LEDs On LSD-25

You know sometimes you do things and just get locked in and just keep doing it well that happened to me I knew what my crown liked and when they wanted and assumed I was master grower
Well these are testing me and I'm failing bad so far but I think I narrowed it down to the kelp I tried adding or the Epson salt trying to get magnesium boost out of it I should of known better

When I was a kid like eye level with the control levers of the roto tiller I was running I remembered my dad sprinkling some Epson salt out in front of me very lightly and I would work it into the ground so I remember that and later on in that season in my field of green beans that was my responsibility to maintain I got the idea if a little did that much then alot would do better so I get the bag and have at it the next day there wasn't nothing green in my little probly 20x20 field I'm eye level with the tiller right

So every time I see somebody that's using Epson salt I cringe and remember standing it all them dead beans but I concored my fear and have it a try and it didn't work even the just pinch not the 2 tbs per gallon they day use that pinch is for 5 gal still got me in trouble might have got the wrong stuff to from pharmacy not the garden center don't know but back to basics for me scrub a dub dub and everybody fresh water again

And the kelp bonds to the roots and makes them look baby shit green not the light leak green but a pukey baby shity green nasty looking that I can't get off I'll take a picture of them later when I'm cleaning everybody AGAIN

Right mate, had a read. Im a tad confused.
First question....
Are those DWC net buckets full of some sort of potting soil? If so there's your answer.
If not I'll fix it.

No just lava rock in there I do wanna try that sometime don't make no sense but still wanna try putting rocks water and airstone then fill it up with dirt
Back to basics
My pH pen took a shit was off 1.4 I calibrated it back to 7 started checking buckets and I noticed each one getting higher so just for fun stuck back in test solution and was off 1.5 gonna get new batteries and give it a shot but I'll never trust it again got the old liquid tester and was way low on everything

Between that and I think my rain water may have got contaminated somehow with something I know I had some leaves in it but I didn't think they would cause a problem gonna take it to the carwash and power wash it out then wipe it down

Good news is there not getting any worse
Lets be positive today not all bad going things happening but that's what gets the attention

Changed all the water cleaned all the buckets I think by next weekend I'll be back on track

8ml hydroguard
30ml GMB
4tbs calmag
30ml sugaree
Ppm 780
pH 5.6 (liquid test piss yellow) and fresh batteries in the pen which seems to be working right now

Things getting back to normal everybody seems happy except the 2 jacks but there not mad anymore just a little sad gonna keep them on the same mix next water change and drop the grow from all the LSD they are getting way dark to me and I thing the runt is close to burning

Got some clones in the tent 2 jack 2 LSD 2 crown royale that are ready for some training I have to get some more twine today and get them girls tied down
If the weather would make up it's mind would be easier had to put the glass back in my light and started venting out the chimney because it was getting a little warm spiked up to 88 in the bloom room so I made them changes Sunday then yesterday had to turn the heater on to knock the chill off

Dropped back to 15ml (half of normal dose)of grow in the LSD there a little dark green the runt is still showing some spotting leaves but it was running about 200 ppm less than the rest changed water and bumped it up a little with calmag we will see what happens

The clones are kicking ass got them on gas lantern under a 315cmh just switched to bloom on them yesterday I'm gonna have to tighten things up and get 2 in the bloom room or I'm gonna need a bigger tent
I'm gonna run out of room just flipped these in a 3x3 and had to stuff 2 in the flower room the plan was to leave all 6 in here but all 6 took off growing like weeds and now on to plan b plan c involves a sawzall could be fun
Did a banana peel and molasses soup 3 banana peels and 2 oz of molasses 1 gal. Of water bubbled for 2 days and came out at a pH of 3.8 put a pint to 4 gallons in the buckets dropped my pH to 5.3 yesterday now this morning is back up 5.7 to 6.5 so I'm keeping an eye on that

I have 2 crown royale that are pissed that there is other girls in the house and are gonna be nice sized plants it's. As they're saying oh you can grow that big we'll hold my beer


This is the runt of the litter a LSD spotted leaves and all

Jack herrer day 41 I think I'm high a branch (fell off) the other day and we smoked it for breakfast haha

Maybe I'll get some better pics tonight when the hps goes out and I turn the florescents on to snap a few shots really yellows the pics

Happy 420
Here we go again more root issues every time I add molasses I get problems a smart person would stop using it but no not me gonna have some z7 for next run very frustrated right now
I am starting to see some frost so that's a plus
What a weekend went camp fishing caught the biggest and most fish decided to take yesterday off and stay Sunday night so I get back yesterday afternoon to find one of my bargain find hangers came untied and dropped a led right on my biggest plant snapping it at the base wasn't a dry leaf on it nowhere but the POS led still works I would rather lost the light
so I cut it up hang it take a nice bud off for quick dry overnight in the oven then my brother decided he wanted some pizza rolls and turned it on yes really you can't make this shit up smoked the whole house up so open the upstairs windows and air it out still smells haha

Now the good news is everybody got there last meal I hope one don't look like it's gonna be ready in 10 days



LSD this is the one still going strong

And Mr crispy guess who's smoking it haha

Best pic I could get what would you call that 20% Amber

This is the 2nd best LSD really surprised this one came out best plant of the run wish I could have finished the biggest one still got 4 off is dry and it's pretty good actually nitetime weed if you will can't wait until this drys

One of the jack herrer s pretty much twins I cloned the shit out of them so didn't expect much to start with I do have 2 different phenos one gets real thick white hairs and the other one didn't I think thick hair is the best tasting but I can remember which one I took the sample from a few weeks ago


Jack cut and hung

The whole gang hung

I did a 3 day flush but I stepped way down to like 500 ppm for a week and a half before that

Plus they was all washed but only rinsed was out of lemon and baking soda and only dipped them in room temp tap water


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Thanks man I had more shit go wrong that ever next run Is doing real good

End of week 4 hps sucks for pics
All said and done I got 13 Oz's had so much trouble this round I just can't believe only got 13 but I got a bunch of clones off them like to many actually had to give so many away and I still got them coming out of my ears the best part was the sample party yesterday one buddy went home and went to bed haha

Now on to the review
Jack herrer is some smooth nice tasting ended up with 2 phenos both are good but the one is just a little better nice smooth uplifting buzz nice sweet taste like it very much and best part was they were free thanks seedsman

LSD 25
Think I'm going to call it foggy mountain breakdown even though it's only 70 % indica will kick you in the pooper definitely night time weed nice little skunky after taste that gives me flashbacks of the good ole days and has me wanting to try some regular skunk

So I guess I didn't get my pound I did get some really good smoke even after all the hell I put them through they still come out good very excited about the next round everybody smiles at me every morning when I open the door nice white roots can't wait


This is my little tent got to raise the fan up
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