Icemud's LED Grow With Advanced LED XTE 300 Series With EX-Veg 200

Icemud, I gotta give you a big thanks and major props for all those vids, great pics and journals you've cranked out. I'm where you were four years ago, and your stuff has helped me a ton. Thanks dude.

Your LED promiscuity is impressive! Good for you! Sounds like some expansion may be in order...

k0ncept, I know where you're coming from...I just gotta work up a little more balls and start documenting this first grow I'm attempting.
Operative word: attempting. but my girls get love, so hopefully they'll do well.

You Cali guys are so spoiled. I'm jealous. I don't even have a dispensary around to rip me off. But I'm legal!

You rock, Ice! Subbed!
hey Ice Beautiful as usual
I cant say enough about the advanced led lights I been happy with the
regular diamond series and the xml
but those new lights look wonderful hope they do great for you as the plants looking Great :thumb:

I can't be happier with these lights, I mean my tent is cool, my power billss are low, my plants are extremely happy :) no wonder they have been in business for quite a few years :) quality lights for sure!

Thanks for the compliments Cronic!
Looking fantastic :cheer: - nothing like seeing all those frosty nugletts getting ready to fatten up yeah u right! Your plants are growing FAST and most importantly healthy. I tea feed my girls too... actually yesterday fed them with a tea that I let bubble for ~72hrs and it was a kinda thicker than usual. I thought hey it smells good and earthy what the heck and fed em, they were alive this am!! Good on ya mate, keep up the great work!!



I love feeding the plants teas..and I'm pretty sure I can hear the plants thank me after giving them a good compost tea :) lol They love foliar feedings of tea too :) Yea the nose is a good judge of quality, if its sweet and earthy smelling, the plants will love it :)
Thank you for the encouragement Ice!!! You were the one that got me to pull the trigger and quit holding back.. You describe my situation perfectly, only certain strains work for what I need, the battle with the quality, and what was in it.. I just hated the whole mess!! Now I have 6 buns in the oven thanks to the advice of you and the other great people here in the community.. I have been watching your vids and learning allot, and for that I cant thank you enough.. And DAMN your garden is AMAZING!!!!! I will have to pump some music into mine and then show them your plants on my laptop and make them GROW GROW GROW!!


Hey KOncept! yea man, growing my own was the best decision that I could have made to keep the costs down, have better healthier meds, plus learn a ton about growing, plants and all :) I love the growing part too, its so much fun to try new techniques and try each time to get better results than the last... too much fun :) I'm happy that you got your journal going and your setup looks really clean, I am pretty sure you will have no problem having a successful harvest down the road :)

One suggestion for ya.. I noticed you have a lot of bottles of water in your grow area.... you may want to look into a Reverse Osmosis system. I used to buy water from the store, but as the plants were getting bigger, I was going to the store 2x per week for 5 gallons of water which was costly and time consuming... I went out and spend about $200 on a R/O system...a very good I have clean pure water whenever I want, have saved a ton of money over buying bottled water, contributed to less plastic waste in our landfills, and have better quality drinking water too... IF you decide too look into these, check out Bulk Reef prices and units I could find online when I looked a few years ago.. :)
Icemud, I gotta give you a big thanks and major props for all those vids, great pics and journals you've cranked out. I'm where you were four years ago, and your stuff has helped me a ton. Thanks dude.

Your LED promiscuity is impressive! Good for you! Sounds like some expansion may be in order...

k0ncept, I know where you're coming from...I just gotta work up a little more balls and start documenting this first grow I'm attempting.
Operative word: attempting. but my girls get love, so hopefully they'll do well.

You Cali guys are so spoiled. I'm jealous. I don't even have a dispensary around to rip me off. But I'm legal!

You rock, Ice! Subbed!

Thank you so much for your kind words Iluvsnow! I love doing all of it and sharing my grows with the world :) Its just more fun to grow and allow everyone to follow along :)

I'm kind of a LED lightiing fiend...haha, I just see so much potential in the industry, and the technology, and I like seeing each different companies approach to it... its definitely the future of grow lighting, now they just have to figure out which spectrums are the best :) which is still highly debated in the science community :)
Looking really good Icemud.

Do you have a link to your soil mix?

Trying to fine tune my own before I switch from Hydro over to living organic. Would be interested to see what you use.

Hey Dark Greengoo!!

Thank you!

I don't really have a link to the soil I am using because it is like 3rd or 4th generation so it has been mixed, remixed, reminerealized, remixed again, composted.. ya get the even if I had the original mix, its so far from that now because of the re-use, that I wouldn't want to lead people in the wrong direction, since the mix is no longer what I originally mixed... but If you wanted to see what I have in the soil... go to the very 1st page of this journal, and the amendments and mix is listed, just not the specific ratios.

The best "fine tuning" you could possibly do is look into Docbuds, high brix kit. He has already done all the fine tuning, and you just have to follow his instructions and thats it... :) best possible soil mix available :)
Day 27 Flowering!!!!

So things are looking amazing and it seems that the ladies are getting frostier by the day as well as continuing to get larger and fatter. I am very happy with what I am seeing so far in the garden, and hopefully the good luck will carry on through harvest :) The humidity has been extremely low (below 10% RH) lately, because the winds here are coming from inland off the desert. It usually doesn't last more than a week and then back to the normal 50% RH but right now it is really tearing up my lips..haha but the plants don't seem phased. I have had to ramp up the volume of their feedings by about 1 cup per day during the dry spell, but they seem to be fine and it may even help add more trichomes ;)

I had a build up on some of the leaves from foliar sprays so I gave the girls a very nice firm foliar spray...nothing but R/O water to help rinse off some of that residue that built up.

I also have been feeding them the alternate feeding that I have been throwing into the mix... 2 tbsp of dogget simpson bloom per 5 gallons of water and fed the girls..this is just for yesterday, today and tomorrow and then I will be giving them another compost tea for the following 3 days.

Other than that, not much else to touch on today... besides I am very very excited to see how this grow turns out :)

My Lips are frigging killing me too!! Fricking Santa Ana's !! Ice those ladies are looking so good.. at least this morning the humidity is up too 35% as I brought in 2x 5 gallon containers and set them next to the tent near the intake side and it seems to be working to keep the humidity up 5-10% over what it is outside the room. I think your towel trick worked the best... That brought it right up, all I had to do is keep spraying the towel once every few hours or so..

Keep cranking them out, they are looing AWESOME!! and THANK YOU for sharing and all your help.
I love feeding the plants teas..and I'm pretty sure I can hear the plants thank me after giving them a good compost tea :) lol They love foliar feedings of tea too :) Yea the nose is a good judge of quality, if its sweet and earthy smelling, the plants will love it :)

I hear that - the last tea I fed my girls kinda reminded me of root beer - the kind we used to make home made when I was a kid. Sweet and earthy the girls reach up for the light the next few days - my plants are just starting to get frosty on day 40 sheesh... they were late to the party last grow too but finished nice and that was without any teas!! I'll be flowering right up to 90 days 12/12 so I've got a ways to go and my buds this time around are getting fatter sooner. Pretty soon I might have to support them they are getting that fat!!

I've been watching your grow interested in those lights you're running, I might have to get me one! With this size grow do you think the 300w is large enough??

Ahemmm excuse me while I light up a spliff pared with a nice glass of organic Cali Merlot on this cold ass night. Northeast here - feels like February out today.... cant wait for the snow. Upstate NY is getting hammered 2-3 feet lake effect snow - the snow gets up to the telephone wires when it starts this early.

Hi Icemud,

Like k0ncept, I too, stumbled on to 420 mag and your journals were the first I read from start to finish...all of them including your videos on Utube. I actually fell in love with you (I'm a female cougar, wishful thinking), but anyhow......I am just starting my first grow and you have paved the way. Thank you and namaste.
My Lips are frigging killing me too!! Fricking Santa Ana's !! Ice those ladies are looking so good.. at least this morning the humidity is up too 35% as I brought in 2x 5 gallon containers and set them next to the tent near the intake side and it seems to be working to keep the humidity up 5-10% over what it is outside the room. I think your towel trick worked the best... That brought it right up, all I had to do is keep spraying the towel once every few hours or so..

Keep cranking them out, they are looing AWESOME!! and THANK YOU for sharing and all your help.

Yeah my lips are FUBAR right now... lots of water and blistex and it still feels like I am dryer than desert sand... but I have to least its warm and not freezing like the rest of the nation...I'll take dry warm weather over snow and cold anyday.. (well most days) being a Chicago native, I do miss the occasional chilly weather or thunderstorm... :)

I'm glad the towel trick worked.... don't thank me though...thank my DAD :) he actually was the one who suggested it to me a while back, and I use it all the time now :) (Love ya Dad) (he reads my journals too :) )

No problem for helping out, I enjoy helping others with little tricks and tips I have learned over the few years here at 420 magazine :) feel free to ask anytime :)
:adore::adore: :yummy::yummy:

Amazing looking garden Ice.

Hey Danishoes!

Thank you very much my friend for the compliments!!! this hopefully will be a very good grow by the looks of it...fingers crossed :)
I hear that - the last tea I fed my girls kinda reminded me of root beer - the kind we used to make home made when I was a kid. Sweet and earthy the girls reach up for the light the next few days - my plants are just starting to get frosty on day 40 sheesh... they were late to the party last grow too but finished nice and that was without any teas!! I'll be flowering right up to 90 days 12/12 so I've got a ways to go and my buds this time around are getting fatter sooner. Pretty soon I might have to support them they are getting that fat!!

I've been watching your grow interested in those lights you're running, I might have to get me one! With this size grow do you think the 300w is large enough??

Ahemmm excuse me while I light up a spliff pared with a nice glass of organic Cali Merlot on this cold ass night. Northeast here - feels like February out today.... cant wait for the snow. Upstate NY is getting hammered 2-3 feet lake effect snow - the snow gets up to the telephone wires when it starts this early.


Hey BoBrown! yea compost teas are the bees knee's for the soil and plants... they absolutely love them :) my plants always look better a few hours after compost tea feedings or foliar feedings.... they just love it :)

The 300's...yea they are really niice lights... very very bright... I would say that these lights each could cover a 2'x3' area very well, and maybe I would go as far as saying a 2 1/2'x 3 1/2' area (for cannabis and other sun loving plants)... Obviously if you were growing al low light plant like lettuce, then you actually would get probably a 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 grow area but for cannabis, I would say Ideally a 2'x3'.
Hi Icemud,

Like k0ncept, I too, stumbled on to 420 mag and your journals were the first I read from start to finish...all of them including your videos on Utube. I actually fell in love with you (I'm a female cougar, wishful thinking), but anyhow......I am just starting my first grow and you have paved the way. Thank you and namaste.

Hey Shawnee!

I am very happy to hear that my journals and grows have been informational and helpful to you and It makes me happy to know that others can benefit from what I am doing :) I have always believed that giving back is the way the world just works better, no matter what industry or business.. and I learned everything I know from other kind people taking their time out to help... so to me, I love doing grow journals and helping others because it is my way of paying it forward to people that were in my position a few years ago :) it truely makes me smile to know each person I touched with my work and that I can help people reach their goals :) got me blushing too :) aw shucks :) I appreciate the luv! and reflect it back at cha!

Please feel free to drop the link to your grow journal to me, I would love to follow along and be help on demand persay if needed or feel free to ask any questions you have... You are in great hands here at 420 magazine! :)
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