How to avoid my weed being stolen

I’ve got an free and easy solution for you.

if you have WiFi and an old cellphone that will connect to it, you’re gonna end up doing this.

it’s an app called “Manything” it allows you to plug that old phone in (it has to stay plugged in) download it.
Download it also on your current phone. As long as you don’t need the video saved and you only use one camera, it’s free!
If you do add another old phone/security camera, just use a different email.

this app lets me set up a zone for motion detection, and sends me texts immediately if that zone is entered. I can from anywhere see and hear what’s going on. And if I don’t get you then, at least I know what you look like.

here’s a couple pics-
It’s not exactly fail proof. You need light on so the camera can see and you also have to hope they don’t have a mask on (good luck with that nowadays! Lmao) But it detects the motion and I can hear what’s going on. And if your home when it happens, I about guarantee just turning a light on is enough to scare the kid that’s stealing your plant away.

oh also you can set it to turn the camera light on at motion, so that alone is gonna deter most miscreants.
I’ve got an free and easy solution for you.

if you have WiFi and an old cellphone that will connect to it, you’re gonna end up doing this.

it’s an app called “Manything” it allows you to plug that old phone in (it has to stay plugged in) download it.
Download it also on your current phone. As long as you don’t need the video saved and you only use one camera, it’s free!
If you do add another old phone/security camera, just use a different email.

this app lets me set up a zone for motion detection, and sends me texts immediately if that zone is entered. I can from anywhere see and hear what’s going on. And if I don’t get you then, at least I know what you look like.

here’s a couple pics-

nice. problem is most security video isn't for prevention. it usually only captures images of assholes ripping you off.

most aren't in a position where using the video - ie: forwarding it to law enforcement for apprehending and charging thieves is possible, and the few that can, aren't gonna get met with much interest.

monitoring the thing 24/7 is also a challenge..
If your neighbors dislike you enough to call the police every time they hear a little bit of noise, then they're probably the ones who stole your cannabis plants you have more problems than just the someone committing suicide by attempted robbery one.
actually the rest of neighbourhood would probably go after them ... :laughtwo:

i'm just saying it's not a great plan for prevention ...
nice. problem is most security video isn't for prevention. it usually only captures images of assholes ripping you off.

most aren't in a position where using the video - ie: forwarding it to law enforcement for apprehending and charging thieves isn't possible, and the few that can, aren't gonna get met with much interest.

monitoring the thing 24/7 is also a challenge..
No, you’re absolutely right. My cameras are for security, not for law enforcement. We are our first best security.

monitoring is a pain, but I set up a very small detection zone, I only ever check it when I get a text. Which is whenever someone gets home normally... lol
sorry @KrunckleSam ...

i am pro defence and pro gun. but gun play is never a first choice.
i also believe in responsible legislation and gun control.
favorite breed. also malamutes / husky or shepherd crosses with. all the wolfy ones.

a friend was a trainer
I actually lost her a few months ago (14 years old.) I only say that because I don’t want to talk like she’s still here. #buzzKill

she’s a shepherd lab mix. I got her from a rescue, smartest damn dog I’ve ever seen. The things I taught that dog was amazing and so simple.

so anyhow yeah. Favorite breed! I’m gonna get a Alaskan or a husky now, (Because where I live) they have a little easier going temperament. Shepherds arnt all that trustworthy of strangers! Lol. But they are one of the most gentle and loyal animals you could ever have. Mine never bit or even snapped but she’d scare the hell out of you if she didn’t know you. And some people she wouldn’t get to know, she just never trusted them.


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I actually lost her a few months ago. I only say that because I don’t want to talk like she still here. #buzzKill

she’s a shepherd lab mix. I got her from a rescue, smartest damn dog I’ve ever seen. The things I taught that dog was amazing and so simple.

so anyhow yeah. Favorite breed! I’m gonna get a Alaskan or a husky now, (Because where I live) they have a little easier going temperament. Shepherds arnt all that trustworthy of strangers! Lol. But they are one of the most gentle and loyal animals you could ever have. Mine never bit or even snapped but she’d scare the hell out of you if she didn’t know you. And some people she wouldn’t get to know, she just never trusted them.

the more north the mix the more willful and pack oriented. if with you from early, or introduced and familiarized to the "pack" by someone who is, they will "adopt" and protect to death. especially small children or kids. but it can be a two sided coin.
Yes I do... Not many people round these parts tho. Thing I've been worrying about lately are small private planes. They've been flying overhead and pretty low. We live on a mountain side. I don't know what my Patch looks like from a plane.

4 legged critters are the challenge until they 2-3 feet tall. After that then the 2 legged critters.
You can put an warning system in for the patch. Smaller bronze colored treble hooks hanging from limbs to about 5 foot off ground along trail or likely avenue of approach near patch. 5 feet off the ground will allow the majority of animals to walk under the hook but a person will catch it on their clothing. When they are hooked they know something is up and deter them unless they are intent on going there.
You can put an warning system in for the patch. Smaller bronze colored treble hooks hanging from limbs to about 5 foot off ground along trail or likely avenue of approach near patch. 5 feet off the ground will allow the majority of animals to walk under the hook but a person will catch it on their clothing. When they are hooked they know something is up and deter them unless they are intent on going there.

electrified wire is also in the mix ....

i done electrified cow fences .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I love dogs for protection and friendship. My girls work together and are tough, loyal and loving.

Shar-pei - they look like pit bulls to the un-initiated. Scare the begeebers out of some Vets we've been to. lol
If the OP has his setup on a balcony just wire it up. Bare wire plugged into 110v. Up by the railing where they have to grab it. You can turn it off during the day. In the event you hear someone hit the ground you can take it down quickly.
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