Journal Time!

Botrytis. Interesting. I always thought moisture was the culprit there. I am not doubting you, I just find it interesting because I only water the dirt so the top of the plant doesn't get wet. I live in SoCal so rain in the summer is practically unheard of and humidity is low. Maybe the gardeners brought it from somewhere else and it spread to this plant =[ I'll have to get out there tonight and see what I can do about removing it. Hopefully it hasn't spread to the other plant.
I am to blind to tell if these are ready or not. I assume not as there really isn't any bud development imo anyways but I am to blind to tell through the loupe looking at the trichomes. Idk if it is my glasses and using two magnifying glasses but I am going to try using contacts next. I took pictures, blew them up on the computer and still can't tell what color the trichs are. Does anyone have any other thoughts as how to see the color? As I said I am 99.9% sure these aren't ready. I think it's day 40 of flower and they take at least 70 if I remember right. Also being as they are CBD I think I need to harvest them a week or two later for CBD content to be higher. But there is SO much mixed info regarding this that a definitive answer seems illusive.

These pictures are the lower to middle branches. I turn the plant every week or so to give both sides some sun. I know this isnt exactly necessary as the sun moves and there really isnt anything around to block it but I swear once I started doing that the plant looked different. I have taken a couple buds because the tips seem to be dying (I'll post pics next time I do it) and I would rather take it early than lose the whole bud. Plus it will give me an idea of where the plant is in maturity and I can take the whole thing if need be.

I've tried that and it seems to work the best. I've tried holding the loupe in a certain squared area and moving the buds to it. The list continues. My next thought is with contacts instead of having two magnifying glasses. Past that I will be taking pictures every two weeks most likely from the side trying to get the sun to shine through the trichs. I am not giving up on the loupe but I feel I will have better luck with the camera.
So this plant finished. I got a half ounce dry. The buds are mighty dry but that is probably due to not enough water during the whole cycle (I need to figure out my watering habits). It burns nice and the effect is nice but I do need to smoke some more for a better idea =D

I have a question and I seriously doubt this is the right place to ask it but it's my journal so why not?!

I would like to do some breeding. I haven't decided 100% where to start with this project as I don't have a mother room and I am not sure if the person I was in contact with is still available to lab test things for cbd, thc etc.

I am thinking of getting a pack each of a Lebanese land race and a Moroccan land race. The Lebanese is 1/2 - 8% THC and 6 - 16% CBD. The Moroccan is 2 - 5% THC and 0 - 2% CBD. I am trying to boost the THC of the Lebanese to at least 4, 6 - 8 would be better and keep the CBD 10 - 15% but a 3:1 would be fine.

I am kind of unsure if I should get a pack each of regular seeds or get one of them femenised and if so, which one? I know nothing when it comes to breeding other than hybrids need to be crossed back to their parents once in awhile but even that may be an opinion. I have some high THC crossing ideas also but I think this is where I want to start as my goal is to have various CBD ratios and I feel this may be a good start.
So out of not being sure where to post this I will just post it in my journal lol.

I am curious as to what breeders people like. Brexit made it where the vast majority (~90%) of what I had on my wish list can't be shipped to me. I have found a few shops that can ship to me and will resend if seised so I am willing to work with them. I am looking at Ace as they have quite few strains I am interested in, they will be the bulk of my seedstock. I am also looking at a few from Royal Queen, Elite, Eva and a few others. I just want other people two cents in case I am missing something.
So out of not being sure where to post this I will just post it in my journal lol.

I am curious as to what breeders people like. Brexit made it where the vast majority (~90%) of what I had on my wish list can't be shipped to me. I have found a few shops that can ship to me and will resend if seised so I am willing to work with them. I am looking at Ace as they have quite few strains I am interested in, they will be the bulk of my seedstock. I am also looking at a few from Royal Queen, Elite, Eva and a few others. I just want other people two cents in case I am missing something.
Hi Enjoying, @Weed Seeds Express is the last seed co I got seeds from. Grew the Godfather og and Pinkman Goo. I have to say they did a super job with them both. They grew strong, healthy, and had great flavor, strength, and yield.
Hi Enjoying, @Weed Seeds Express is the last seed co I got seeds from. Grew the Godfather og and Pinkman Goo. I have to say they did a super job with them both. They grew strong, healthy, and had great flavor, strength, and yield.
Thanks so much!
I'll take a look.

They do guarantee delivery which is nice but it just looks like another 420 site sadly.
So this has nothing to do with this journal BUT I have no idea where to post it so in an attempt not to mis place this more than it is already....

I am wondering if anyone has grown out Bubba Kush from Dinafem and Bubba Hash or BK X PCK from Ace and which was there preference. Why also applies.

Thanks in advance!
So this is my 2021 journal which I won't really keep update but I found thi interesting/cool and I'm wondering if anyone has any idea as to why this happens.

It's night time the plant is asleep the lower nodes show this but the new growth is praying.

Maybe it's not anything super interesting and it's just the new growth isn't big enough to droop but I find it interesting dammit!

So this is my 2021 journal which I won't really keep update but I found thi interesting/cool and I'm wondering if anyone has any idea as to why this happens.

It's night time the plant is asleep the lower nodes show this but the new growth is praying.

Maybe it's not anything super interesting and it's just the new growth isn't big enough to droop but I find it interesting dammit!

Haha, I do too! Maybe because of something called DLI, Daily Light Interval. It's an understanding of how much light a plant needs. I only know it's a thing.
So this has nothing to do with this journal BUT I have no idea where to post it so in an attempt not to mis place this more than it is already....

I am wondering if anyone has grown out Bubba Kush from Dinafem and Bubba Hash or BK X PCK from Ace and which was there preference. Why also applies.

Thanks in advance!
This guy has experience with all sorts, and has grown and grown, he can give a good report of which you seek.
this is his bubba hash day zero of flower.
hope you dont mind me pinching your pictuer GT.
Hi guys. :ciao:

First, the seed houses. I am completely sold on Ace Seeds, one of the few seed companies that are trying to preserve strains rather than mix every latest and greatest together. I prefer sipping a rare brandy or port, rather than from a bowl of everclear punch, ya know? They have great respect among the breeders and have access to some very special genetics because of it. Cannabiogen is another, as well as Bhodi Seeds.

Things are constantly evolving, but I tend to like the Spanish breeders best. I ran Eva's Jamaican Dream and liked it a lot, for instance.

I have a cut of Bubba Hash that was passed to me through a couple of members here. ( In fact, I just smoked some, mixed with a Brazilian sativa, a cross of Utopia Haze and Buddha Haze.) Mine is from at least 5 years ago, and I've read that their current offering is at least as good. I don't remember which member ran BK x PCK, but I remember they liked it a lot. Their PCK brings a lot of fruit and color. Bubba is mostly lemon. Was it Amy Gardner that ran Dinafems BK? :hmmmm:

That droop you see seems to be pretty normal for Kushes and other Afghanis. I never could get my Bubba Hash to stay perky, and I have an heirloom Pakistani that has the same limp habit. Plus, our plants develop an expectation of daybreak and sunset. You'll find that they'll droop shortly before the lights go out, and they'll often perk up before dawn. Not just Kushes.

It's great to see you getting around the forum. Welcome! :nerd-with-glasses:

[Edit] And I didn't give any whys. Oops. I haven't grown your other examples so I can't compare directly, but what I like about Bubba Hash is its heavy front end. It hits like it's a lot stronger than it is. I put it in the high teens THC the first time I smoked it, but it was closer to 13%. That makes it a great choice for a refresher hit. :cheesygrinsmiley: And unlike a lot of sedative herb (I prefer a buzzy buzz) it doesn't hang in there and put me on the couch. When the rush fades, it's more "comfortable" than sedative. Growing it is delightful. It "wants" to grow it seems, taking any little aberration in stride. I don't think I've grown another strain that was so eager. It will produce very hard dense buds by harvest time, and that harvest can be extended far beyond the typical 9 weeks if you want. I ran one to 11 weeks and it just kept getting denser. I'm pretty sure Ace has the original Bubba. It has a certain integrity to it, something I value highly in a strain.

Hi guys. :ciao:

First, the seed houses. I am completely sold on Ace Seeds, one of the few seed companies that are trying to preserve strains rather than mix every latest and greatest together. I prefer sipping a rare brandy or port, rather than from a bowl of everclear punch, ya know? They have great respect among the breeders and have access to some very special genetics because of it. Cannabiogen is another, as well as Bhodi Seeds.

CBG has caught my eye and I noticed Ace has a lot of their stuff too. I kind of just figured they were the same company operating as two. I am glad to know Ace has the respect of other breeders. Honestly the same thing that got you interested in Ace is what got me interested. I listened to Bhodis podcast on The Potcast, he seems like a REALLY good person. He's also helped out Indian Landrace Exchange to my understanding.

Things are constantly evolving, but I tend to like the Spanish breeders best. I ran Eva's Jamaican Dream and liked it a lot, for instance.

That strain also caught my interest. The CBD version also. What did you like about it? The indica side is what made me question it. I seem to gravitate towards the Spanish breeders....

I have a cut of Bubba Hash that was passed to me through a couple of members here. ( In fact, I just smoked some, mixed with a Brazilian sativa, a cross of Utopia Haze and Buddha Haze.) Mine is from at least 5 years ago, and I've read that their current offering is at least as good. I don't remember which member ran BK x PCK, but I remember they liked it a lot. Their PCK brings a lot of fruit and color. Bubba is mostly lemon. Was it Amy Gardner that ran Dinafems BK? :hmmmm:

I was looking at Dinafems BK but decided to go with Ace even though it's crossed mostly because it's Katsu's cut which I've heard a lot of good things about. Who knows though I've read that Dinafem may be part of HSO/HSC and if that is true it's possible theirs is Katsu's cut as both are in Cali - just North and South. In which case maybe that would be the one to go with as it's not crossed.

Your cut is from five years ago?

That droop you see seems to be pretty normal for Kushes and other Afghanis. I never could get my Bubba Hash to stay perky, and I have an heirloom Pakistani that has the same limp habit. Plus, our plants develop an expectation of daybreak and sunset. You'll find that they'll droop shortly before the lights go out, and they'll often perk up before dawn. Not just Kushes.

That plant is CBD Nurse Lily from Expert. I think it got droopy because the weather went weird. Now that it is warmer and I watered it, it's back to being perky. Thats good info to have though as when I do grow BK and it droops I wont be like uht oh I killed it. Honestly, I'll probs forget by then though lol.

It's great to see you getting around the forum. Welcome! :nerd-with-glasses:

Yeah, I've had a little time to sit and read things and now that it's growing season I may be a little more active as long as things don't get to busy for me. It's nice when people take the time to write responses like yours I must admit =]

[Edit] And I didn't give any whys. Oops. I haven't grown your other examples so I can't compare directly, but what I like about Bubba Hash is its heavy front end. It hits like it's a lot stronger than it is. I put it in the high teens THC the first time I smoked it, but it was closer to 13%. That makes it a great choice for a refresher hit. :cheesygrinsmiley: And unlike a lot of sedative herb (I prefer a buzzy buzz) it doesn't hang in there and put me on the couch. When the rush fades, it's more "comfortable" than sedative. Growing it is delightful. It "wants" to grow it seems, taking any little aberration in stride. I don't think I've grown another strain that was so eager. It will produce very hard dense buds by harvest time, and that harvest can be extended far beyond the typical 9 weeks if you want. I ran one to 11 weeks and it just kept getting denser. I'm pretty sure Ace has the original Bubba. It has a certain integrity to it, something I value highly in a strain.

In the description on their site it says Katsu cut. Not sure if that is the original but I haven't really heard any complaints about it other than it needs a long veg(for yield purposes) as it doesn't really stretch. But I think that was only once or twice so Idk how true it is. Plus it could just be a characteristic from that area so all the plants will do it...

I am of the understanding that PCK is a hashplant. This is what makes it difficult for me to decide honestly. BK x HP or BK x PCK just as a reminder so you know what I am saying lol.

I am there with you in liking a buzzy buzz. I need something to get me off the couch not put me on it and I don't much like when the come down makes you want to sleep. Those are the strains that make me more depressed (lethargic is a better word - though lethargy is a sign of depression), anxious and aggressive than I already am.


Thanks so much for you response!
The cropped one is a bit blurry but hopefully someone can tell me what bug this is. I had one on my plant last year and as far as I could tell it was beneficial. It didn't seem to eat the plant but I am pretty sure it is what pooped all over it! The one last year was like six times this though, at least if memory serves....


You should really try Destroyer from Cannabiogen. It's a special one. :love:

And from what I know of PCK (at least Ace's), it's a bit unusual. The post-rush high isn't typically lethargic. Ace has used it in a bunch of crosses. I wouldn't be very concerned to see it in a lineage unless the other side was known as a couch lock strain. It certainly calms the buzz, but it didn't bother me much, and I have no taste at all for couchy strains. Jamaican Dream was like that too. A hybrid high, but bright enough to keep me interested.
You should really try Destroyer from Cannabiogen. It's a special one. :love:

And from what I know of PCK (at least Ace's), it's a bit unusual. The post-rush high isn't typically lethargic. Ace has used it in a bunch of crosses. I wouldn't be very concerned to see it in a lineage unless the other side was known as a couch lock strain. It certainly calms the buzz, but it didn't bother me much, and I have no taste at all for couchy strains. Jamaican Dream was like that too. A hybrid high, but bright enough to keep me interested.
Destroyer def caught my intertest but then I was like that sounds mighty potent. I may just grab the BKxPCK as that is what I am leaning towards anyways. I was just hoping to get some insight into both and clear up my confusion as obv hashplant is... well a hashplant and to my understanding so is PCK.
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