LED Grow


Active Member
What’s up 420Mag fam, I am back and ready to start this journal journey with you all. I will be running two plants for this grow inside of a 2x3x6 grow tent. The two strains are Bleu Glue, which is an F2 clone, and a Raptor Bleu #6 clone. The parents of the Bleu Glue strain are Blue Stag #3 x Godzilla Glue #1. The parents of the Raptor Bleu #6 are Canuck OG Kush x Bleu Glue #6.

The plants are in 3 gallon pots with a coco/perlite (50/50) blend and covered with floracaps to keep the light off the top of the medium and give a consistent feed. Plants will be in a top fed drain to waste system. Both plants have been topped multiple times during vegging, LST'd and super cropped. The canopy will be covered with a scrog net to help with support.

I have a 6inch fan blowing in fresh cool air and also a 4inch exhaust fan. To help with circulation I have a 5inch fan attached to the corner of the tent. I will be using 2 Viparspectra 2020 Pro Series P1000 LED Grow lights. As for nutrients, my base flowering nutrients will be Floraflex B1 + B2 with a few additives to help supplement them. Well I hope this gives you all a sense of what’s to come and that a few of you will join me for the ride and help out along the way.

Here are some pics of the plants and the setup on day 1 of 11/13 light cycle.

Maan that looks great I'm a newbie so I'm just starting my 1st grow I have a 2×4 gorilla tent 260w hlg r spec exhaust filter and a fan I'm in week 1 I'm just messing with some bag seeds for practice and ph perfect technology nutrients im gonna tweak a couple things next run for sure but hoping for a decent 1st round but good luck I'll be following your thread for tips
@Brooklynbreed80 thanks for stopping by. I will be sure to give your grow a follow if you have a journal going. Here is a glimpse of the plant I just harvested from the same tent and setup.


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I love how those lights look sitting in that tent! I want my 4x8 to look just like that with only 2 fixtures but those would be some hefty lights haha. Good luck bro I'll stick around and see how things go!
This is my smallest tent and my second run with this particular light setup.I really liked the performance of it when compared to another light, so I decided to purchase another and run two of them in the tent. They fit perfectly and have been performing great. In a space you are talking about you would definitely need some larger lights or like 8 of these. They do make a 2 larger ones that are reasonably priced. Anyway, thanks for stopping by and please stick around for the ride.
Okay, so the two ladies have been in flower for 3 full days now. When I say in flower, I mean since I switched the light schedule to 11/13. The Bleu Glue, which is on the left, is slightly taller than the Raptor Bleu. To try to keep the canopy as even as possible, I have tucked some of the Bleu Glue branches under the net. The lights were about 20 inches above the plants for the first 3 days, but I dropped the light down today. I also topped of the reservoir and brought the ph to 5.8. The plants are still being fed veg nutrients. They will receive these for the 1st week of flowering. Here are some pics that were taken with the lights off.

Okay, so it has been 7 full days of 12/12 now. After day 5, I did not water the plants again until day 7. That was also the last time the plants received veg nutrients. Moving forward they will be receiving Floraflex B1 + B2. As so you can see the net is filling in nicely. I have done some tucking here and there to insure an even canopy. I plan to defoliate and lollipop after 3 weeks of 12/12. Here are some updated pics after lights off on day 7.

Hiya choc. You look like you know what you’re up to over here. You’re going to be up to your chin in beastly bodacious bleu buds. The pictures smell super tasty.
:yummy: :cool:
Here are some updated pictures of the girls after day 21. The pics are from lights off.

Before Defoliation:

After Defoliation:

Here we go with a few updates. First off, I believe that I have had to big issues: ph was too low and nutrient feed was to high during the 1st 2 weeks. With that being said, I backed off with the nutrients and just went with calmag and base nutrients. The Bleu Glue plant (on the left) seemed to not suffer as much as the Raptor Bleu plant (on the right). The plants are now coming out of their funk and showing progress. Here are some pics from day 33.

Bleu Glue:

Raptor Bleu:

We are now at day 38 of flower. This is not the greatest run but it will produce some good bud. Not sure what is causing the light green around the edges of the leaves. If anyone has any suggestions I am all ears. I am hoping to finish strong and get the room ready for the next run. Here are some pics of the Bleu Glue and Raptor Bleu.

Bleu Glue

Raptor Bleu

What up folks, we have just finished up day 42 of 12/12. The plants are doing much better and seem to be recovering from their nute burn. I gave them a flush with SLS-100 and will let them almost dry out before feeding them nutes for the last week. Here are some pics.

Bleu Glue:

Raptor Bleu:

Day 50 Update. Both plants are now transitioning to the ripening stage. During week 8 of 12/12 the plants will be fed with an enzyme only. Here are some pics

Bleu Glue:

Raptor Bleu:

We are now at the beginning of week 9 of 11on/13off. I have been running them at 11 hours on and 13 hours off since the beginning of the flip. Throughout week 8, the reservoir was filled and topped with plain water and SLF-100. As you can see, there are still some remnants of the overfeeding, but the plants are coming thru nicely. The buds really increased in density over the course of the week . For week 9, only plain water will be added to the reservoir. Due to the overfeeding, I really want to make sure to get a good flush thru the plants. Well, here goes a few pics.

Bleu Glue:

Raptor Bleu:

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