Is A Carbon Filter Necessary?


Active Member
So I just upgraded my 4" vivosun fan to a 6" AC infinity fan and I don't have a 6" filter. I was going to mount the 4" filter to fit onto the 6" fan with a 6"-4" reducer but not sure if that will make the fan run harder and lower the CFM of the fan. Not sure what people's thoughts are on doing this.
I am venting outside anyways and I live in Canada where growing is legal so I'm not too worried about the smell outside.
Can I get away with out using a carbon filter in my tent? Will this damage the fan at all?
Some folks are sensitive to the smell especially towards the end of flower.
I.e. Mrs Cough usually gets a little congested around week 6, so the filter helps a little with that. Otherwise has no affect on the plants.
I would buy or make a pre-filter but don’t put dryer sheets near your grow unless you want that detergent scent to be incorporated into your buds. yes it can happen search for ona gel flavored buds
Heck you could probably use an old tshirt or something as a dust cover
If smell isn't an issue, is the filter necessary at all?

I live on the third floor in my apartment building at an intersection. And there's usually a breeze blowing. My 4" inline fan is between my tent and the window. There's no more than five feet of flexible duct from the tent to the window. I don't imagine smell being an issue.

I'm planning on a second tent so I can grow four plants at a time. I would put a 4" fan between the first and second tent (with minimal distance between the two). The second tent would have a 6" fan that would blow out the window.

So. Filter (or filters)? Yea or Nay?
If you are legal and you don't mind the smell, no the filter is not necessary. I have one installed in my room, and turn it on when/if the smell gets overwhelming and leave it off otherwise. It's also nice having the ducted fan to vent outside in the case where my humidity goes too high.
Mrs Cough usually gets a little congested around week 6
I usually get congested and have a cough around week 20 haha

I don't think your fan is going to catch noticeable resistance from a 2" drop in diameter. I would suggest a screen with a dryer sheet or at least a really fine mesh screen to keep critters out.
It blows out to the street (about 30' above street level). I can't imagine anyone smelling it, much less pinpointing it to my window.
I get the logic but I would rather spend maybe $200 on a carbon filter and increasing the stealth level. Some strains are low key but a skunk can raise some flags. I always error on the side of caution though. Actually 200 is probably a steep estimate. I think my last carbon filter was about 75 and did a great job. I have bought more expensive ones jn the past. I think they maybe lasted a bit longer but a decent one can be picked up for about 75. Depends on your fan strength and tent size. Question is do you care if people might know that you grow. If yes, get a filter
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