Interesting thoughts you've had while stoned?

i dont even understand what a dimension is!

i read this book in 7th or 8th grade that my algebra teacher made me read and i forgot what it was called, but it was about shapes and there were only 2 dimensions... i was so lost the entire time.
i dont even understand what a dimension is!

i read this book in 7th or 8th grade that my algebra teacher made me read and i forgot what it was called, but it was about shapes and there were only 2 dimensions... i was so lost the entire time.

I watched something that said if we could reach a higher state of being we could see people all around us who are in higher demensions....Then I saw something yesterday that said every physical thing we see does'nt really exist how we see it and they said it could be proved if you go in the bathroom and turn out the lights and shine a flashlight under your face that your face would change for like 2 seconds or so. I never tried it though.
one time i found myself wondering what doctors do with the blood they take.
after they are done doing tests and have no use for it anymore.
every now and than i think of ridiculous things and questions.
but a majority of the time i just chill and listen to music.
I just like to think how we aren't the only intelligent life forms in the universe. I'm not talking about aliens or anything. I'm just saying that there are millions of planets out there that we will probably never be able to explore. These things are trillions of miles away in completely other galaxies. What are the chances that we are the only intelligent species in the whole universe? Then I try and imagine what they look like. I have come up with the craziest things.
I read the other day, that a NASA 2010 project is in the works that will refine the estimate or earth-like planets (current estimate was 10^22)

I find it quite hard to believe that we are alone in the universe, but like everyone else, I don't know what I don't know.

Hit it first, think it second, understand it better later!
mine.. (been prooven untrue but interesting to think about) had to say that because I have had pple believe me.. anyway. here it is

say I see this site as green, you see this site as green, we could be seeing completly different colors but we were both raised from birth that that color is called green . . i once came close to figuring out the secrets of the universe, then my head hurt so we finished watching natural born killers lol

you know thats not not a bad thought. ive always been perplexed by that same thought except instead of colors its speech! our brains have just learned to adjust. and to an extent it makes sense. take some one from the south and from the north west... two totally different accents but still the same language... our brain can compensate and some how we can figure out what he/she is saying throught that thick accent. hmmmm im stoned
Yeah you're right about the mathematical point of view part. I guess my exaggeration and sarcasm dont really have a place in this thread. My apologies.


I really liked what you wrote, got my brain juices flowing. I came back this morning to see if you'd replied and your post had evaporated :(

The whole "are we alone" conundrum is a great diversion for a properly adjusted frame of mind ;)
I had an interesting thought just now while stoned. I thought I was on on a thread concerning interesting thoughts you've had while stoned. But now I know that none of it is true, it is just this screen before me casting its visions and dreams into my little ol' noggin. It all tracks back to the primate. You know the one in a research facility in New Jersey. The one that is hallucinating this entire conversation and those involved, you and me. She met another and POOF she was gone.
tension vector transient structures --- houses of cards

go to watch waterburn that radio is in shortwave range

wouldn't it be a huge moment if some hippie type builds a water burning engine that transforms the world energy market out of
a 300 watt used ham radio glass labware with trickle feed custom antenna/emitter plates stock water supply tank electronic grill igniter or such and old lawn mower engines converted to either stirling cycle or burning low pressure direcetd h2 &o2 gas emmission of kanzius effect hydrogen generator with custom manifold oh and you need to be able topolarize that RF e,mmision at a steady 13.56 MHz to get the salt water to burn
any mix from 1% to 30 % salt in the water will burn at the surface with 1800%C flame when ignited no co2 sounds like a garage lab revolution in the making might be eligible for government stimulus $$$ just think what if some motorhead hippie machinist created a stirling cycle hot continous manifold for intake air that would drive a standard in line 4 cylinder block with a custom stirling cycle head and intake manifold modified from existing compononents that used the kanzius effect to burn water in the hot intake burnerunit/manifold burner
tension vector transient structures --- houses of cards

go to watch waterburn that radio is in shortwave range

wouldn't it be a huge moment if some hippie type builds a water burning engine that transforms the world energy market out of
a 300 watt used ham radio glass labware with trickle feed custom antenna/emitter plates stock water supply tank electronic grill igniter or such and old lawn mower engines converted to either stirling cycle or burning low pressure direcetd h2 &o2 gas emmission of kanzius effect hydrogen generator with custom manifold oh and you need to be able topolarize that RF e,mmision at a steady 13.56 MHz to get the salt water to burn
any mix from 1% to 30 % salt in the water will burn at the surface with 1800%C flame when ignited no co2 sounds like a garage lab revolution in the making might be eligible for government stimulus $$$ just think what if some motorhead hippie machinist created a stirling cycle hot continous manifold for intake air that would drive a standard in line 4 cylinder block with a custom stirling cycle head and intake manifold modified from existing compononents that used the kanzius effect to burn water in the hot intake burnerunit/manifold burner

On a packed my first goal of the day about a half-hour ago. This thought just popped into my head. The President and Congress agreed on a $729 billion stimulus bill. If you were to try to stack 729 billion one dollar bills in a pile, how high would it go?
about 5000 miles thick @ 0.0043" each
You bet Does that make us old?
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