Lucky First Time Grower

Follow this feeding schedule w/ the appropriate products , and @Emilya feeding & watering regimen ,
w/ the right lighting and controlled environment , a little luck , and you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor.
I'm sorry if y'all get tired of me saying thank you, simply how I was raised.

So.....Thank Y'all lol

Question about Fox Farm and other bagged enriched soils...I am (since transplanting to the bigger solo cups) planted in a mix of soil that I have been re using over and over for years around my yard and house, being that as it may I figure their are little to no nutrients in the soil to start. Would using this soil and then adding nutrients taylored to exactly what the plant needs at the time be easier than get soil with the nutrients already in it? I definitely do not want to over fertilize the plants is basically what I'm getting at.

If I'm rambling...Ima lil fried
I'm sorry if y'all get tired of me saying thank you, simply how I was raised.

So.....Thank Y'all lol

Question about Fox Farm and other bagged enriched soils...I am (since transplanting to the bigger solo cups) planted in a mix of soil that I have been re using over and over for years around my yard and house, being that as it may I figure their are little to no nutrients in the soil to start. Would using this soil and then adding nutrients taylored to exactly what the plant needs at the time be easier than get soil with the nutrients already in it? I definitely do not want to over fertilize the plants is basically what I'm getting at.

If I'm rambling...Ima lil fried
Personally , I would get some fresh soil .
I wanted to explain how I've been watering so far. I have destilled water that is pH to 6.5 and a simple moisture meter that reads 1-10. I work at night and sleep from the time I get my son to school in the morning until around 1 or 2 pm, so I have the lights set to turn off at 6am and come back on at 12. When I wake up I check the plants with the meter and record the results, along with the temp and rh. From there I simply water if the number is 3 or below. I repeat the process before I go to work and after I get home at about midnight.

When I originally planted the seeds I used cheap as I could find top soil and I believe it was a poor choice. I've already transplanted the plants into larger solo cups and tried to get rid of all the top soil they were in. I plan to put them in better soil when I move them into 3 gallon fabric pot here in the next few weeks, what soil do y'all recommend?

My main goal is to grow a strong mother and begin really working from there but if I can manage to flower a few plants in the process that would be awesome.

Thanks for any advice
I love Fox farm Ocean as I am using it now with the trio blend of FF liquid nutes.. The soil is ph'd so as long as your water with ferts is ph'd at 6.2 you golden.
I have the 3 ga smart pots too... as far as watering check out @Emilya watering techniques.. they work perfectly with my set up in my current grow.

Welcome by the way. Ill sit in and watch your grow.
We have a new edition ladies and fellas
It amazes me the different grow techniques.. very creative. Im too stoned to try and grow anything in other than dirt. LOL :ganjamon:
Follow this feeding schedule w/ the appropriate products , and @Emilya feeding & watering regimen ,
w/ the right lighting and controlled environment , a little luck , and you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor.
Wow you use them all! LOL Here I am using the first 3 thinking... I got this!!! Whelp! o_O
She looks great! How long before she sprouted?
I put her in a piece of sponge about a week ago, she sprouted about 2 days ago. I suspended the sponge over a cup of water for those 2 days until last night when I whipped up a hillbilly dwc. I was able to buy a $9 pump and everything else(coffee can, hose, rocks, and homemade net pot) I was able to just find laying around the house. This is my first ever attempt at dwc.

As for my babies, I am about to give them their first feeding.
This place is such an amazing resource...we are so blessed in so many ways y'all. Simply having all the info for my grow in this thread is such a wonderful thing.


Could it be I'm fallen in Love, with you BABY!
Please tell me these sand like things aren't eggs of some type


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Also.....I'm 100% sure I over watered my plants.


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Tips of the leaves have just about all turned up toward the lights


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I am having some nice development on the plants and they are heading into their third week. I plan on letting them completely dry up and will most likely water towards the beginning of next week, which is when I plan to start doing some toping and fingers crossed LST.

Good luck with all y'all having growing!


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you can not overwater these plants by giving too much water at one time, for any extra will simply run out of the drainage holes as runoff. The ONLY way to overwater these plants is by watering too often, before the soil dries out all the way to the bottom of the cup. When it is time to water, the cup will be as light as a feather, and you will wonder why your plants look so happy. Actually, that isn't even the best time to water, this early in veg, because you want to entice the plant to grow more roots between each watering, thinking that you, or mother nature, is being stingy with the water. A lazy overwatered weed will not seek out every last drop by developing these new roots, and it will end up being smaller as a direct result of being coddled.
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