Lil' Girls - Various Strain Continuous Grow Journal

Hi Jason, you've got one heck of a grow going on! Love the pretty girls in your garden and I dig all your friends here! Just bumped your thread rating up to 5 star. I guess it just needed one more 'boost'. Great Job! Reps if they let me!:Rasta: Tried but won't let me! Next time!

Thank you for the bump and the kind words!! They're not looking to bad. Cant wait till next sunday though. that'll be a nice day!

haha fo sho dude i clip my nails way less then i should kinda gross but oh well i'm lazy haha and it helps when i need to hand prune and damn bro great idea gonna do that next time round fo sho i love crown bet that drink gets the room spinnin haha crown cola royal lol

hahaha yea thats a night ender drink for sure. So you got the Dracula nails, huh? They come in handy though I bet.
Wow, that would be freaky! I'm kinda worried about the pain too, but I've handled worse so it's just me procrastinating. lol Thanx for the nice words man, but I'm still learning every day too. just look at the group shot. The Rhino got its leaves fried with a foliar spray. I just wasn't paying enough attention and turned the lights on too soon. Oops. Now they look like crispy critters, but the growth since and the buds are still killing it. lol I know next time that the rhino is way more finnicky than cindy's. Oh well.

yeah i messed my grow up and burned some leaves on the tops none the less , i will not veg for five weeks with only 20 inches of overhead space for the strech and ive streesed the sht out of them by cropping and cropping i hope they do good to me . they look good but the burn scares me . and yeah my car accident is a big factor in all that i do now as i have constant pain ..:popcorn:
ok, The Girls and I just got back from Glamourshots, after a little primping and pampering here are some fun pictures that we came home with.

These three are of Cinderella99/2 'Chrystal' Lifting her skirts for us (18 and over only please) She is just over 5 weeks into bloom.



Heres Cindy99/1 "Candy" with a Beatiful shot of her figure. just over 7 weeks into Bloom. Day 3 flush.

This shot is a far back cola of Rhino1 "OctoRhino". This is one of her bigger colas.

Here is a few closer shots of Rhino2 "Clarise" McNuglets. as of today she is at about 15% amber trichomes.



Here we have lower bud shots of Chrystal.



A close-up of the last shot

A few shots of her tops



Here are some random close-ups for your viewing pleasure.




After reviewing my post I Decided to include some wetnaps HEREvvvvv To help wipe off the drool. The front of my shirt is SOAKED after taking these pics. I cant wait to smoke these girls. WOOHOO!
Ok, I got a question.
Clarise (wr2) has very sticky very dark purple liquid seeping out of a few of the lower leaf stems in a couple spots. It's like resin kinda. Have any of you guys and gals heard of this? I'll try to get a shot of this phenominon next time I see it, but if you know of this please let me know. Also, it only started happening since I started the flush on saturday morning.
looks good
looks good

thanks for stopping by FREE2BLAZE!! I'm alwals happy to have new people stopping by my thread! Stop by anytime you like and say high or just vent your troubles!! ;)

OMG... those are beauties....and what photography....your a natural for it...lavendar:cheer::cheer:

Hey there Lavendar. I;m glad you came by and took a look. I hope that you have the time to stop by more often and chat with me about strains and such. I value your opinion more than you know, and feel very proud that you took the time to check out my girls. Next time maybe you can stick around for a while and chat/smoke a bowl with me. I'm always down. Love the company you provide, and cherish having you to talk to. You are one of a kind and I very much value your opinion!

My only beef is that you kill your males rather than give them to me to breed. Pot sex is sexier than porn. lololololololol ahahahaa, j/k ;) Meybeee?
thanks for stopping by FREE2BLAZE!! I'm alwals happy to have new people stopping by my thread! Stop by anytime you like and say high or just vent your troubles!! ;)

Hey there Lavendar. I;m glad you came by and took a look. I hope that you have the time to stop by more often and chat with me about strains and such. I value your opinion more than you know, and feel very proud that you took the time to check out my girls. Next time maybe you can stick around for a while and chat/smoke a bowl with me. I'm always down. Love the company you provide, and cherish having you to talk to. You are one of a kind and I very much value your opinion!
p.s. just posted those other pics...

My only beef is that you kill your males rather than give them to me to breed. Pot sex is sexier than porn. lololololololol ahahahaa, j/k ;) Meybeee?

yeah, one of these days i'll keep one....but for now, haven't found the right guy yet....may like to see a purple/sour diesel mix....but who knows what would turn out from that....i imagine it would be fairly unstable, as i know the s.d. is not ibl....and i would bet the can. purple isnt either....would never know what kind of a clone or seed you would get for a long time....yes, i enjoy talking with you biggest problem right now is time....not enough of it.....i kind of have a routine that i follow and at times it gets really hectic, but, i bet the same for others.....i also paint, digital art, and collage art...and special projects (art) for people, usually i keep fairly busy....then this time of yr. the veg. garden starts getting priority....we just got some baby layers, and they are a job in their selves, but the hubby is doing most of that, thank G....any time, you're more than welcome....and uh, didnt we just smoke that bowl? later, lavendar:rollit::cheer:
Damn jason those ladies look GRRREAAT! haha gotta love frosted nugs:bravo: when i harvest if you'd like we'll have to get together and compare some smoke;) i was thinkin that we should have a CO 420mag chapter meeting sometime actually and us CO guys and gals could just get together and share crops hahA how awesome would that be:grinjoint:
Damn jason those ladies look GRRREAAT! haha gotta love frosted nugs:bravo: when i harvest if you'd like we'll have to get together and compare some smoke;) i was thinkin that we should have a CO 420mag chapter meeting sometime actually and us CO guys and gals could just get together and share crops hahA how awesome would that be:grinjoint:

how do i get to your journal co??? do you have a link? thank you ... lavendar
Ok, I got a question.
Clarise (wr2) has very sticky very dark purple liquid seeping out of a few of the lower leaf stems in a couple spots. It's like resin kinda. Have any of you guys and gals heard of this? I'll try to get a shot of this phenominon next time I see it, but if you know of this please let me know. Also, it only started happening since I started the flush on saturday morning.

Hmmm, I'd love to see some pics of this. ;-) Everything looks amazing!
how do i get to your journal co??? do you have a link? thank you ... lavendar

yeah my link is right under my post it's in regular text & says chronicles of mother forcade and the sour flo's :grinjoint:it be nice to have a female touch over there lav just me and a lot of other dudes comparing notes(not that thats a bad thing kinda like a poker game lol) but way to much testerone sometimes haha feel free to stop by whenever and let me know whatcha think:rollit:
how do i get to your journal co??? do you have a link? thank you ... lavendar

The Chronicles of Mother Forcade & the Sour Flo's

Damn jason those ladies look GRRREAAT! haha gotta love frosted nugs:bravo: when i harvest if you'd like we'll have to get together and compare some smoke;) i was thinkin that we should have a CO 420mag chapter meeting sometime actually and us CO guys and gals could just get together and share crops hahA how awesome would that be:grinjoint:

Yea that would be pretty sweet but we're so spread out it'd be hard to get alot together 1st off, and 2nd it might not be a good idea since you never know whos a potential bad guy. I'd probably be to paranoid in a meet like that.:reading420magazine::reading420magazine: There are groups for medical patients here in denver that are similar though, that might be a way to go.
I'm glad your diggin the picts man they are GRRREAAT! I tried the Rhino earlier and it even kinda made my mouth numb lol. I'm taking clones from the 2 papaya phenotypes I have tomorrow and throwing them into bloom nce their rooted. Those should be really nice too. Once has some purple in it I think! WOOHOO!!

Hmmm, I'd love to see some pics of this. ;-) Everything looks amazing!

I'm pooped tonight, but i have some time tomorrow, I'll try to get a few pictures of the strange liquid for you. Have you ever heard of it? It tastes like sugarwater. I am skeptical, so I spit it out and rinsed, but It seems to be similar to maple sap in a way. Hmmmm.
jason i come home from wrk after a 12 hour day and a 2 hour drve there and two back and im so pissed i fried my plants the are looking so shaggy ....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr theyll be ok but im worried still its my fan leaves all shriveld and dry they just pull off
jason i come home from wrk after a 12 hour day and a 2 hour drve there and two back and im so pissed i fried my plants the are looking so shaggy ....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr theyll be ok but im worried still its my fan leaves all shriveld and dry they just pull off

Oh no, what happened? Was it heat or did they not get watered? Maybe add a little superthrive if ya dont already. It says 'Plant Reviver" on it. I hope they bounce back quickly for ya man! If not it's not the end of the world. I've KILLED my share on accident. lol ;);):goodluck:
Yea that would be pretty sweet but we're so spread out it'd be hard to get alot together 1st off, and 2nd it might not be a good idea since you never know whos a potential bad guy. I'd probably be to paranoid in a meet like that.:reading420magazine::reading420magazine: There are groups for medical patients here in denver that are similar though, that might be a way to go.
I'm glad your diggin the picts man they are GRRREAAT! I tried the Rhino earlier and it even kinda made my mouth numb lol. I'm taking clones from the 2 papaya phenotypes I have tomorrow and throwing them into bloom nce their rooted. Those should be really nice too. Once has some purple in it I think! WOOHOO!!

I'm pooped tonight, but i have some time tomorrow, I'll try to get a few pictures of the strange liquid for you. Have you ever heard of it? It tastes like sugarwater. I am skeptical, so I spit it out and rinsed, but It seems to be similar to maple sap in a way. Hmmmm.
Yah dude i didn't even think bout that good call lol i get so caught up in the friendliness of the community sometimes i forget that prying eyes could potentially be lurking:rollingeyes:and i've been to a couple like that pretty lame honestly bunch of nose in the air know it all types i'll just compare crops with the grower homies i have lol:grinjoint:now that i think bout it didn't share my last crop with any of my grower friends cuz of the low yield and short time it was around it'll be nice to show up with buds i grew instead of showin up to buy some of what they grew:smokin:that's great bout the papaya man is one of those the male or do you already have the pollen? and I can't believe rhino made your tounge numb that's a great sativa brotha:bravo:
dude I'm so interested in this sap thing maybe it has thc in it and you can get some straight weed plant syrup straight from the trunk vermont style lol:yahoo:
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