Lush Lighting LED Grow Questions! Ask Us Almost Anything!

I have mentioned an idea of setting up a crowd funding proposal for testing out many LED panels, but for some reason 420 found that objectionable and removed my posts. They showed no interest in vetting their sponsors. They say they are for 'cannabis awareness', but IMO they are simply interested in keeping their sponsors happy.

They will probably remove this post too.

To be fair, I can't fault a site for wanting to keep their sponsors happy -- I think it benefits us all to have 420mag be maintained, and I believe sponsorship is probably a good chunk of that.
I think to maintain or improve one's integrity, one MUST vet those individuals or collectives which one most closely associates with. We all do it, usually subconsciously, but still, aren't we liable for the company we keep? I also think 420mag has done a good job with the sponsors and their implied mission on the site.

On a separate note, I would like to ask something of all light manufacturers...For Gods's sake, please please please, unless your light is square, do NOT list the coverage area as a square either. Unless there is some interesting positioning of lenses I'm unaware of, a rectangular light should project a rectangular footprint. This just makes sense...right? So a light that is 12"x 20" will NOT have a maximum, nor ideal footprint of 5'x5' would it? Either there's something I don't know (which is highly probable), or the page designers didn't translate the copy accurately, or the manufacturer doesn't know the footprint of their own product, or they are lying. So, let's play Sherlock Holmes and eliminate the untruths.
I love this site. You people are very sharp and reading here for a year has made this a very rewarding experience. I feel like when I buy something I'm getting the right product for my needs. And of course it shows in my results. Thanks so much everyone for all of the ?s and answers. Thank you Sam for being a good sport and communicating your bosses feedback.
For Gods's sake, please please please, unless your light is square, do NOT list the coverage area as a square either. Unless there is some interesting positioning of lenses I'm unaware of, a rectangular light should project a rectangular footprint.

Very, very true! However.. it's very simple to calculate the core footprint of any LED grow light using only 3 variables: The size of the panel, the angle of the final focusing lens and the height at which you wish to express this coverage.

Let's not forget that "coverage area" is also completely dependent on panel height. When talking about LED panel coverage area, you can't just spit out "X feet by X feet" without saying at what height you're referring to.

Let's take for example our lights that utilize 90 degree secondary focusing lenses. If you think about the physics of this, you can picture the 90 degree spread translating into 45 degrees from each side.. 45 + 45 = 90. Since you have a 45 degree angle of emission from all sides of the light, this is going to mean that for every inch you have the panel high, you're going to be gaining an inch on all sides. You're just creating a right triangle of light coming off of the panel.

Now, take the panel dimensions.. let's say.. our P300 which is 19" x 9". If you want to figure the core coverage at say.. 18" of height, you would simply add in 18" to all sides of the panel dimensions. It would look like this: (18" + 19" + 18") x (18" + 9" + 18"). This would give you a core coverage of 55" x 45" at 18" of panel height for the P300. What to know what it is at 12"? Simply plug in the height variable.

It does get a little trickier when you're using final focusing lenses of anything but 90 degrees as you'll need to start using some geometry lessons. Remember the way to find out the length of an unknown side of a right triangle? We'll let you take it from here. Remember that all you're doing is creating a triangle of light from the plant tops to the panel and out to the side.

Now.. this is not a completely EXACT science.. but a very easy way to figure it out for yourself what the core coverage area of an LED panel is without getting caught up in wild manufacturer claims.

So wait, Lush, I'm confused. Do you or do you not use CREE diodes right now? I think you alluded to that (if not flat out said it) in one of your comments, but then in other places I've seen you guys say that you do not release ANY information about the internals. I understand that you don't want to give away proprietary information on the spectrum you use, supposedly based on all of the R&D your company has done, but can you give any information on even the series of cree diodes you use? What I'm trying to do is justify your pricing in my head, and I am having a hard time seeing where such a big price difference between you and your competitors comes from.

Platinum -- very interesting, and a good thing to know! The square footprint on some of the LED sites was really bugging me. Now I have an easy way to figure it out. Thanks! :Namaste:
Nice to see discussion going on, I am in the market for some leds and doing my research. I keep coming back to the mars2 due to price and results seen. I'm glad I don't have to buy into marketing gimmicks because we have lots of knowledgeable people right here!

No disrespect meant to anyone or Lush, just stating my thoughts, and am happy we have a rep around.
On the point of how Lush arrive at their prices, I find if you look at Platinum's you are getting what looks on paper an equal or better product that's at a much lower price. Isn't it odd that Lush can't retail theirs at that price?
If you're reading this Platinum, can you tell us what brand diodes are in your lights & are they all top BIN quality? Also any other information about the drivers etc. It would help put things into perspective :)
It was purchased directly from Matt at the LA show. I do not know exactly when and he cannot remember (typical stoner response I got from him) but the light is at least 18 months old. It is labeled Dominator (not sure what you guys are calling you light models now). That is the exact reason I added the following sentence to my original post.

Long story short, at one time we used Cree exclusively. We no longer use any one manufacturer exclusively, but we do still use some Crees.
Long story short, at one time we used Cree exclusively. We no longer use any one manufacturer exclusively, but we do still use some Crees.

Hi Sam.. :blushsmile:

To be completely clear.. completely. You're stating as an official company representative that right now.. that Lush is asserting to be shipping out lights at this moment that are utilizing CREE diodes? This is an official company statement?

Just wanting to be completely clear.. :peace:

If you're reading this Platinum, can you tell us what brand diodes are in your lights & are they all top BIN quality? Also any other information about the drivers etc. It would help put things into perspective :)

Not to interrupt Lush's thread.. no offense meant.. but to clearly answer.. we use Bridgelux blue and the rest are indeed Epistar, yes. However.. we only use top bin/grade A diodes.. this is the difference. This is one reason why we're able to obtain such consistency with batching and superior PAR output per watt consumed.

Excuse us.. carry on.. we will not post again in this thread out of mutual respect. Just wanted an official, clear company statement. :Namaste:
Hi Sam.. :blushsmile:

To be completely clear.. completely. You're stating as an official company representative that right now.. that Lush is asserting to be shipping out lights at this moment that are utilizing CREE diodes? This is an official company statement?

Excuse us.. carry on.. we will not post again in this thread out of mutual respect. Just wanted an official, clear company statement. :Namaste:

Nope. :) In the interest of complete clarity on this subject: In the past Cree was our exclusive supplier. That is no longer. At this current time, we do not specify what diodes we use in any product. So I am saying that while we may use Cree (or "Epilux" and "Blackstar"), that is a general term: We are not saying that any product shipping out is going to contain any particular diode.
Nope. :) In the interest of complete clarity on this subject: In the past Cree was our exclusive supplier. That is no longer. At this current time, we do not specify what diodes we use in any product. So I am saying that while we may use Cree (or "Epilux" and "Blackstar"), that is a general term: We are not saying that any product shipping out is going to contain any particular diode.
I'm so glad that you posted this. For a minute there I thought you was trying to call me a liar.

Well good for you!
However, given that you are both clearly very biased against Lush, and also have deliberately misrepresented many statements of mine, and given that if I say "sunlight grows plants" you will scream "show me proof"... I too, require proof. I have also already addressed that issue, so it's kind of moot. It doesn't matter if there were or weren't any specific chips in his light, because again: we use a variety of chips and don't disclose any of it.
Long story short, at one time we used Cree exclusively. We no longer use any one manufacturer exclusively, but we do still use some Crees.
I have never said one thing ill of your company other than my personal experience when "I" tore one apart because of a failed driver (the owner thought a diode had burnt out). I happened to have a driver and rewired the fan to get the panel to work.

In no way am I biased toward any manufacturer. I have sent years (more than your company I would venture to say) and tens of thousands of dollars of my own money building and testing LED lights for plant growing (no not only cannabis). The ONLY time you will ever see me suggest a panel is if they want LEDs and they want them on the cheap... no one has been able to touch TopLED's prices and they work reasonably well.

However, I do take it upon myself to call out any company making bullshit claims. I did it to Advanced LED with their all USA chips and Cree claim, I have done it with StealthGrow (no longer in business), I did it with Cammie and whatever it is calling their company now, I did it to Platinum just a day or 2 ago, and I did it with you.

See I know what companies make what diodes and I know what they don't make. If you say you use all Cree diodes and have anything below 455nm or above 630nm (until last month they released their photo red 660nm) the bullshit flag starts flying. The same for saying you use Bridgelux for anything outside of white and 445-465... they simply don't make anything outside of that range. If you want their full catalog as a PDF or my contact for them I'll be happy to supply you with either. I have a direct line to reps for most diode companies and I'm a nobody.

As for calling you out... IF you only used Cree diodes in the past, why did you stop using only Cree and change your spectrum that you spent all those years working on it? I say you changed your spectrum because from your website: "Full Spectrum UV to IR". I don't have the screenshot of your old site for proof, but you have never changed the graph of your spectral output graph. There was a side by side comparison grow done here on this site and your panel lost in weight by a rather large margin. I will digress that it wasn't a 100% perfect test, but it was pretty good. (I'll send you a link if you like). If you want to call me a liar and that your lights DO in fact have Cree diodes in them, I will go get one and personally have multiple 420 members watch and take a video and pictures of me taking it apart. I think we know what that answer will be based on your last statement I quoted at the top of this post.

I'm a Marine veteran, hold a DoD security clearance, and perform aircraft safety inspections. Questioning my integrity will get you nowhere. I know who your manufacturer is and what "Custom" parts you have. Would you still like to continue attempting to bash my name?

As a goodwill jester... Please stop saying Epilux (a paint company) and Blackstar (another Chinese reseller panel) chips/diodes... there are no diode manufacturers named that. It makes you look less informed about your product than we all know you are.
Nope. :) In the interest of complete clarity on this subject: In the past Cree was our exclusive supplier. That is no longer. At this current time, we do not specify what diodes we use in any product. So I am saying that while we may use Cree (or "Epilux" and "Blackstar"), that is a general term: We are not saying that any product shipping out is going to contain any particular diode.

Really? Okay then. Take care. Good bye. Unsubscribe to the journal time...sayonara.
As a goodwill jester... Please stop saying Epilux (a paint company) and Blackstar (another Chinese reseller panel) chips/diodes... there are no diode manufacturers named that. It makes you look less informed about your product than we all know you are.

I know. I was making fun of myself the last several times I used it. I did not pay enough attention to my notes one day and said epilux and blackstar instead of Epistar and Blacklux. Such a stupid mistake, can't even help but laugh at myself, and encourage everyone else to have a good laugh on me on it too. :)

Also, I wasn't bashing you. I was only saying that to me you were also a stranger. I am terribly sorry that it came off any other way.

And with the chips, I hope I clarified well enough on that.
Really? Okay then. Take care. Good bye. Unsubscribe to the journal time...sayonara.
Sad to see you go :/ I enjoyed talking with you.

In case in any way what I said was not clarified enough,
We do not specify what diodes we use in any product. I have mentioned some of the brands we use before, (and bungled that all up in the process by mixing up my words.) but we do not specify what particular brand or diode are used in each product.

I should have explained why we don't give our specifics out. We spent years developing these lights, changing diodes and testing them countless times. Our lights are engineered directly to grow cannabis. If we gave this information out people would steal our concepts, use cheaper components and undercut us. We do it to protect our investment so we can continue to innovate...

try and look at it from customer's perspective.

You say you do not know, nor basically care, what diodes are in what specific panel. But then you say 'I should have explained why we don't give our specifics out. We spent years developing these lights, changing diodes and testing them countless times. Our lights are engineered directly to grow cannabis. '

Would not you think if 2nd was true, you would know EXACTLY what diodes are in your panels? and also not change over time?, particularly at your price point, sounds almost like a Lush light customer is kind of 'dipping their hand in a bin' and trying to pick out something good without looking.
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