Journal Time!

I prefer sipping a rare brandy or port
So... I know who I am going to for port recommendations.

GT always describes thing so I can understand.

I dont think you can go wrong with your choice from ACE. Everything I have grown from them was a strong grower. Some stronger than others but good stuff for a clumsy grower like me.

good luck:goodluck:
So... I know who I am going to for port recommendations.

GT always describes thing so I can understand.

I dont think you can go wrong with your choice from ACE. Everything I have grown from them was a strong grower. Some stronger than others but good stuff for a clumsy grower like me.

good luck:goodluck:
When I start with them it'll only be my third grow and I've only grown two plants lol

Port and brandy are good...

When I came across Ace I noticed I gravitated towards their products so I read their... business model I suppose it is and was like yeah thats def something I can stand behind. Plus they have stuff I am looking for. I am trying to do a cbd project and while I am by no means ready to start I can buy the beginnings of it and start making the seeds from where I want to start and have some good bud until I am ready to start. Right now my living situation is weird, I don't have the indoor space to do what I want and I am not sure my landlord would take kindly to me growing four to six plants outside. While I am sure I can talk him down if he sees the one I grow occasionally I am not trying to start problems. I am in SoCal so it's legal but the landlords have the say so =[
So... I know who I am going to for port recommendations.

GT always describes thing so I can understand.

I dont think you can go wrong with your choice from ACE. Everything I have grown from them was a strong grower. Some stronger than others but good stuff for a clumsy grower like me.

good luck:goodluck:
When I start with them it'll only be my third grow and I've only grown two plants lol.
Destroyer def caught my intertest but then I was like that sounds mighty potent. I may just grab the BKxPCK as that is what I am leaning towards anyways. I was just hoping to get some insight into both and clear up my confusion as obv hashplant is... well a hashplant and to my understanding so is PCK.
I may grab Destroyer anyways though =]

Does this plant look healthy? My concern is the centers of the top node and the new growth are bright green, maybe even yellow. I can't say the lower nodes had it but my memory isn't the best. I will watch it though to see if it disappears with time or if it's just the way the new growth starts/is.
Understood. I am in a small apartment in a legal city on the east coast. The maintenance guys must know....o_O but I keep it small and easy so it dont go down sleazy.
As long as it's legal and you're not crawling attention to yourself or acting a fool I don't see what the problem would be. Honestly even if it wasn't legal.
We have had the occasional notice from the apartment complex about stinky the dank. But I have never seen or heard much. We been burning the dank since before it became legal in here. No-one says anything to us
It seems since it became legal it has become an issue, meh, what do i know.
I call it 510 time cause 510 burns up the skunukniest. tehehehehe.
peace & :rollit:
Yeah I've noticed when I sit on porch and burn one that the people walking by give me a look. We live in Cali people c'mon...

I know these are essentially all the same picture but whatevs.

Does anyone know what's going on there? It peels/flakes off and seems to go up to the third node. It kind of just seems like the skin they have when they are younger but I can't say I've seen this before. Like it staying round and flaking off.
No worries. That looks totally normal to me. Some get woody faster that others, and I always took that as a good sign - growing vigorously.

No worries. That looks totally normal to me. Some get woody faster that others, and I always took that as a good sign - growing vigorously.


Thank you kindly! I figured it was fine as the plant is growing well (like a quarter node a day) and it flakes off like dry skin. BUT I am nerveous and want to catch anything as soon as possible so I wanted to make sure it wasn't an organism eating my plant.
indeed no problem, I forget the name of it, it is part of secondary growth, kind of the transition from seedling/sapling stage to stronger fiber stem. It is the cellular structure dividing and multiplying. Like graytail said, good sign.
I guess maybe the silica level in the dirt helped boost it or the strain just develops it quicker. I was just nervous it may be an organism eating my plant! Speaking of silica when it's time to water again I may add a bit just because I have it.
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