Hurricane Warning: ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro - Category 5 Grow

I completely agree. I almost always mount to the ceiling with shower clips and start at 100%. I’d rather adjust the plants heights than the lights. And if you always do that you get to the point where you can *almost* eye it (I don’t, I always measure). It maxes your vert space and puts the heat as far away from the plants as possible and keeps the main heat source close to the exhaust. Makes RH management and air flow easier. No down side in my book.
I love it. I know a few guys with very similar setups. My personal preference though is for shorter plants so I like to rock the light as close as I can to the tops. I'll never forget this one time in the late 90s my friend and I were vaping for the first time. We got an adjustable heat gun from the hardware store and had a glassblower make us a bong bowl that fit around the tip of the heat gun.

Anyways we had just looked at his garden (12x12 bedroom, 2 1000w HPS mounted against the ceiling, low hydro flood and drain table, and a bunch of TALL plants in late flower with huge buds) and were vaping in the living room listening to phish when we hear a BIG commotion from the grow room (crack/crack/splat!). We go running, and it turns out a few of the main stems had just snapped, sending heavy buds falling, breaking and knocking the other plants down like dominos. Total disaster :nervous-guy::rofl:. Every time I see tall stretchy plants to this day I remember the sound of that garden domino-ing and the look on my buddies face :eek::laugh:.

I never measure, and using LUX meters and stuff seems like overkill to me for a home grower (unless you get excited by that kind of thing). I'm an oldschool guy, I want to BLAST the plant with as much light as I possibly can.

I read on a few independent tests of this light that the optimal height from the plant is 8-9 inches. It's so small, doesn't put out THAT much light, and the heat is so minimal it will only burn a leaf that is literally resting against the lenses. For me, ideally, I'd want 3-4 of these things in a 2x2 on 100% and about 6-8 inches from the tops during flowering, but I'm super stoked to see what 1 will do!

The stretch continues.

The stretch continues.
Hell B you have plenty of headroom! Hey a heads up - those lights are much more powerful if measured than they appear. If you’re that close when you have buds (assuming you’re at 100%) you may well get some bleaching or burning. I might pull it back some post stretch.
Looking great braddah, if she didn't like the light that close, she wouldn't be praying like she is.. well done bro :passitleft:
My suggestion was related to after those are buds one inch from the light. Yep, they’re loving it now!
What do the plastic strappy looking things do?
The scrog net is from my 4x4, those are just zip ties holding all the excess together. I used a few zip ties on the net as well when the plant needed to be bent, but wasn't big enough to cross the giant 4" holes in this net. I put them on backwards so I can undo and re-use them a few times.
Nice bro 👌🏼
Thanks @Greenvein! I'm starting to love this little grow. All I do is fill the res once a week, and havent had to check/adjust ph once.
Sounds perfect 👌 She's a beautiful lady too! I'll be on the same page very soon 🤞can't ask for more then that.
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