I'm a bit lost, where should I post?


420 Member
Hello everyone. Just here to introduce myself and maybe get some help on where to post with certain topics. I'm luvrin and currently doing a grow (my first). I thought it would be a fairly straightforward process... I've since learned that you can read up on the subject for years but until you grow it yourself first hand, you don't know what you're doing. I've encountered many problems! Would I benefit from posting in the grow journal section or should I just ask. If I were to ask, where do I ask? I've included a picture of my setup just because I like how the lights make everything a pretty pink hue. You've probably guessed by now that that's my favourite colour!


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Hello, and welcome to 420 Magazine Luvrin.
Don't worry you will get used to navigating yourself around here in no time.
I suggest you do create a grow journal under journals in progress. Read what typical info is usually included in a journal and describe your grow best you can with pics preferably. People will then be able to follow along with what you do and offer advice along the way. It's much more helpful to you than just asking the odd question. The journal provides us all with a track record of what you have done and how best to correct issues if you come across any.
Cheers. :ganjamon:
Also I should mention that if you don't get the answers you need through your journal it's also perfectly acceptable to post the question under "commonly asked questions". The journals are great but they don't always get the attention you desire. If you need immediate help and the journal isn't getting enough traffic to help answer it quickly enough go ahead and post it and give a link to the journal.
Welcome, @luvrin . Feel free to post any questions here until you get a feel for things here. A grow journal will be good. Check out the newbie link in my signature below.
Alafornia, I just had a quick read of your intro post as well as the autism study with cannibis. Interesting stuff! I too have a son with autism so perhaps one day I could try him on it.

I will start a grow journal soon, but I do have one question that is driving me mad, trying to Google the answer. I have a feminised Northern Light (Phoenix seeds) and she sprouted 16 days ago. She is under a fairly weak LED grow light, only 30W. Due to space, she's quite close to it, about 4" perhaps. In a seedling potting mix with maybe 40% perlite. I've give no nutes. Her PH is 6.5(ish). She has now started to show curling leaves. Is this heat stress from being too close to the light? The temp stays between 20°C-26°C and humidity ranges from 45% - 55%. Light schedule of 18/6. What am I doing wrong? Also, why does she smell already? I got a Northern Light because I read that they produce low odour :nervous-guy:


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If I'm "hearing" you right she's in soil with a good bit of perlite?

First thing I think of is the wet/dry cycle. Are you letting the pot dry between waterings? Read Emilya's how to water a potted plant as linked in my sig. That perlite holds moisture so you may need to wait longer between waterings.

My NL is from Pyramid Seeds and is a stanky girl. Very piney. But she didn't smell until closer to going into flower.
P.S. Because I'm half asleep and about to go back to sleep:

The cannabis can help with a number of issues in autism from appetite to anxiety. Depending on your situation you may want to start with a CBD regimen prior to trying THC. Mine are older. My teenager started with Charlotte's Web before we went to a 1:1 5mg. We began once a day and three times a day seemed the sweet spot. When done with the grow I'll be making an oil that will go into capsules and we'll be at about 7.5 mg 1:1 (CBD:THC so 7.5/7.5mg each) TID.

Look forward to talking with you more about your plants and especially your son. :)
Yes, soil with lots of perlite. I usually leave her to dry for 3 or 4 days, but today I felt the top of the soil and it felt like dessert sand, very airy and dry. I went into panic mode and watered her after only 2 days. I'm a bit grossed out by soil so I usually just lift the pot and feel how heavy it is. I'll have a read of the watering info and leave her to dry for a few days in the meantime. :thanks:
Sounds like you have done lots of reading and have yourself off to a great start.
When it comes to watering it sounds like you have a pretty good grasp but I am a little worried that you might be watering too much. As suggested Emilya has a great article on "how to water a potted plant". It goes into great detail.
In a nut shell don't go by the top of the soil with your finger. That will lead you down a tough road.
Just go by the weight of the pots. If they feel like they are practically empty it's ready for water. If your leaves droop slightly it's no big deal but don't let the plant wilt too terribly. Wet to dry, wet to dry, wet to dry... repeat.
Agree with @Greenlizard. I like to wait until they "tell me" that they are ready for water. I wait for a slight droop and then water. I check on them each morning right before the lights go off, and then again in the evening right when the lights come on. So little chance that the droop will effect them negatively.

Hasn't hurt them the last 3 grows!
Thank you, Greenlizard and zeroday! I'm going to hold off on watering until I know for sure she's dry (by lifting). Perhaps she will even wilt for me. I'm hoping that the curling leaves will straighten up and that overwatering was the only issue Will start that grow journal soon! :thanks:

As @zeroday stated, waiting until the leaves begin to droop (and even then waiting some more) in veg is the way to go. You are actively trying to get your roots to root for water. Once you hit flower you put those roots you grew to work for the plant.
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