Landrace Genetics 101

Thank you condradino .. i get some seed today from a friend of mine.. He told me that some of them sativa some of them indica turkish landraces.. i will grow them soon at the outdoor and indoor .. i will make a journal about it in greece .. maybe i can get some extra info about the landraces of Turkey and share with forum..
Ah, more Lebby growers here this year. We will have a Lebby grow club! Turn on the YouTube Lebanese hash videos, and crank up the qanun music to get in the mood. I actually did that this morning while tending my plants; tomorrow I will play South African music for my Durban Poison plants.

My Lebbies are a few inches tall now. I have the UK/RSC strain and a Swiss bread strain. The Swiss started out stronger but the UK grew bigger for a while, and now the Swiss ones are bigger again. Not that they are in a race but it is amusing. As far as phenos go, they are virtually identical. Which is typical in land race strains (in my experience).
As far as Turk and Greek land race strains go... it is thought that Greek Kalamata may actually be extinct. Greece has gone through many intense Cannabis eradication efforts in the past century by various governments there, the latest one being in the 1980s. Like Jamaican Lambs Breath, it is virtually impossible to find the real deal that has not been crossed with/by Amsterdam strains/breeders. Kalamata is (or was) a pure sativa (or sativa dominant) strain that is tall and said to have a speedy cerebral high. I am of the belief that with the description of the high, its pheno and terpene attributes, that it was likely of Thai origin, like Durban Poison. Except it is believed that it came to Greece from SE Asia as early as the 11th century.

Turkish weed is quite different. Generally today when one thinks of Turk Cannabis, Turkish hashish comes to mind. The strains used to make Hashish in Turkey are indica dominant. Turkey was a major hashish making center for many years. Like Lebanese strains, they are short in stature and they bloom early. The two most common strains in Turkey and Lebanon may well be closely related. They are available if you hunt around, and several seed companies sell them. If there were other Turk strains, I am not aware of them. Turkey is a big place though, spanning 2 continents, and likely there are Cannabis variations growing there.
And as far as the best hashish goes...

The best hash I smoked was from Hawaii: Kona Gold Hash. A former roommate of mine in NorCal came back from Maui with a big chunk of the stuff. Never seen it before or since. Great high, we were on the floor laughing and we smoked and partied for a week on that stuff.

Kona aside, the best hashish was from Lebanon, and I preferred the red. I smoked a LOT of that stuff. Great high, full body and good feeling. No couch lock, no 'did I smoke too much of this stuff?' feeling, no paranoia. For that reason I am growing it here this year. Bakaa Valley genetics growing outside my back door. Well, inside my backdoor under 400W MH lights, until this crappy rainy weather ends and I can move them outdoors into the greenhouses. Then its grow grow grow.

Should be an interesting contrast between the Lebbies and the Durban Poisons. Pure indicas and pure sativas. Tall and short. Both are rather high in CBD though, with Lebbeys getting as high as 1:1 THC:CBD, and Durban typically having 15-20% THC and 1% CBD. I am after more CBD in my bud. They say that it is not psychoactive on its own, but I believe that it is, and that it counteracts the creepy effects of smoking too much THC.
I remember the old lebanese blonde being a very mellow and relaxing effect which was nice with all the sativas that were available in the 70's. I really hope i can make some hash thats close to the old blonde.
If you want blonde Leb, harvest it early when the hairs are still white and before the resin glands turn color. Red Leb is harvested when the resin glands turn amber to red. That is the main difference between Lebanese blonde and Lebanese red; they are actually the same land race strain of Cannabis harvested at different times. Traditionally they harvested a smaller earlier lot of blonde before the main harvest of the later red. Lebanese plants are unusual in that they commonly have a very high CBD content, and some tops have tested out to be as high as 1:1 THC to CBD. Some articles that I have read also state that the main psychotropic difference between Blonde and Red Lebanese hashish is that Red Leb has a higher amount of CBN, known as cannabinol. CBN has a sedative as well as an analgesic effect. CBN occurs naturally when THC oxidizes over time. It is common in old weed that has been on the shelf too long at the dispensary. So it is likely that Red Leb owes a lot of its difference in psychoactive effects to a combination of later harvest and ripening of resins, and to the way that they process the later red hashish in Lebanon. That process being that they let plants semi-dry in the fields and then cut and dry it further on rooftops and in the fields. Then they store it in barns where use fine sieves to sift out the seeds, stems and leaves from the resin glands. They then let the sifted resin sit in piles until late fall and early winter, when they pound and press the hashish to release the oils and take its final resinous form. Meanwhile blonde hashish is harvested and processed earlier in the year and not stored as long, to supply the hashish market with an earlier product. They both have a strong velvet zing to the nose when it is scraped or broken open that is quite unique. I LOVE that smell. It makes my brain pop with Home Simpson wiggly finger anticipation. HASHISH! I can almost hallucinate that smell just thinking about it. THC + CBD + CBN = yummmmmmm.

-True confessions of a hashish junkie... and my hashish mantra: YUMMMMMMMM..... :Namaste:
Colombian Gold '72


Lebanese Hash Plant in purple pheno


Looking goood! it is very similar to mine at about the same age.

PCK x Kali-China. 15 days-ish.

The strength and vigor from the PCK hybrids looks fantastic.

It started a little slow but it's cranking now. Could have been starting it in a RW cube caused the slow initial growth. The PCK x Kali-China is a solid looking plant. .
I have some seeds that I picked up from some weed that I found growing in Jamaica but it's been 6 years do you guys think they will call or will be any good at all
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