Looking For Advice


420 Member
Hello everyone my name is Cody. First off I am not sure if I am posting correctly or exactly how this all done but my partners and I are looking for a little advice on our current grow. First I will start with the background, we are currently growing in 10 ft x 10 ft x 9 ft tents with a 4 ft x 8 ft tray and a 4ft x 4ft tray in them. We have 36 plants on the bigger table and 16 plants on the smaller table, we are keeping temperature and humidity levels well controlled and have adequate ventilation. The lights we use are LED vipraspectras 1200 watt and king 2000 watt Led. We are growing in 2 gal fabric pots but started of in red solo cups. The soil mixture we used was 57% coco coir, 25 % per lite, 17% vermiculite 1% worm castings and a small amount of azomite. Now the first mixture in the solo cups had a higher percentage of vermiculite and perlite and that along with too much ambition we almost over watered out plants.


We realized our mistake and remedied this by purchasing a moisture gauge and only watering when the gauge showed dry. We let them go almost a two weeks and the plants were still not showing much signs of growth. We decided to go ahead and transplant. While transplanting we looked at the root system and it looked as if it was pretty well developed but they had reached to the bottom of the cup and started filling the bottom.
It seems like after transplant the plants are coming out of the over watering but some of the old leaves almost died and /or turned colors we started adding cal/mag 1 ml per 1 gal as it states on the bottle to the water when watering. I also used micro organisms in the water until I ran out. Really it seems as if we are getting slow growth from our plants for them being at around 50 days old.


Now we have some new ones that are 14 days old and they aren’t looking to bad.


I have also started adding nutrients to the plants so just at half the dosage of the bottle which recommends 1 ml per 1 liter. (we use advance nutrients) If we could receive any advice as to why our plants are not looking like they should or if you have any questions about the grow or setup just ask and ill reply asap. I look forward to being a part of the family.
Have u research watering in Coco?

Coco needs daily watering and nutes

Also pics in Natural light, really hard to see them in Blurple

How high are yer lights above the plants
:welcome: to the forum.

Is this your first grow? Coco/perlite/vermiculite is usually used in drain to waste hydroponic systems. Is this how you plan to proceed?

Why not start a journal under Grow/Grow Journals from the menu above. It's a good idea to start with the information asked for under "How to Ask for Grow Support." This will serve as a handy reference for future grows, and let us make intelligent suggestions if things should go wrong during your grow.

Best of luck, and may you reap a bountiful harvest.
Have u research watering in Coco?

Coco needs daily watering and nutes

Also pics in Natural light, really hard to see them in Blurple

How high are yer lights above the plants

Well I had thought I had done quite a bit of research but guess I hadn't done enough. ha but anyways I was thinking coco didn't need nutes until 3 weeks in so could have been wrong there. We did currently start adding a little nutrients in the last watering and there was a small amount of worm castings mixed in with the soil. The nutrients we use in an advanced nutrients blends and says it is developed for coir. We also received a light meter and lowered our lights to the plants some. We tried to keep them between 20,000 and 30,000 lux. ( I do know there is some info on lux and leds but am not fully knowledgeable on the subject as of yet so hope these are good ranges.) Here is another picture to show light heights. Sorry more Blurple.. my flash is note bright enough when lights are off.


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:welcome: to the forum.

Is this your first grow? Coco/perlite/vermiculite is usually used in drain to waste hydroponic systems. Is this how you plan to proceed?

Why not start a journal under Grow/Grow Journals from the menu above. It's a good idea to start with the information asked for under "How to Ask for Grow Support." This will serve as a handy reference for future grows, and let us make intelligent suggestions if things should go wrong during your grow.

Best of luck, and may you reap a bountiful harvest.

This is my first bigger controlled grow. (meaning I have done about 10 closet grows and a couple outdoor grows) This is also first time in coco. We are currently hand watering approximately every other day but plan on using a drip irrigation with the waste filtered of pieces of medium and running back to the reservoir (but our reservoirs are almost too small and really doesn't get much run back.) We are also trying the SOG method but have realized we should have started with less strains with more seeds of each but we probably started to many different kinds of strains but will weed down to just a few strains. Yes I will probably start a grow journal here soon through this site.. I was keeping track on my computer and it just started getting depressing when all I typed for like 2 weeks was like no change ha. I think we could be starting to get it a few of the plants to finally look a little good ? (not for their age)

This plants was planted on around the 28th of January making this plant around 50 days old but since we over watered at the beginning and transplanted them in un-ideal conditions (plants didn't look healthy) we probably stunted it quite a bit so we are pretty much just calling it a new plant. Most of the plants from the red solo cups almost completely died out but seem to be greening up after about their third week after being transplanted. But some are still showing minimal signs of growing.

Again Sorry for the Blurple. on the pics
I never feed my plants just water. While still a seed, I add a little CALiMAGic. I use General Hydroponics' Flora Trio and supplements at thirty percent of the label recommended strength. Here's a schedule for 1/3 strength:

I run coco as a drain to waste hydroponics system. I have an automatic watering system set up to feed my ladies twice per day, 20 min after the lights come on, and 100 min before they go off. I feed until I get about 10% run off. I do not recycle the run off.
Thank you for the reply we started added nutrients at about 30% what the label stated. ( I did forget to mention that I am using cali-mag as well but we did start that about a week late) A question? do you use Cali-Mag every time? I also think that we are probably not going to be recycling the run off anymore. (main reason is not big enough reservoirs and prob don't want to build up salts and junk) I have put together a drip irrigation system and will start watering with this system as soon as the plants get a little height on them.
Yes, I give them CALiMAGic every time. I mix up a batch of the nutrient solution every 4 - 7 days depending on their stage of growth, and use that. I have set up automatic watering that I use after they get transplanted into their final containers. The posts for it start here.
I see you don't mention PH, anywhere, I know that AN has the PH control, but do you have any hydroponic measuring tools such as a PH meter and EC (PPM meter)? I am growing in just bagged coco with nothing else mixed in with it (e.g vermiculite, peatmoss) , and the plants are growing great. I am just using a powdered feed. The AN or GH line are not available here. I suggest you read this --> COCO grow guide. I think you'll find it very helpful. Good luck.
Thank you I will read that guide (Site looks interesting) and yes guess PH is a very important part ha. I have been measuring Ph and keeping at 6.0 to 6.5 but I have been using the drops to measure (I have a meter but seems to need calibrated cause it doesn't match drops exactly.. So on things to do list is calibrate) I also have a PPM meter. The readings have been showing around 275 - 300 ppm when I mix nutrients and balance PH. Thanks Again.
Thank you I will read that guide (Site looks interesting) and yes guess PH is a very important part ha. I have been measuring Ph and keeping at 6.0 to 6.5 but I have been using the drops to measure (I have a meter but seems to need calibrated cause it doesn't match drops exactly.. So on things to do list is calibrate) I also have a PPM meter. The readings have been showing around 275 - 300 ppm when I mix nutrients and balance PH. Thanks Again.

Good luck on your grow.
From your comments it seems you are not very prepared.
You need a pH pen that is calibrated, I check my ever 4 days and it is usually off just a bit, so I re calibrate.
You are growing in modified coco, I would suggest that you, in the future, go with straight coco. You don't need all the other stuff in it, it is hydro not soil.
I would also suggest you get 25 to 30% runoff.
In veg I run my base nutes at 200 - 250 ppm, and in flower 300 - 350 ppm.
You should pH to 5.8.
Are you using Great White or SubCulture II for root development and root health, if not you should be.

Again Good Luck on you grow buddy.
Good luck on your grow.
From your comments it seems you are not very prepared.
You need a pH pen that is calibrated, I check my ever 4 days and it is usually off just a bit, so I re calibrate.
You are growing in modified coco, I would suggest that you, in the future, go with straight coco. You don't need all the other stuff in it, it is hydro not soil.
I would also suggest you get 25 to 30% runoff.
In veg I run my base nutes at 200 - 250 ppm, and in flower 300 - 350 ppm.
You should pH to 5.8.
Are you using Great White or SubCulture II for root development and root health, if not you should be.

I dont i know if it was unpreparedness i think it was more miss informed or mislead. Thanks alot for Coco Grow Guide just wish I would have found that before we started.. I ve been reading and it says to uae ec to meaaure instead of ppm.. just because its more consistent.

Again Good Luck on you grow buddy.
So I've been doin a lot of reading and implementation of that reading and the plants seem to be looking good. There are a few plants however that shows signs of yellowing in the leaves. Now Ive read up on ec and yesterday a ran a nutrient mixture with an ec of 1112 and then captured run off and measured it and it read 1844 from what ive read this is prob not aceptable ranges and is more then likely because we weren't allowing enough run off. Does this seem right? And would this cause the yellowing I am seeing or could it be something else? Any info would be greatly appreciated.. (we've definately learned a lot from this grow and made our share of mistakes.) here are some pictures.


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So I've been doin a lot of reading and implementation of that reading and the plants seem to be looking good. There are a few plants however that shows signs of yellowing in the leaves. Now Ive read up on ec and yesterday a ran a nutrient mixture with an ec of 1112 and then captured run off and measured it and it read 1844 from what ive read this is prob not aceptable ranges and is more then likely because we weren't allowing enough run off. Does this seem right? And would this cause the yellowing I am seeing or could it be something else? Any info would be greatly appreciated.. (we've definately learned a lot from this grow and made our share of mistakes.) here are some pictures.
Yup you're spot on mate. That's exactly why. Quarter strength will do you for the next couple weeks. Get that pH meter fixed though. Can check it against bottled water to see how accurate it is. Mostbigbrands have the ph on the bottle.

EC in just another measure for PPM.
EC = ppm X 2 / 1000.
Ex. 500 ppm X 2 = 1000 / 1000 = 1.0 EC

Hope this helps, wanna help anyway I can the my friend.

EC in just another measure for PPM.
EC = ppm X 2 / 1000.
Ex. 500 ppm X 2 = 1000 / 1000 = 1.0 EC

Hope this helps, wanna help anyway I can the my friend.

Actually mate, did you know that it depends where in world you are and what brand meter you use that determines whether that statement is true or not.......

I'm the worlds worst for it.
To me 500ppm is 1 EC aswell.
But some places use a different measurement of what 1 part per million is so it ends up at 700ppm to 1ec.

Fucked up isn't it lol
True, I guess I figure most folks have the same equip. I have two meters, had a ppm and won an EC meter at my hydro store. Both are 500's so they give me the same readings.
True, I guess I figure most folks have the same equip. I have two meters, had a ppm and won an EC meter at my hydro store. Both are 500's so they give me the same readings.
Where you from buddy? I'm UK on 500 but the guy with the 700-1 was Australia. I think some places in the US are that wierd way aswell. Only realised a few months ago, been foruming for a few years but usually UK sites so we were all the same. More international audience here though so gotta be careful as I've recently learned lol.
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