Mature trichomes, never heard this before. Thoughts?

beard o

Well-Known Member
I have a friend who had extensive experience growing autos. All he grows. I'm showing him a few of my trichome close up photos to get his thoughts. What he said really surprised me.

He says with certain autos, esp sativa dominant ones, never amber up. They turn milky, and then take a different turn.
Rather than turn amber, he says the heads of the trichomes more or less detach from the stems. Similar to that of a mushroom. Then the underside of the head separates from the stem while remaining attached to the stem. Similar to the gills of a mushroom. He says this occurs, the plant is ready to harvest just as if the trichomes were amber.
The guys knows his stuff, and has been a real source of help for me getting started growing.
Has anyone else heard or experienced this?
Yeah I purposefully harvested when the trichomes were milky too. The strain was Northern lights X Bigbud, I was trying to limit the 'couch lock' as much as I could.

Don't know if it worked, as I have just woken up after taking a bong hit 20 minutes ago lol.
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