Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Yes of course, just 2000W sounds high to me, at least for "a bunch" of personal plants.

By the way, this just as a side-note, I think Wattage, whether it's "wall wattage" or whatever Wattage is a totally meaningless figure. What does "50W per sq ft" mean seeing that different types of lights (LEDs, HPS, CFL etc) have a totally different light output per watt. Simple example, my living room LEDs put out as much, if not more, light at 4.5W as my Halogen lights which use 10x more, wattage means NOTHING.

You may even know that not even Lumens or Lux mean anything, I understand that the only useable number here is PAR, the light plants actually use. This is why I don't understand why people are looking at Watts, it just doesn't mean a thing.

Edit: Ok you say "50W per sq ft" for LED, so it's more specific...

There is a formula for each of the different types and it is all just guidelines and will vary with application and what the grower is expecting as for wall or input wattage it is a constant measurement not a obscure number thrown out by manufactures. It was common to see a figure of 1000 watts on a panel when the draw was only 200 watts so the light was at best 400 watts but sold better as a 1000 to the public that didn't know better that is why it is nice to see the Mars Hydro lights show both the power draw and efficiency figures of their light no special math to hide the truth. Watts do mean something you just have to understand how the light is produced halogen lights heat a element in a gas LED gets a small flash as the electrons pass from one pole to the other(simple terms ) therefor using less power for the same light.
yep, website is down ... maybe updates

definitivly go with 144X5 for your 6 square foots area ... 96X3 is clearly not enought.

try to use at least 50w true watt per square foot .... so 300W for your area ..... 144X5 consume very near 300W true watts so you are good (not sure exactly but little more than 300w i think)

my 144x5 pulls 315 watts, jumps around a watt or 2. i actually have a vid of the watt test on this forum. ill re-post it if ppl are interested
if anyone want to see the watt test of the 144x5 here it is. i have more vids of this grow on my journal in my signiture. hope this helps people :Namaste:
Hi #SmokeSara,
Can you please PM about an order. I cannot PM, until I have #50 posts.

I think you might like to know. Within a grow space that is 53.34cm square and is 1.6m tall. With my 48x3w reflector light tilted to about 45 degrees I am still getting a 10,240 lux reading from the reflected light at soil level.
Haha, :thumb: for flowering stage, more power draw will maxmize the possibility of higher yield. :Namaste:
heuuuu ..... come on Sara .... 4 pcs of 600W cannot flower well in a 2X2 meters area, this is impossible ..... even if your stats say it can cover 1.3M, this is for VEGING not flowering. beleive me randy ..... 4 pieces of 600W are clearly not enought, you need 4 pieces of 1200W ....... maybe 4 pieces of 900W can be not bad but not full power as a HPS setting.
Chopped down the Super Silver Haze today. She was about 25-30% amber. :peace:

Hey there Supergroomer. Nice looking finish my man!! And a really nice strain to boot!! She should make you a very happy man once she's all dried and cured.

May I ask how long you had to let her flower to get 25%ish amber trich's?

She finished faster then I thought. I was figuring on 55 days or so. She was done in 49. :peace:
:circle-of-love: you're welcome, bagsyb, in our UK warehous, Reflector 192x5w is also available. :cheer: You can order from Ebay and our website. Both of them will offer Reflector 192x5w for UK, US, Europe friends. :Namaste:
Thank you to all for your advice on the right lights for my 2x2x2m tent. particularly to smoke Sarah.
I was unaware of the 600w reflector panels being available with 5w leds, are these available through ebay Sarah, or do I have to order direct through marshydro uk?. Again many thanks for all of your advice.

Thank you Darksideofmike, Have already acted on your advice & ordered 2 1200w mars 2 panels, will order another 2 when funds permit!.
I read smokeSara's post before I saw yours, so thanks again.
:thumb:I do agree with the point that every grower has their own way. There is no definite answer. The set-up need adjust according to the reaction of the plants. I have checked many grow journals here, most of which succeed. I also see some growers get good result from less power draw. :Namaste:
If this was directed to me I commented the need of 2100 wall watts not light watts and due to the height of the tent the use of multiple lights, even four 1200 watt lights will leave a low light area between the lights if the plants grow over 30 inch in height and are in a 12 inch pot. If you think you need HPS I have a box full they don't even make good door stops and in my area won't get you $25 each due to the heat
As for four 600 watt no you will not grow a full tent but if you look at the posts there are some impressive plants being grown with only 150 watt lights not everyone here has the desire or cash to throw thousands on lights for basically a hobby
Hmm... maybe it's a worthwhile fortune.:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: Hey, flexy, personally, I don't recommend COB with lenses. The light output will reduce by 20% with the lense. In addition, it's not easy to repair. If one led goes out, the whole cob will not work properly. :Namaste:
You guys are crazy....2100 WALL WATTS for growing some plants? Seriously, this is hard to believe and would also (at least for Europe) cost a fortune if some would need 2000+ real watts on light.

I can't say anything yet (I have 2x 300W old models but in a greenhouse with additional, real Sun and it's just sprouting)....BUT if you're so concerned about penetration I'd look into COB lights, possibly even those with the lenses! I am still pretty new to this but I understand that the COB lights with the focus lenses have the best penetration. Here too you would not need 2000+ real watts to grow some weed, I am sure.
:circle-of-love: our website is updating. The new version will come out in August. :cheer: Reflector 96x3w will cover 4.4'x2.2' at the height of 2'. Reflector 144x5w will cover bigger area, 6.6'x2.2' at the height of 2'.
Anyone else having problems with their website? Also need a recommendation on a reflector series I should choose for my 3x2x5 tent. Will the 96x3 work or should I go with 144x5?

:Namaste:your grow is one of my favorite.:thumb:
you will get good results with the 96x3 i have seen great grows with less wattage but its hard to give the plants too much light so i would say if your not worries about heat for price then go for the 144x5. i am actually using the light in my 4x2x5 and have low heat and amazing resin production!! i wont have the biggest yealds but i'm a new grower and have made a few mistakes along the way, feel free to stop by my journal


hope this helps man
Which light are you using?
im using there 144x5 in a 4x2x5 foot tent, im able to keep my temps low with just a small 10w duct fan. temps only climb 2-3 degrees more then the temps in my room.
Good point! When you get twice result from what you pay, it's worth a try. :circle-of-love:
Cost is about $120 - $150 a month during flower (8 weeks) produce 3 to 5 lbs every 60 - 70 days local dispensary cost $175 a oz and like the little bird said Cheap Cheap Cheap.
You need 35 to 50 wall watts per sq ft of grow area for good growth with LED be it panel or cob main difference between amount of light is bud size, density, and resin production while it costs more the outcome can be worth almost twice and in as much as half the time. Some of us do not have a greenhouse or live in a area where growing outside is a option and electricity is still reasonable we all forget these posts are from anywhere the internet touches and what seems ridiculous in our area is normal in others.
You have a party here!
You can send PM to anyone here. It's special.:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:
Just realized I'm a member now WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny don't feel special no balloons or dancing ladies not even a glass of water in my face

:idea:Guess I will go play with the girls and tie their children down some more :thumb:

Congrats on becoming a member randy355


No need for the glass of water now :)
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