Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:welcome: here we are like a family. Families will help each other and share their grow as we all will love to see.:Namaste:
Can i make a sugestion all you people with long footers at the end of your conversations are really a EYESORE cant you just make one page of your grows and have just 1 hyperlink to the page of your grows.... Thanks

Oh look here

And here

Here too

Dont foget to look here

And here


Ha, the old mode 600w has already been out of stock now in US, so the price is set high. Don't worry, the price will return to normal when new stock arrives. :cheer:
Hello Sara, Just wanted to let you know Amazon sent me a message on your old style lights and the 600 watt was priced at $399.99 more than twice the eBay price
:circle-of-love:hello Cannabliss, it's bette to start with 10ml and adjust the dose later. :Namaste:
Just received my 144x5 yesterday I'm stoked!

As far as cal/mag goes what amount do people recommend? I'm using the GO box, with normal feeding I give 5ml, when I throw them under the LED should I bump it up to 10ml?

:circle-of-love: Yes.

:thumb: this is a good idea. thank you, randy.
You need to find the happy medium and your plants will let you know not enough and leaves will yellow, to much and you will get neut lock out and plants don't grow. It all depends on the water you use and how you are growing (soil or hydro) and the strain of plant you are growing.
The nice thing is if you are to low on your dosage the lower leaves will discolor first and let you know and adjust your feeding but too much and the plant stops growing and might be stunted for life. You should be able to see a healthy plant grow day to day if not something is not quite right
3 weeks, too long, the last one is too much tempting!:cheer:
Here are a few pics of the plants today.

First the Blue Kush.

My White Widow


And my Blue Blood



Really diggin' that last photo Supergroomer. Looking Sexy and ripe for the picking. :volcano-smiley:

She still has around 3 more weeks!! :peace:
:cheer:Greetings for Europe Friends!:cheer: New stock arrives at Germany warehouse, safe and sound:Namaste:.
For old models, we have 360pcs 60x5w, 80pcs 120x5w.
For updated Reflector series, we have 100pcs 48x5w, 200pcs 96x5w, 80pcs 144x5w and 120pcs 192x5w.
For MarsII Series, we have 100pcs 400w, 60pcs 700w, 100pcs 900w, 100pcs 1200w, 40pcs 1600w.
:tokin:Don't feel shy to place an order!:party:
I got an e-mail from Ruby this morning saying my Mars II 1200 had been shipped and would be with me in 3 to 5 working days and included a tracking number. Before I had even looked at this e-mail I had a text from DHL saying my parcel would be delivered today and I have just got it :thumb::love:

I'm really pleased.

:thanks: to Mars-Hydro for a great service :circle-of-love:
Sitting here on vacation going through withdrawal from my ladies. They're basking under a MH 144x5, at least I can peek in remotely. The light is working great so far, can't wait to flip to 12-12 when I return!
Flowering with Mars-Hydro Sun Series. Nearing end of week 3 of flower.




Thanks for the cal/mag replies. Is one brand better than the other? I see there are some that are mineral based and some organic. What is brand is everyone using?
Thanks for the cal/mag replies. Is one brand better than the other? I see there are some that are mineral based and some organic. What is brand is everyone using?

I'm using General Organics CaMg+ which is organic based. I have no idea whether it is better than anything else and I got it because it was recommended by my hydro store. They mentioned that most of their customers preferred that brand.
Thanks for the cal/mag replies. Is one brand better than the other? I see there are some that are mineral based and some organic. What is brand is everyone using?

Hi there tucker99. I'm not sure what your grow method is but if you are growing in organic soil just pick up some epsom salt and dolomite lime. Add a tablespoon or 2 of each per gallon of water (mixed well) and water your girls with the solution. This will take care of calcium or magnesium deficiencies. Be sure to use dolomite lime and NOT agricultural lime. Also keep in mind that dolomite lime will cause your soil ph to increase and become too alkaline over time if too much dolomite lime is used.

If you add both dolomite lime and epsom salt to your soil mix before planting you probably would not experience cal/mag deficiencies unless growing a long flowing sativa (12 to 14 weeks).
i bought a reflector 300w from you on amazon and no matter what hight i put it at my plants just droop i am very disappointed that it wont even grow 1 plant

I seriously doubt if the light is the cause of your problems. Your plant may be drooping due to over watering, high temperatures, and/or over fertilization.
If you've just changed from CFL or T5 to LED you'll need to allow for a bit of transition time by setting your light approximately 24" above the plant canopy then gradually lowering later once your plant adjust to the new rays.
i bought a reflector 300w from you on amazon and no matter what hight i put it at my plants just droop i am very disappointed that it wont even grow 1 plant

What Uncle said. What were you using for light before? It does take the plants a little time to transition between lights. Start High (24-30" for a couple days then slowly lower your light over time. Post a pic and maybe someone can be more specific with the issues. :peace:
i bought a reflector 300w from you on amazon and no matter what hight i put it at my plants just droop i am very disappointed that it wont even grow 1 plant

ya im using the 144x5 and have great results as far as the light goes
my mars hydro 144x5 after 2 months of use :thumb: still has all diodes working, keeps the temps down with a 10 watt duct fan and covers my 4x2x5 great!!! some of the frosyest buds ive seen and once i get my growing down im sure my yealds will end up great. great lights by a great company :Namaste:
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