Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills OG

Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Looks Great As usual Brotha :thumb:

Thanks Cronic!!!!! Loving what I am seeing so far :)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Icemud, at the beginning of this thread yoy mentioned that you would probably not be running all three panels at full intensity, as it could be too much light?

If you are not running them maxed out, how are the two dials set? I like the infinitely variable dimmer switches, but clicking to specific outputs would be an improvement.

Also, your can go tell the friendly folks at Advanced LED that your grow journal has convinced me to buy a third light! I have an old style DS200 for veg and an XTE300 for flowering. I just ordered the all blue DS200 EX-Veg so that I can move the other regular DS200 wherever it is needed.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

Hey Chippy!

I am actually running the lights at full power currently. When I moved the plants over from the EX-VEG (blue tent) to the XTE (flowering tent) I ran the XTE's with only the veg channel on for about 1 week, then I turned them on full power for the rest of the veg period in the flowering tent (with the exception of when I went on business trips in which I turned the red channel off). Since then and even now the lights are running both channels on full power.

I'm happy that you decided to try the EX-Veg! I so far am extremely happy with mine. I swear I can't get over how much light is put out for a low wattage with the all blue... they are very very intense! I literally have to cut almost a foot off the plants every month to keep their size down, and a month later, back up to needing trimming! I think you will definitely be happy with your purchase!

I hope you used my discount code to save some $$ off :)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Happy Daze Ice:)....girls are looking awesome:) far are your lights from the canopy?.....i have my XTE over my WW and had it at 16" but have had to move to 24" to stop the bleaching:) step dial the dial's back:)lol......and as far as anybody questioning Advanced Led.....i last harvested 8.2 oz off an XTE 300 drawing about 235 watts from the wall:) do the math:)lol....getting ready to order another one Ice:).....have a great day

The tallest buds are about 10" away from the lights and the average canopy height is around 13-15" away. So far I haven't experienced any bleaching in this grow, but my last grow they bleached around 8-10" away (center of the panel)

Supercropping works well to control the canopy height, even in flowering :)

Yea I can say I am very very happy that I have the XTE lights :) I honestly love testing different LED's but I find it very hard to believe there is better out there... I only can think of like 2 other brands that even use premium LED diodes :)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Maybe I dun goofed. But 2x4.. 3 x XTE-200.. or 2 x XTE 300? Figure I would go with the traditional 3 x for more coverage, but then I can never get that full 3 panels under that single area. Would the 3 xte counter cross giving more then that straight 3 aiming down?

Hey Ellision....hmmm that's a hard choice..

I would have to say either option would be virtually ideal, and either way you decide you should be very happy.

I think that the coverage for either option would be fairly similar, however I think the 3x XTE 200's would give a slightly more even light footprint than the 2x XTE's with slightly less intensity for very tall plants, where as 2x XTE 300's would give much better intensity for larger plants, but might not spread as evenly as the 3x XTE 200's...

Its hard to really say because you would have to consider your grow style to really get the optimal setup..for instance...if you grow just 2 very large plants in the tent, i would go with the 2x 300's...

But if you were growing more of a scrog, SOG, or many smaller plants that aren't thick and bushy, then I think the 3x 200's would be a better fit...

Either way both options would be exceptional for that tent... really its just down to your grow style...but both would be very sufficient!
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

if you are saying that you have a2 by 4 foot space, I think you would be just fine with two of the 200 units. I'm using an xte300 and a ds200 in a 4x4 space for flowering and is more than adequate.

Not to step on any toes Chippy but i grow in a 2 x 4 tray that is a few inches over.......i have one XTE 300 on one half and a mars that i am getting ready to replace with another XTE personal opinion is two of the 300's is about the smallest i would a height of about 24" it covers a little over half of my two should complement it just right:)......

Happy Daze Ice....I hope all is good in your life my friend:)

No worries. My feelings arent hurt easily. I do agree that two of the 300's world be great, and could always be dialed back if necessary.

Also, I grow highly trained short plants that start flowering at only about 9 inches high, so light penetration for tall plants is less of concern for me since they rarely top 3 feet.

i have just recently started training mine heavier for shorter overall girls.....havent decided which way i like better yet:) mind is always changing anyhow:)lol....And :welcome:to :420:my friend.....some of the most knowledgeable and kind people are right on this forum:)....if you ever have any questions or would like to post pics of your girls feel free to visit my garden.....just like here there are lot of caring and great people that quickly turn in to much more than online aquaintenances:).......

So you would say that the XTE 300 x 2 is better then the XTE 200 x 3. See, the xte 200 does a nice job covering a 2x2 - but in a 2x 4 it looses in the middle for obvious reasons. xte 300 would give off more for that 1 plant within that 2x2... But does the xte 200 x 3 give off as much as 2 xte300 over that 2x 2 or just a better coverage area ?

Only reason im asking, is because I jumped the boat and have the xte 200 and I think it's great. But just like ice mud, I wanted to over kill my tent with "3 units" and the pricing wasn't very much different from grabbing 2 xte 300 vs 3 x xte 200.

Being Canadian, 1 xte is near 900$ almost 1000 after all said an done with taxes and custom fees.

In my opinion Ellison if you want over kill....then purchase two XTE 300s and place your 200 in the middle of them.....evenly spaced and you should rock it:).....if i had the money i wouldnt mind picking up one of the 200's for the center.....i dont htink it is necessary but i do love soem extra lighting:) fact i use osram light bars as side lighting as well:)lol......

I just noticed that you are new as well so :welcome:to :420:as well my friend:).....and the invitation to post questions and related pics on my journal is extended to you as well:)......
I hope this helps you out some in your decision:)

Sorry Ice for jacking your journal....just thought i could help a bit until you return:)

Wow... I want to say!!! You guys are awesome!!! I love 420 Mag and the members here :)

Thanks for answering the question and I really appreciate you all for jumping in and helping a fellow member, especially a noob! LOL j/k Ellison!! and welcome to 420 Magazine!!!

I think all of you provided some very very good info, especially good to have others input that have experience with different models and sizes :)

Here is how I would answer that question..and you guys pretty much said exactly what I would have :)

Hey Ellision....hmmm that's a hard choice..

I would have to say either option would be virtually ideal, and either way you decide you should be very happy.

I think that the coverage for either option would be fairly similar, however I think the 3x XTE 200's would give a slightly more even light footprint than the 2x XTE's with slightly less intensity for very tall plants, where as 2x XTE 300's would give much better intensity for larger plants, but might not spread as evenly as the 3x XTE 200's...

Its hard to really say because you would have to consider your grow style to really get the optimal setup..for instance...if you grow just 2 very large plants in the tent, i would go with the 2x 300's...

But if you were growing more of a scrog, SOG, or many smaller plants that aren't thick and bushy, then I think the 3x 200's would be a better fit...

Either way both options would be exceptional for that tent... really its just down to your grow style...but both would be very sufficient!
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Advanced led recommends 22-26" for the XTE's
also all three of my XTE-300's pull 250w or slightly more from the wall 235w seems a little low. be sure both dials are fully on I've bumped mine down without noticing before.

These are amazing Led lights , I too broke personal single plant yield records on my first run. :high-five:

Great pics Ice , your lighting for your shots is great and thats no easy task . :) +reps

Hey Ronnie!!!!

Thanks for jumping in while I was away :) mucho appreciation!

Mine measure all around 250w +/-< 3W

I can't wait to see the results of this grow...I'm hoping to shatter my all time total yield record with this grow using 750W of LED, and previously held by 1000W of HID :) (574g is my record yield for this sized tent, using 1x 400w Phillips Retrowhite CMH and 1x 600w Ushio Optired HPS)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Looks good ice. Looks like i will be getting rid of the xml 3500 and getting 2 xte 200

I would keep the XML and get 2x XTE's ! haha! :)

The XTE's are amazing lights!
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

I only using a total of 500 watts in a x4 I can imagine 3 200's in a 2x4 would be pretty intense
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Today makes day 29 of flowering and the girls continue to grow and look better every day :)

I mixed up some compost tea yesterday adding some tandj tea, dry molasses, alfalfa and kelp meals, some gen hydro floroblend tea extract, 2-4-0 hydrolyzed fish, and some yucca extract and a little azomite and epsom salts, and let it bubble until today. I gave the girls a nice foliar spray of the tea as well as watered them with the tea, and will add water to it and repeat the soil feeding tomorrow.

Other than that the humidity has been extremely dry lately... off shore breezes again so I'm getting that desert wind, but I have managed to keep the humidity around at least 25% in the tents... outside of the tents around 5-10% RH. I swear I've drank like 3 gallons or more of water today and I still feel dehydrated...

I noticed my university hills og looks a little discolored so I hope the compost teas straitens out whatever is going on with her, and I noticed that some of the lower leaves are yellowing which means they might need more N, so hopefully the compost tea will fix all that, but I will keep a watchful eye :)

They still are looking amazing and I can't believe how purple the back plant is... Really not sure what strain it is..was supposed to be Purple Urkle but it didn't taste like it last grow so really not sure.. it tasted like GSC. It is beautiful though whatever it is.

Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Looks Great like Always Brotha :thumb:
I cant say enough about these led's the quality is there and the lifespan proves it
the quality of the buds prove it theres not enough I can say about Advanced led's
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

So I decided to test my brix levels tonight on the plants both the sap and the leaf smashed to see where I am at. My guess was around a 13-14 or so before I took the tests because even though they have great leaf posture, they don't really have the shine I am used to seeing with the higher brix levels.

To test the Sap, Immediately after cutting off a leaf I squeezed just the stem onto the refractometer to get only sap out of the stem, and no plant material from broken cells. For testing the leaf I rolled the leaf into a ball and squished the ball about 5-7 times in the pliers, then a few drops are squeezed out.

Boy did I surprise myself :) (all of the brixs readings had a very blury line which supposedly means a higher tds so it was really hard to get an exact read.

Front right unknown plant (was supposed to be GDP)
: Sap 8, Leaf 14-15 brix

Back Right unknown purple plant (was supposed to be purple urkle): Sap 11, Leaf 20+ was so dark I really couldn't see where the line ended. was over 20.

Front mystery kush: Sap 13, Leaf 19-20 brix

Blue dream: Sap 9, Leaf 17-19, very blury line

Churchberry: Sap 7, Leaf 16 brix

UVH OG: Sap 7-8, leaf 17 brix

To my surprise, when I juiced the unknown plant (the very purple one) the juice stained my fingers and so I squeezed some of the juice on a white paper towel to show... I've never seen completely purple juice in the plant :) lots of anthocyanins?

Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

I've had that really dark juice with a couple of my plants. :cheesygrinsmiley:

My purple Panama got literally inky - could hardly see the prism gauge. :laughtwo:

I'm not surprised at the brix readings. In fact, I repped you on the previous post because your leaves looked so great. Then I get to this one and see the readings ... yup, this is a very nice set of plants you have going. :slide:

Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Hey Ice--
Rep given for another phenomenal grow journal with great details & documentation. Thanks for doing these journals; they are highly educational for the audience.
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Damn those girls look good ice.

5.5 weeks into flowering with the xml 350
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Wow... I want to say!!! You guys are awesome!!! I love 420 Mag and the members here :)

Thanks for answering the question and I really appreciate you all for jumping in and helping a fellow member, especially a noob! LOL j/k Ellison!! and welcome to 420 Magazine!!!

I think all of you provided some very very good info, especially good to have others input that have experience with different models and sizes :)

Here is how I would answer that question..and you guys pretty much said exactly what I would have :)

Hey Ellision....hmmm that's a hard choice..

I would have to say either option would be virtually ideal, and either way you decide you should be very happy.

I think that the coverage for either option would be fairly similar, however I think the 3x XTE 200's would give a slightly more even light footprint than the 2x XTE's with slightly less intensity for very tall plants, where as 2x XTE 300's would give much better intensity for larger plants, but might not spread as evenly as the 3x XTE 200's...

Its hard to really say because you would have to consider your grow style to really get the optimal setup..for instance...if you grow just 2 very large plants in the tent, i would go with the 2x 300's...

But if you were growing more of a scrog, SOG, or many smaller plants that aren't thick and bushy, then I think the 3x 200's would be a better fit...

Either way both options would be exceptional for that tent... really its just down to your grow style...but both would be very sufficient!

We all have to be a noob at some point :D and i'm okay with that and learning a lot quickly! Your journal defe gave me the go a head to grab my first xte 200. Currently the xte 200 is covering a 2 x 2 scrog and on the other half of my 2 x 2 I have a 250 hps going and my plant is LSTED.
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

I've had that really dark juice with a couple of my plants. :cheesygrinsmiley:

My purple Panama got literally inky - could hardly see the prism gauge. :laughtwo:

I'm not surprised at the brix readings. In fact, I repped you on the previous post because your leaves looked so great. Then I get to this one and see the readings ... yup, this is a very nice set of plants you have going. :slide:


Yeah same happened when trying to test the brix of it... thats why I put 20+, cause I really couldn't see where the line ended, or even began for that matter, the purple against the blue was very very hard to see, but I managed after trying a bright LED flashlight was able to see that it was somewhere in the low 20 range...

It was very much like ink... stained my fingers, even the clump of the plant mash after testing I threw into my toilet, and the purple was drifting away and swirling in the water just like a dye would... was pretty awesome :)

I appreciate the rep my friend! I'm just trying to perfect things now with my plants now that I have found an amazing light source :)
now if I can just keep the health all the way through the grow, i will be extremely happy :)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Ice, looking Great! :) did you taste the juice?

I didn't taste it, I should...

I did smell it though... it smelled like a raspberry sawdust kind of smell with a little bit of a funky cheese smell... very odd actually :)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Hey Ice--
Rep given for another phenomenal grow journal with great details & documentation. Thanks for doing these journals; they are highly educational for the audience.

Hey Stimpy!

I really appreciate the luv! Thanks a bunch!

I enjoy doing the journals :) keeps me always wanting to perfect my craft even more :)
Re: Icemud's LED Overkill - 3x Advanced LED XTE 300s - Blue Dream - University Hills

Damn those girls look good ice.

5.5 weeks into flowering with the xml 350

Beautiful garden Pursuit!

Those buds are getting really fat!

These Advanced lights are the real deal for sure :)
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