have grown personal outdoor for decades. And don't fear failure marijuana is a tough plant. And we all learn from our failures as well as our successes.


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