Leaf burn


420 Member
It’s week 6 of flowering already and I noticed this in some of the leafs. Please Can anyone tell me what’s wrong?!
I’m using 20-20-20 nutes, once every 2 weeks.


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Hey. I'm not that good at diagnosing these things but it might be too much nitrogen.

Regardless of whether I am right or not I do know that those are the wrong nutes for a mj plant. To thrive, mj plants need very specific nute blends that are timed to different stages in the plant's life cycle and those are definitely the wrong nutes.

At this point I'd suggest picking up some Mega Crop and using their recommended dosage of nutes for a plant in that stage.

Again, I'm not sure if it is nitrogen burn or not but those nutes are definitely wrong.

Sorry to rain on yer parade, bub.

All my best,
Hey. I'm not that good at diagnosing these things but it might be too much nitrogen.

Regardless of whether I am right or not I do know that those are the wrong nutes for a mj plant. To thrive, mj plants need very specific nute blends that are timed to different stages in the plant's life cycle and those are definitely the wrong nutes.

At this point I'd suggest picking up some Mega Crop and using their recommended dosage of nutes for a plant in that stage.

Again, I'm not sure if it is nitrogen burn or not but those nutes are definitely wrong.

Sorry to rain on yer parade, bub.

All my best,

Thanks alot bro. Unfortunately I live overseas and where I live it’s kinda pain in the ass to get these fancy line of fertilizer or even cal mag and I was going to get some good fertilizers shipped internationally from Amazon but with the quarantine and shit I wasn’t able to do that. So I’m stuck with what I have right now.
Thanks alot bro. Unfortunately I live overseas and where I live it’s kinda pain in the ass to get these fancy line of fertilizer or even cal mag and I was going to get some good fertilizers shipped internationally from Amazon but with the quarantine and shit I wasn’t able to do that. So I’m stuck with what I have right now.
Look under my links and tutorials for an article on how to make your own calmag+ supplement from eggshells and apple cider vinegar... you don't need amazon.
your plants look pretty great actually... one spot is not a nutrition problem.
Thanks, it’s actually more than one spot. I’m 90% sure it’s some nutes deficiencies since i’m not using the proper one but as I told magnus8 it’s all I have right now
that one spot that I saw did look like a magnesium deficiency just starting up. Check out the egg shell thing... its good stuff.
Like I said... I'm no expert!

:rofl: :Namaste:

All my best,
Look under my links and tutorials for an article on how to make your own calmag+ supplement from eggshells and apple cider vinegar... you don't need amazon.
Big thanks Emilya, honestly you just made my day. Due to my situation I’ve thought about making my own organic homemade fertilizers but i’ve always had doubts that I’m not gonna do it right so I stop thinking about it. Also I’ve read about banana peel fertilizer once as a good option as flowering fertilizer, i really would love to know your opinion about that? Thanks again
banana peel is a very specific fertilizer and yes, fermented it is a great source of potassium. Check out my work with super-accumulators, specifically dandelions and how you can make a very powerful set of 3 fertilizers for our plants from distillations of the roots, stems and leaves, and the flowers. Natural fertilizers using organic grow methods... I know of no better way to grow pot.
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