Modest Erieflwr tossing in the towel

Magical Butter Machine is hands down the easiest way to safely make our beloved tinctures. I own one and I won't make them any other way.
instant pot does the same thing cheaper.
I thought the term was Hermie or hermied! :cheer: Thank you Joe!
A friend of mine is helping with my how to book, and she got to Step 6 Sex the Plant. She recently had a discussion in an LGBTQ forum about words used in farming/gardening in general. She asked me if there was a way to describe the procedure without using gender categories. So, I started thinking how much fun I had killing all the Boys♂️ and living in a world where girls rock.♀️

This is what I came up with yesterday. Pollen Producers vs Flower Producers.
In the context of growing from a handful of bag seeds, does this sound about right? I admit until yesterday I didn't realize the plants I was destroying didn't flower at all. Live and learn.:nerd-with-glasses:

As a newbie using bag seeds wanting a high THC yield, I wouldn't know if my screwing up the lights caused my flowers to produce seeds or if the seeds themselves are genetically destined to produce flowers that produce seeds. My hypothetical best bet would be to start over from Step 1 and pop some new seeds. :yummy:

But what if you are a guru, and you know your genetics were primo, your environment stress free and yep, you fucked up the 12/12 lights, would you hang on to the seeds? Maybe just as an experiment? Or has my obvious mind reinvented the wheel once again?

Pat, thanks about cheap and easy advice with the Instant Pot! :thanks: I don't think Instant Pot was a thing 10 years ago, meaning safe pressure cookers. Which, obviously the Magic Butter maker was/is. As a cook, I had no experience with them, just a healthy fear.
Back then I was researching stench free ways of processing my beloved Larry. Whoo WEEe, but my tinctures stunk up the kitchen, made me paranoid as hell!
I can't tell you all how much I appreciate your comments and patience.:circle-of-love: I meant to comment directly to Pat about the coconut oil being lower in cholesterol and etc. Fats vs Fats kinda discussion, biggest bang for the THC Buck+ healthy food. Ten years ago that was a concern, though my goal was merely growing something that lived😎. I'd love 💕 to discuss stuff like ointment vs consumables (ie tinctures, butter,oil, hash solids) but feel right now it would be a rabbit hole considering my current goal of WRITING about growing high THC yield from random bag seeds. 👍
Charcoal Filter helps a lot, but I'm sure the moisture from the Humidity ruins the filter faster. Good thing they don't cost a lot to replace as I replace mine about once per year. I use the old ones for intake air at the bottom of my tent. The general rule of thumb is to try to keep your humidity between 60% - 70% in Veg & 30% - 40% during flower. Depending on the type of lighting you use the tent temps will vary some. HPS lights put out a lot of heat & more of a Red Spectrum so you are trying to stay around 77F in Veg & 68F during Flower. 68F will bring out any colors the plant has, increase Trichome & Terpene production. It isn't necessary to be at 68F, but it does help. I am currently flowering at 78F with no issues. With LED Lights you can run your tent temps higher. I keep my tent anywhere between 78 - 84F since I use LED's. If you want to be precise...., on the money you can get a laser thermometer & point it at one of the top leaves on the plant to get a precision canopy temp in your tent. Leaf temp is the most accurate way to set your temps that I'm aware of. Or, you can buy Inkbird Controllers for Humidity & Temps & let them control your environment for you. Hope this helps you some.
Charcoal Filter helps a lot, but I'm sure the moisture from the Humidity ruins the filter faster. Good thing they don't cost a lot to replace as I replace mine about once per year. I use the old ones for intake air at the bottom of my tent. The general rule of thumb is to try to keep your humidity between 60% - 70% in Veg & 30% - 40% during flower. Depending on the type of lighting you use the tent temps will vary some. HPS lights put out a lot of heat & more of a Red Spectrum so you are trying to stay around 77F in Veg & 68F during Flower. 68F will bring out any colors the plant has, increase Trichome & Terpene production. It isn't necessary to be at 68F, but it does help. I am currently flowering at 78F with no issues. With LED Lights you can run your tent temps higher. I keep my tent anywhere between 78 - 84F since I use LED's. If you want to be precise...., on the money you can get a laser thermometer & point it at one of the top leaves on the plant to get a precision canopy temp in your tent. Leaf temp is the most accurate way to set your temps that I'm aware of. Or, you can buy Inkbird Controllers for Humidity & Temps & let them control your environment for you. Hope this helps you some.
I think I may have successfully copied and pasted important information here from Buds...::need to check it out tomorrow in case I dreamed this::
My whole seed emporium was established through bag seed. :thumb: I use "emporium" jokingly. I gathered bag seed during my time as a dispensary delivery driver. My employee discount was great.

From there I learned how to breed and made myself quite a few crosses. Some were junk and some were great. I still was crossing strains up until I hung it up for a short bit.
NOT, of course, that I want to reveal my secret identity/location. I do want to try writing a book/tutorial/article or maybe just an engraving on my headstone about the glory days I had here in 2014

The Charcoal Filter helps a lot, but I'm sure the moisture from the Humidity ruins the filter faster. Good thing they don't cost a lot to replace as I replace mine about once per year. I use the old ones for intake air at the bottom of my tent. The general rule of thumb is to try to keep your humidity between 60% - 70% in Veg & 30% - 40% during flower. Depending on the type of lighting you use the tent temps will vary some. HPS lights put out a lot of heat & more of a Red Spectrum so you are trying to stay around 77F in Veg & 68F during Flower. 68F will bring out any colors the plant has, increase Trichome & Terpene production. It isn't necessary to be at 68F, but it does help. I am currently flowering at 78F with no issues. With LED Lights you can run your tent temps higher. I keep my tent anywhere between 78 - 84F since I use LED's. If you want to be precise...., on the money you can get a laser thermometer & point it at one of the top leaves on the plant to get a precision canopy temp in your tent. Leaf temp is the most accurate way to set your temps that I'm aware of. Or, you can buy Inkbird Controllers for Humidity & Temps & let them control your environment for you. Hope this helps you some.

My whole seed emporium was established through bag seed. :thumb: I use "emporium" jokingly. I gathered bag seed during my time as a dispensary delivery driver. My employee discount was great.

From there I learned how to breed and made myself quite a few crosses. Some were junk and some were great. I still was crossing strains up until I hung it up for a short bit.
Dang! Trying to post an image....

Gahhhh!! Sorry guys and gals! I was trying to illustrate how important it is to consider ALL aspects of tending our plants! I got a little poetic and screwed up the illustration...Sigh, good roots=good plant. Shoulda just said that, smoked a doob, then went to sleep. 😴:bong::peacetwo:
She recently had a discussion in an LGBTQ forum about words used in farming/gardening in general. She asked me if there was a way to describe the procedure without using gender categories.
What's wrong with using the terms "Male" and "Female?"

So, I started thinking how much fun I had killing all the Boys♂️ and living in a world where girls rock.♀️
Feminism in a nutshell.

Thanks for the laughs.
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