Hydrologist's Pertetual RDWC Grow - Bubba Chunk - C99 - Pineapple - Tarzan Strains

Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Brother, glad to see YOU in these posts. You just can't find that kind of humor too often :). This made me LOL!



The setup is awesome and all those plants look really good and healthy. Over the last few months It's like I'm watching you steadily progress into a better and more capable grower (not that you weren't before) so fast my head is spinning. I'm lucky to have met you my friend and I look forward to following your grows for as long as you keep posting them.

Take care and keep up the great work, you are doing awesome :thumb:
Hydrologist - great grow! Subbed and enjoying the show. RDWC is how I grow my outdoor (non-bud) garden. Will be doing it for the indoor garden, too...when I get to that point. Kudos to you and keep up the awesome work!
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Brother, glad to see YOU in these posts. You just can't find that kind of humor too often .

The setup is awesome and all those plants look really good and healthy. Over the last few months It's like I'm watching you steadily progress into a better and more capable grower (not that you weren't before) so fast my head is spinning. I'm lucky to have met you my friend and I look forward to following your grows for as long as you keep posting them.

Take care and keep up the great work, you are doing awesome

hahaha glad you cought that line buddy and I am glad I met you to dude your one of the few dudes on here that keeps me laughing all the way!
and look at you kicking ass in the member of the month too! Good Job dude it shows how truely involved you are in the forum. Things got kinda fucked up though on my end and i feel lame about it. I told stevehman i'd nominate him but then i realized you were nominated but I didn't wanna go back on what I told him and yeah. But its looking like a great race! As far as POTM goes I believe i'm trailing by one or two points, I have some really starch competition so i'm not surprised but who knows what will happen! Also I need to get up on your thread and a bunch of others i've been neglecting! You guys have been really cool keeping up on my threads even reading it all too! I need to get back into the habit of that. And after this post I will!
ttyl dude

Hydrologist - great grow! Subbed and enjoying the show. RDWC is how I grow my outdoor (non-bud) garden. Will be doing it for the indoor garden, too...when I get to that point. Kudos to you and keep up the awesome work!

Glad to have you Down Low, and I just gatta say I think that's fucking cool that your applying your hydro knowledge to crops outside of the Cannabis spectrum-something i've been fantacisizing about but have yet to accomplish. Has to do with the fact that I live in an apartment with no outdoor space to do so whatsoever and Every inch of growable space indoors is already being used for Cannabis :ganjamon: quality problems I assure you, though one day I hope to live somewhere where I CAN HAVE BOTH! expecially with all these crazy people these days talking about scary dooms day shit, I would feel ALOT better if I had some tomatos, Beans, maybe some cabbage growing perpetually in an outside RDWC system! That would be so rad!

IN FACT IMAGINE USING A 55gal DRUM AS YOUR DEEP WATER CULTURE RESIVOUR FOR ONE GIANT MEGA BUSH SATIVA LIKE THEY SHOW SOME TIMES IN HIGH TIMES!!! NOW THAT WOULD BE BALLLER!!!!!! and you have the 55 gal in a 55 gal sized whole so as far as anyone can tell its a soil grow unbeknownst to them haha!

Anyways...yeah man if you get a chance please send me some pix of that outdoor grow and make sure you post the link to that indoor grow when you have it up and running!

Take it easy guys its been a pleasure
Thanks for your interest and kind words, Hydro! I love your 55gal barrel idea. Buwahaha!

Your idea seems to have inspired me to sickness: picture 2 IBC containers (they're readily available 275gal reinforced liquid containers) sunk in the ground to cool the nutrient solution. 1 for a res and 1 for the grow - if you couldn't get a respectable bud tree out of that rig...should even be able to do a couple plants in the same container...ahh. Need to leave Suburbia, though. I get enough odd looks for my seasonal outdoor vegetable rig <snicker>. I have a license, but our kind of plants in the yard would stir up waay too much crap <sigh>.

Speaking of that, I'll get some pics of the 'legal' rig to you when I can, Hydro - I'm newbie, haven't posted any pics yet.

Enough rambling! My bad. Maybe we should take further discussion of hypothetical outdoor hydro rigs to a new thread - don't wanna hijack Hydro's grow log! I'm looking forward to the outcome too much :tokin:
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

DL don't even trip! I love sturring up wisdom like this! But it isn't a bad idea to start a thread in this direction, I think it would be pretty cool actually. I think you should take the lead and post it in the hydroponic forum which can be found by navigating to the top bar clicking on Grow Room>Grower Forums then navigate to Hydroponics forum I think and then post me the link! That way you can get your screen name out there to people:reading420magazine:
Or I can always post it, its up to you homie! Anyways gatta run will be back later with an update, im moving cycle 3 and Genesis 1 groups into a different veg closet so that at 7pm tonight I can put the two older girls into flower but first I will enduce their first 12 hours of black out-no light which will begin the transition to flower! Hurray! At the same time I have also purchased the required supplies to hook cycle 3 up to the other-much larger chiller I own :party:
Can't wait to update you guys! Take it ez DL and stay up!
P.S don't forget to vote and check me out in this months plant of the month! Found under Lounge>Contests>Plant of the month may 2011
and Nug of the month may!
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

hahaha glad you cought that line buddy and I am glad I met you to dude your one of the few dudes on here that keeps me laughing all the way!
and look at you kicking ass in the member of the month too! Good Job dude it shows how truely involved you are in the forum. Things got kinda fucked up though on my end and i feel lame about it. I told stevehman i'd nominate him but then i realized you were nominated but I didn't wanna go back on what I told him and yeah. But its looking like a great race! As far as POTM goes I believe i'm trailing by one or two points, I have some really starch competition so i'm not surprised but who knows what will happen! Also I need to get up on your thread and a bunch of others i've been neglecting! You guys have been really cool keeping up on my threads even reading it all too! I need to get back into the habit of that. And after this post I will!
ttyl dude

Hydro, you're a great guy and I appreciate the kind words. Don't feel bad at all about the contest, I think your nomination for steve was a great choice and he deserves it for sure. :bravo:

...You're just not my BFF anymore, that's all...:rofl::rofl::rofl: JK, buddy!

Good luck to you and everyone else all and I hope these contests keep getting more entries. There is no reason there shouldn't be 25 entries every month in every category.

Exercise that 420th amendment! VOTE :party:
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

DL don't even trip! I love sturring up wisdom like this! But it isn't a bad idea to start a thread in this direction, I think it would be pretty cool actually. I think you should take the lead and post it in the hydroponic forum which can be found...<snip>

Great idea Hydrologist...below is the link. I started on the real side with a pic and description of my current outdoor rig. Will be adding the IBC idea, maybe others soon, depending on interest. Thanks and...enjoy!

Ideas for outdoor hydroponic grows

Now, back to the show :popcorn:
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Hydro help

heres a link to my thread not many hydro boys around it seems
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Hydro, you're a great guy and I appreciate the kind words. Don't feel bad at all about the contest, I think your nomination for steve was a great choice and he deserves it for sure.

...You're just not my BFF anymore, that's all... JK, buddy!

Good luck to you and everyone else all and I hope these contests keep getting more entries. There is no reason there shouldn't be 25 entries every month in every category.

Exercise that 420th amendment! VOTE

LoL all I gatta say is bacon buds :high-five: :roorrip: Bacon BUDS!!!!!!

Great idea Hydrologist...below is the link. I started on the real side with a pic and description of my current outdoor rig. Will be adding the IBC idea, maybe others soon, depending on interest. Thanks and...enjoy!

Ideas for outdoor hydroponic grows

Now, back to the show :popcorn:

Thanks DL I apreciate it and i'll definetly get up on that link as soon as I finish these replys!

heres a link to my thread not many hydro boys around it seems

As with DL Toker as soon as I finish this reply i'll be getting up on that link, sorry for the delay santa chronic been busy around here the last couple days! But excited to help out a homie!:bong:

Thanks for your responses guys, will get up on those links then will post a new update today! Switched Cycle 2 to flower and hooked up cycle 3 to the second chiller and got a second florescent for Genesis 1
Exciting stuff!
Take it EZ!

though if we all don't do something soon and keep living the "Regean way of life" that soon will all change.
Be responsible please. Our Childrens Children deserve to eat fish and have rain forrests too.:420:
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Hello all, been a lazy past couple days as I try to deal with the effects of wearing a patch as I attempt to quit smoking cigarettes. At the moment I feel like shit. It sucks. But im also board out of my mind so im ganna just force this one out. In this journal entry there's a few topics im going to write about as follows.


Once my cuttings have sprouted roots through their grow cube is about the time I transfer them to their bubble buckets where they are placed in the center of Hydroton as you can see from the pictures below. The problem here is that there is a period of about a week to two weeks where you gatta wait till the roots grow and sprout out the bottom of the net pot and eventually hit the water. Once the roots hit the water your usually in the green as long as you don't notice any gross pythium setting in (brownish black goo that discolor roots).

Now its all Cotton Candy:

So how do the clones get water and food durring this 1-2 week period? some growers tackle this issue by adding pumps with top feed rings. I find this a bit over kill and honestly takes up way too much room in my resivours expecially when I incorporate a recirculating system with a chiller that already requires one pump as I do. I kinda addressed this in a link created by Santa Chronic. But those top feed rings are only effective durring this 1-2 week period. So what do I do instread of buying a pump and messing with a top feed ring?

I simply get a cup of water and hand top feed my plants 2-3 times a day. Usually shooting for 3 days. I've also found to some degree (though further testing is still required) that using my method of only top feeding 3 times a day spurs the roots to grow quicker looking for food helping it hit the water where it's going to get its biggest boost. Every DWC grower out there will agree that its once their roots hit the water that the plants ALWAYS start to really take off. The faster you can get those roots to that water the faster you get to switch to 12/12.

Though I can't lie the second technique I incorporate is raising the level of the water to within an inch or so of the bottom of where the net pot rests when the lid is fully sealed. Along with raising the water level I also raise the hight that the air stones sit at. I purposly drill the holes that the air stone hose goes through just tight enough so that air is not restricted but that if I pull the air stones higher or lower them they will hold in place. This can be very helpful. As a result I get nutrient water constantly splashing and spraying on the bottom of that net pot keeping that bottom layer of hydroton wet as a guide for the roots searching from above.
Once your roots hit the water it'll only be a week or two before you see roots like this:

Having a recirculating system is a real step up. Thanks to this added feature of the chiller not only is my water kept at a perfect 68 deg/F but I get much higher airation of my water thanks to smart little idea's like adding a T at the WATER IN port:

From this picture you can see how the circle is connected:

as you can see the two bubble buckets that have hoses connected to them do not have a 1 inch connection between them like the two bubble buckets that do not have hoses connecting to them. That is because the circle is completed out side of the view the bucket to the top of the picture has a pump submerged pumping water up into the chiller that is out of frame-this water flows through the chiller and is cooled where it then gets expelled out into the return bucket-the one at the bottom of the picture-at this point the water is then sucked or "recirculated"through the following two bubble buckets where it returns the pump and is repeated through the chiller.
There is a 360 Gallon Per Hour pump submurged so as you can imagine the 12 gallons contained in the system (3 per bucket) is recycled quite quickly. I've done the math before and you can do it to if you care!

Topic #2

Its retarded hard to explain the fim technque (fim=fuck i missed) without clear high definition close up pictures of plants. And at this time I don't have access to a camera. In fact so far 80% of the pictures in this journal have been taken with my shitty camera phone. I apologize. I promise by september 22nd (my b-day) i'll have a good one. Till then im stuck with my crappy camera and once in awhile borrowing my neighbor's okay camera's. So im just ganna talk about how I FIM!
So When I grew Cycle number 1 aka "Shapey" which you can find the journal for in my signature I experimented with the effects of applying a bunch of FIM cuts early on in the cutlings life and heres the results I got:

I ended up with a mega bush!
This time I havn't tried anything nearly as ratical. This plants got its shape also thanks to how I took the clone. It was a double topped weird clone to begin with and I just topped them as early as I have these but it was...just amazing.
So what I did tonight was I went ahead and FIM'd these girls, one cut each and heres how they look:




Im very happy with how they look and im excited to see they branch and bush up after the FIM most likely i'll applly one or two more per plant. Also I like to apply the fim technique to 1-4 tops right when I switch to 12/12 but I do it at the very beginning of the 12-12 when the plant is still in veg nutrients of coarse.
The Fim technique is so great because it requires that you cut such a small ammount of the plant off so that recovery is extremely quick but the results are the same as if you took a large plant-shocking branch off. Screw that, I do everything I can to avoid shock INCLUDING doing my best to avoid TRIMMING OFF FAN LEAVES! I MOVE THEM OUT OF THE WAY IF THEY COVER A COLLA every time you chop a fan leaf your prompting your plant to direct its energy from growing taller to replacing those leaves or worse takes energy away from Colla development. SCREW THAT!


This is something I started with the last plant Shapey the one with the crazy base in the picture above. I can attest that thanks to this the plant transitioned better to the flower period because it got to deal with the light change first then deal with food change the second week instead of all at once which with our first ever DWC grow caused our babies leaves to go limp for about half a day before. So we avoided that AND the best part was I noticed the plant switch growing flowers so quickly that I attribute atleast an ounce to 3 out of the 11 she yielded to this technique alone that's how trustworthy I am of it. As a result your going to see these plants DOUBLE IN SIZE!


So im pretty much done with my topics now so i'll just give a general update on the coco babies. They're looking good. I hung a new light above them after moving them into a new cabinet grow. Its just an extra single T-5 from hydrofarm that can be connected to a bunch of other ones until you make an entire light so it was the perfect addition for extra light and so far they are loving it. Though I desperatly need to add a clip fan in there soon:




Can't wait to find my Tarzan and Cinderella's Fruit Mothers!

Keeping Cycle 2 and 3's PH in the 5.5-5.7 range.
Cycle 2's PPM is around 800, today I added a 11 ml of Carboload and 15ml of Diamond Nectar

Cycle 3 was looking alittle sad this morning so I lowered their PH to 550-650 and they're poking right the hell back up.

Yes all is well in the world of hydro.
I forgot to address the fact that I moved them all into their own new spaces. Pretty cool. But yeah The official day one of flower for cycle 2 is 5/21 so 2 months from now and i'll be rolling in marijuana! I expect ATLEAST 4 ounces from each girl.
Regardless cycle 2 is almost a research project for me. Up until this cycle I havn't flowered a plant smaller than 2ft atleast and as a result I've been growing monster plants;

but under the circumstances I am under at the moment with my room mate moving out and wanting to purchase his gear off of him and take over the entire rent of our place when he leaves I need to get a god damn harvest before he bails. And his plant has about a month and a week left to go so this was the latest I could possibly wait to flower. He wont mind waiting till august when this baby will be ready so its okay. It'll just give him a little bit more time to prepare and save before he leaves.
So all will work out.
But yeah Cycle 3 will be an amazing cycle just you guys Watch! they will be grown HUGE!:thumb:

Thanks for reading everyone!


Looking good! Thank you for the update. Best of luck becoming a tobacco-quitter, too! I went through that recently. No fun at all, but it gets better with time...not that such assurances help a bit when you're wrestling with a nic fit.

I've got nothing against tobacco users, having been one myself, but you get major props for quitting in my book. It's nasty stuff. I'm much happier staying Green these days. I'm a heavy smoker and my wind still improved dramatically after I kicked the tobacco. Makes for better hits, too :tokin:.

Best of luck with the quit and the grow! :popcorn:
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Great update, very detailed! I need to get my next grow underway. My clones are all looking healthy, great roots and about ready to go into 12/12. I should have the new journal up by the weekend.

Everything in your setup is looking awesome. It is amazing how quick the learning curve can be if you spend the time doing some reading and a little research.
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

you guys are right research and alittle bit of reading can take you a long way, i love learning new methods and new techniques about this hobby we all love so much!!! because if you dont, trust me you wont have a sucessful grow if you dont know nothin.. and hydro the update was good man, beautiful set-up, and goodluck with cigs, im a smoker myself so i know its gonna be hard, like they tell you in the aa, lol one day at a time...goodluck to ya bro, you can do it..
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

As was said above, great update my man! :thumb:

Your plants look very healthy and the setup looks like it's going strong.

Cigs are a B!TCH to say the least. I've tried everything under the sun to quit but in the end you really have to want to quit for yourself. Trying to quit to save money, your girlfriend/wife doesn't like it, you're sick of people coughing on purpose as they walk through the smoking area etc, etc, etc. doesn't work. I swear, everytime I see an anti-smoking add, I wanna smoke... Thanks for the suggestion!:) I know it's bad for me but I actually like smoking... It's funny what an addiction can make you rationalize as a good choice :rofl:

Right now I'm using an electronic cig and it's been helpful as the only thing you get is the nicotine and some vapor. None of the crap that causes cancer or lung issues. Nicotine on it's own can cause heart disease so I still have take that into consideration, but hey... baby steps :rofl:. Good luck my friend, I really do hope you succeed.:Namaste:
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

I'm a dirt grower but have been looking at dwc for a while, logged into your grow for the duration, bro!! Looks great, love your comments and ideas, especially growing outdoors in a big assed dwc, great idea!! I would love to see the redwood you could grow with that setup!
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

fuck it.

please vote for me. I really wanna win plant of the month may 2011. Mainly also to prove ass holes wrong that are betting on me losing.
Thank you.
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Hiya Hydro -

Yesterday I typed a super long-assed post, and my computer crashed, but I'll try again a little more condensed, lol...

Just wondering if you ever thought of doing a separate reservoir with your unit? I really love how your set-up recirculates.

I have the drip ring/ waterfarm thing going with my DIY bucket as you know -- The drip ring might be overkill, BUT, it's taking bubbly highly oxygenated water and it's bathing the roots with aerated nutrients as it goes back into the bucket. Nothing wrong with that!

No doubt the DWC part works fine without the drip ring, but with my bucket so far, they're loving life and I just want to get a feel for myself of what, if anything, the drip ring adds to the equation, ya know? It seems to me it will also help keep salt build up minimized, but we'll see.

Great update and pictures, by the way, and nice job explaining your set-up. I'm sure it'll help some people out, and that rocks.

Good luck in the potm, H!
Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Hiya Hydro -

Yesterday I typed a super long-assed post, and my computer crashed, but I'll try again a little more condensed, lol...

Just wondering if you ever thought of doing a separate reservoir with your unit? I really love how your set-up recirculates.

I have the drip ring/ waterfarm thing going with my DIY bucket as you know -- The drip ring might be overkill, BUT, it's taking bubbly highly oxygenated water and it's bathing the roots with aerated nutrients as it goes back into the bucket. Nothing wrong with that!

No doubt the DWC part works fine without the drip ring, but with my bucket so far, they're loving life and I just want to get a feel for myself of what, if anything, the drip ring adds to the equation, ya know? It seems to me it will also help keep salt build up minimized, but we'll see.

Great update and pictures, by the way, and nice job explaining your set-up. I'm sure it'll help some people out, and that rocks.

Good luck in the potm, H!

yo whats up xlr8,
dude im glad you brought this up because, im sure you've read in my thread and a couple others my view on using the top feed rings.

please let me make something clear that I have failed to:I have not experimented with the top feed rings myself therefore everything I write is merely regurgitated information. I read this on Rumpleforeskins grow journal which I can provide upon request along with the Medical Marijuana Grow Journal's section of deep water culture buckets.

there main arguments are that besides the first 2 weeks of growth where the roots are still working there way into the resivour the top feed rings are overkill as far as the task of trying to feed the plant more food goes. Meaning the plants are going to grow just as fast as a normal non-top feed deep water culture bucket after this initial 14 day period.


something I can give it credit for and can see as a big beneficial side of the top feed ring is that if your not in a position where you can afford a chiller or a large recirculating system BUT you wan't to acquire the benefit of knowing your nutrient solution is always at 100% highest mixture possible with the highest ammount of aeration possible-Basically giving your plant the best possible water environment before the next step up of adding a chiller or turning the system into a much larger recirculating one with an external rez and controller bucket and an RO machine and really get crazy with it, then the recirculating ring would be the ideal way to provide the best environment before taking that next-extremely expensive step, as I can see it.

so again do I believe the top feed ring will feed a plant more food than your regular old deep water culture bucket? No.
I DO believe that the top feed deep water culture ring creates a BETTER Water Environment for the plant via keeping the nutrient solution nicely mixxed vs just having air stones mixing it up which isn't nearly as effective as a recirculating system no matter the size.

Would I ever add the top feed system to a recirculating system like mine with those chillers?

Maybe. I might just do this as a scientific study to see if the plants grow faster or slower than without the top feed. But I won't be conducting an experiment like this for ATLEAST 3 months, when my room mate moves out and I can turn his room into a grow room :))

But yeah, glad you brought that up dude hope I clarified?

Re: Hydrologist's pertetual rdwc grow-bubba chunk/c99-pineapple/tarzan strains

Great update, very detailed! I need to get my next grow underway. My clones are all looking healthy, great roots and about ready to go into 12/12. I should have the new journal up by the weekend.

Everything in your setup is looking awesome. It is amazing how quick the learning curve can be if you spend the time doing some reading and a little research.

Hey steve yeah you gatta send the link as soon as you get your new grow journal up!! really looking forward to it buddy! Thanks for the kind words I love my set up too just can't wait to get these ladies all fat and plump and ready to harvest but that wont be for another 2 more grueling months I HATE NOT HAVING A PLANT ALL FAT IN FLOWER!!! Thats why I have my set up like this now! So I can always have a plant in flower with it being perpetual harvesting once a month! Boo Yeah! that would be so rad if I could get 4 plants like shapy for harvest each month! 4 11 ounce plants!! 44 ounces! i'd go from a scronny starving student to a fucking BALLLER!!!! lets see what I can do here :) :)
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