Is My Plant Okay?


Active Member
Hi Guys! Im a new grower and I recently changed my light sched to 12/12 to start flowering. I turned them off for 36 hours on Nov 30th and turned them back on to begin the cycle on Dec 2nd.
Im noticing that the plants havent rly grown or changed very much since the new light schedule, and I also noticed curling in the leaves of one of them.
I was hoping someone could tell me why my plants may seem to be growing slower? And why these leaves are curling the way they are?
(Normal seeds)


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Why turn lights off for 36hours? Seems unnecessary but if it works good way to save power. Leaves curling are not good in veg leaves should be lush. Better description of what your doing like John said and 420Forum will get your girls back on track!!
Hi there, what kind of media and nites are you using.

Im using Miracle Gro unfourtanetly, but i did flush it after i did research and found out its one of the worst mediums to grow in.

Im using Fox Farm Nutes. Big Bloom, Big Buds, and Grow Big I believe. Whatever 3 come together in tht amazon pack..

I havent fed since nov 30th because the soil seems to be retaining a lot more water than usial. Im assuming thats due to the 8 hours less of light a day. Trying hard not to overfeed them.
Why turn lights off for 36hours? Seems unnecessary but if it works good way to save power. Leaves curling are not good in veg leaves should be lush. Better description of what your doing like John said and 420Forum will get your girls back on track!!

Idk man. Like I said Im new. And all i got is youtube and on several vids the growers were saying to give the plants like 24-36 hours of straight darkness before switching light schedule...other than what ive said i dont think theres very much more info i can give.

They didnt look like this till after light sched change. And i havent even fed since nov 30th so im pretty sure its not overwatered atm..

Any help, helps though.
Idk man. Like I said Im new. And all i got is youtube and on several vids the growers were saying to give the plants like 24-36 hours of straight darkness before switching light schedule...other than what ive said i dont think theres very much more info i can give.

They didnt look like this till after light sched change. And i havent even fed since nov 30th so im pretty sure its not overwatered atm..

Any help, helps though.

Im no pro just sharing my opinion for you to consider. Definitely dry them out @Emilya has a how to water plants guide that has worked for many myself included. Your in a tough spot soil wise but consider this when you flip from veg to flower the plant changes modes and more vigorous growth begins called the stretch where a plant 8 weeks old can double in size in a matter of a couple weeks. Your plants may be starving due to the inability of the roots to take up nutrients due to something as simple as ph. Perhaps you need a flush at proper ph to get them feeding properly again.
GoodLuck Grow Hard!!
Happy 420!!
It was all good before the flip. Total darkness for 36 hours...hmmm. Then problems with leaves. Stress would be a pretty fair guess in this scenario. If other symptoms begin, that's when I'd rethink the ink. give er a few days. Any type of stress will make little sister mad and shes bound to pout for a few days, some little sisters stay mad longer, some never get over it lol. Hope the best 4 u.
Im no pro just sharing my opinion for you to consider. Definitely dry them out @Emilya has a how to water plants guide that has worked for many myself included. Your in a tough spot soil wise but consider this when you flip from veg to flower the plant changes modes and more vigorous growth begins called the stretch where a plant 8 weeks old can double in size in a matter of a couple weeks. Your plants may be starving due to the inability of the roots to take up nutrients due to something as simple as ph. Perhaps you need a flush at proper ph to get them feeding properly again.
GoodLuck Grow Hard!!
Happy 420!!
Yes MG is a nasty word...I'm in it right now and doing just fine. But I will not go MG route again. I can only baby dose In bloom. Very hard medium to grow cannabis in imo. But grow and learn lol.
looks like a wee bit of over water and over fert. the watering situation you can correct.
the nute side of the equation is at the mercy of the miracle kill they were planted in.

miracle kill tends to burn things up early, then will toss both deficiencies and excesses in flower. there really is no way to adjust for it. :goodluck:
Im using Miracle Gro unfourtanetly, but i did flush it after i did research and found out its one of the worst mediums to grow in.

Im using Fox Farm Nutes. Big Bloom, Big Buds, and Grow Big I believe. Whatever 3 come together in tht amazon pack..

I havent fed since nov 30th because the soil seems to be retaining a lot more water than usial. Im assuming thats due to the 8 hours less of light a day. Trying hard not to overfeed them.

I havent fed since nov 30th because the soil seems to be retaining a lot more water than usial.

Lock out?
Why turn lights off for 36hours? Seems unnecessary but if it works good way to save power. Leaves curling are not good in veg leaves should be lush. Better description of what your doing like John said and 420Forum will get your girls back on track!!
I could be wrong but I believe there’s a bro-science that believes if you leave the plant in the dark for 24 hours before changing its light schedule it somehow allows it to adapt to the new schedule more quickly and therefore flowers faster. That’s the whole idea behind it, is to make plant flower faster.
The 36hr darkness shocked the plants, and stunted growth temporarily, should be fine within a week i imagine

Okay sounds possible.
A lot of people are saying Nute probs tho and nute lockout....I was actually late when feeding nutes because I didnt know when I was supposed to start.
And I also microdosed everytime i fed.
If the schedule said to feed 3tbsp, id to 1tbsp...or maybe even less...
So i rly dont see how that would cause nute lockout?
Should I flush or just wait and see what happens?
Im rly confused bcuz the other plant thats been growing with it since the beginning is just fine...clearly a dif strain, but still fed the same and in same environment?
Idk..starting to think cannabis may be a little too sensitive for me to grow. As tired as i am for paying for it, if something as simple as changing the light sched can be the reason between me having a successful grow or not, than i might just say F it.

There werent no humans in nature out there controlling nutrient levels, water levels, or light sched time, so why whenever its in a controlled environment it seems to be just as vulnerable to problems as a regular seed that fell off a tree into a field somewhere..
Thanks for the help!


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miracle kill is a time release nuted soil. it has different chemical nutes designed to break down and become available to the plant at different times. as a result it's hard to tell what it is getting and when. if it get's, too much of something, it's hard or impossible to stop.

it looks to be in an over nute with the claw. maybe ph lockout due to too much of something. that's a best guess.
the two situations can be related. it can be difficult to pick them apart.

most liquid nute lines are designed for you to feed from a blank slate. a media with little or zero nutes. you are in control.
What are your environmental temps?
Looks like possibly a deficiency caused by PH issue (= nute lockout).

BUT she's still okay!

Definitely don't want her sitting in wet soil for too long = root rot (then she'll really have lockout!)
Maybe you could manually dry her out some how? Hair dryer over soil? Leave her in the sun for a day? Dehumidifier? Etc?
Yes, in nature these problems don't occur and why all the living soil growers are reading this and pitying all of us bottle buyers because they're mimicking natures soil food web.
Also, maybe adding some beneficial microbes and enzymes will help buffer against the inbalance. it's like the movie idiocracy where they feed the crops Gatorade because "it has electrolytes that plants crave!" We watch it, laugh, and proceed to pour a bottle of salts on our garden!
What are your environmental temps?
Looks like possibly a deficiency caused by PH issue (= nute lockout).

BUT she's still okay!

Definitely don't want her sitting in wet soil for too long = root rot (then she'll really have lockout!)
Maybe you could manually dry her out some how? Hair dryer over soil? Leave her in the sun for a day? Dehumidifier? Etc?
Yes, in nature these problems don't occur and why all the living soil growers are reading this and pitying all of us bottle buyers because they're mimicking natures soil food web.
Also, maybe adding some beneficial microbes and enzymes will help buffer against the inbalance. it's like the movie idiocracy where they feed the crops Gatorade because "it has electrolytes that plants crave!" We watch it, laugh, and proceed to pour a bottle of salts on our garden!

Okay thanks .

Keeping temmps at 40- 60 at night and 60-70 day

So as of right now i should prolly just flush them and leave them outside for a day or somethin like that?

I have a bad feeling if i flush im just going to ruin the whole plant.

The ph level are always 6.5. I balance them with ph up and down. Ive always used 6.5 havent changed.
Nah, they'll be fine with a flush. They'll tell you when they're hungry. If you're using pre mixed soil flushing wont remove all the nutrients but will dilute them a bit. Also i forgot to mention worm castings as an excellent source of microbes available at most garden centers
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