Lighting questions

Hi everyone.

I wanted to ask a question that I am not 100% sure of the answer. I believe I know but wanted to run it by everyone.

Ok so I was considering doing a GLR lighting for veg. I have always ran 24/7 before. But I figure GLR is basically half the electricity and is at least close in growth, possibly better and if nothing else not much worse.

Here is my delema though. I grow veg in a tent. I have always just kept the tent doors open. Because light is on 24/7 it never really mattered. However if I go GLR I was thinking that more distant lights (like room lights, or sun light through the windows ect) may cause problems with the dark.

Obviously a plant can handle 24 hours of nice light just fine. It can also handle a GLR style lighting. The concern is can a plant handle 12 hours of bright light, then 5.5 hours of sometimes dark, sometimes dimly lite light, a hour of strong light, then another 5.5 hours of half light or no light (varried)?

I got a feeling the plant would do just fine. But I obviously am not sure. Whenever I hear stories of plants going hermie it always seems to be in flower not in veg. So... any insightful insight is most appreciated.
Changing the lighting like that would mess up the photosynthesis period which is your 24/7 but if your doing 19/5 then go back to 24/7 or so on, It will def go hermie. Just my intake on it. But I guess it will be like taking a plant from flower back to veg state. So its possible that it could work also. I dont know how the certain levels of light every other time would work out though
You could make a curtain rail & hang a curtain 6 inchs in front of door of veg tent if worryed about possible light contamination whilst in dark period !

It would still allow for some heat to escape & allow air flow etc.

I use a passive vent on my veg tent & may get some light contamination ? but not noticed any plants hermie whilst in veg tho.
You could test the brightness with a light meter if you're really worried. If it's more than a foot-candle, it might screw with your plants (the moon provides < 1ftcandle). But like fuzzy said, it wouldn't be difficult to put in a safeguard, then you wouldn't have to use the "wait and see" method.
A room divider placed in front/around tent may helpful too. I wouldn't change lights in middle of grow except from veg to flower. I think that would stress them
Interesting ideas. I can not really use the curtain though as I also keep a big circulating fan on outside the tent pointing inside.

I think soon I may just buy a new house and dedicate a room or two to this shit so I dont got to worry about this lol.

For now I may just keep it at 24/7 lighting.
I think soon I may just buy a new house and dedicate a room or two to this shit so I dont got to worry about this lol.

That was going to be my next suggestion, hahaha. In the meantime, can you just move the tent to a darker part of the house? Or keep the circulating fan between the curtain and the tent? I just found some blackout curtains at wally world for 10 bucks a piece.
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