Man Overcharged For Marijuana Treat

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A Bonnaroo concertgoer has filed a lawsuit against state officials for the taxes he had to pay when he was caught with a Rice Krispies treat that authorities said had marijuana in it.

William Hoak claims in his lawsuit that his so-called "rice creeper treat" was overtaxed under Tennessee's illegal substance tax.

He said authorities issued fines to him based on the weight of the entire Rice Krispies treat, which included cereal, marshmallows and other ingredients - rather than just the marijuana.

Hoak has been fined more than $11,000 in taxes, interest and penalties by the state Revenue Department.

Under the illegal substance tax, suspects arrested for possession of illegal drugs are taxed based on the weight of the drug. They can avoid being fined for tax evasion by anonymously buying stamps from the Revenue Department to be affixed to the drug's packaging, though drug possession is still illegal.

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Source: NewsChannel5
Contact: NewsChannel Nashville, Tennessee - Home
Copyright: 2007 WorldNow and WTVF
Website: Man Overcharged For Marijuana Treat
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