Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2016

Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

So current situation photos below. Still not yet watered but MiK and AK48 got watered by dripping rainwater from the little holes off the ceiling. Took care of it already, but now I have problem with unison water schedule haha. Well I guess that's not a biggie.
The ladies are still in a pretty moist soil, so I guess not even tomorrow will be a watering schedule. So I suppose it's gonna be midweek then.

MiK doing great


MaK doing great as well. She is the youngest of them all


AK48 now standing on her own. So proud of her.




HxKC. Is it normal for one to be green yellow like her? She seems fine I think so maybe just her strain properties being like this?


And the still-flowering Auto at last. Can anyone tell which one is it? Lemon Haze, Bubblelicious, or OG Haze?
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Day 25 since sprouting, i think the growth has been really slow. But maybe theyre just taking their time.

I took the cages off and I guess rats only love young seedlings just sprouted off the soil. I did it in order to bring the LED panel closer. My lamps are currently 40-50cm above them. Thatd be around 16-20".











Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

I have decided that maybe I put too little perlite in the soil and it has become really dense for the roots. I already checked for all other factors. Ph, temp, nutes, light. Everything else is okay, so that must be it. Im gonna add enough perlite to each and while im doing it im gonna make a switch to fabric pots as well. Wish me luck. Transplanting should not be a problem. Wish me luck :)

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Okay, so I did the transplant and I think it went well. Removed cages cause I think rats only love the seedlings and not young plants and no problem so far and then I lowered my LED to around 40cm. Since I had fabric pots laying around I decided to also switch pots.
Basically no additional soil, just rearrange them and mixed around half kilo perlites into each plant's soil mix. These are 20+ L pots and basically just the same size as the plastic planterbag from before.

MiK and HxKC still recovering from their earlier stunt growth. A bit of overwatering due to raindrops on the MiK. The auto should be doing way beter now. Her soil was so compacted and moisture was trapped, it was almost clay-like. So the transplantation and the remix with perlite helped with decompaction of the soil. There are three ladies which thrive right away after transplantation and more aerated soil: MaK, LiOGK and AK48. Pics below:

Auto Unknown







The whole setup

Next watering will be next week, they were quite moist as I was transplanting them and got to feel the soil, and also I had to water a bit post-transplant to saturate the soil, so I think I will let them dry until next Sunday.
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Too much update haha, but this is crucial timing, now i know which one vigorous and which one should really be handled more with less moisture. My MiK is still yellowing, looks like the raindrops werw too much, but I hope shes gonna bounce back. I think she will. Second in bad cond is the HxKC, but shes already showing recuperation. Moving to fabric pots and remixed soil now with perlite haha has been good. I even fimmed all of them.

So in secret I have been thinking of adding a new panel, so then I went to ask one custom build. I wanted to use Luxeon Rebel LED 3w instead of the #1 with Bridgelux 1w. The #2 has 24 Luxeon Rebel LEDs with 4 variants: Cool White, White, Warm White and Red. Should be good. I am officially set in the light dept I suppose hehe.
Pics below.

HxKC bouncing back after fimmed

LiOGK fimmed too

MiK from the healthiest one to this. I still fimmed her though, should be interesting.


Flowering check guys. How far in am I? Or when can I harvest her? I think 2-3 more weeks? I forgot to note down when she started flowering... So...


Top performer. AK48.

Second best along with LiOGK, MaK

New setup

New light settling in

Extra pic:
What insect is this? It is like ant just with dots and pointy end. Doesnt look like plant eater tho. Oh and i got ladybugs in my site. She comes and goes. So lucky! I can be relaxed in the small pest dept.

Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Hi dude. Now that you mentioned it. LOL maybe it is a concrete bunker.
I am currently away from my babies, will update tomorrow after returning back.
Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to cultivate after watering. That seems logical in order to prevent compacting and provide better top aeration, no?

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Do you mean the kind of clay balls used by kids to play and make cute little creatures?

Can you show me a pic or explain how to apply them on top of my soil?

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Alright. I got it. I see a couple sellers online. Thanks for the tips, Deprivation.

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Will it be too much when I already have perlite mixed in too? Wow it is crazy cheap even tho it is imported. Like a dollar for a liter. Im feeling reluctant to remix things once again tho, perhaps just apply it on top of my soil as dressing. That should be good enough, right? This is crazy cheap compared to perlite. Perlite is not that expensive either, but this is just next level cheap hahahaha. Maybe because I dont need much. If somebody uses exclusively this as media, it wont be as cheap tho. So, it makes sense then haha.

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Nice. Exactly what I thought I would do haha. Jorgeee! What a superstar this man is. Thanks bunch, Deprivation! Cheers. Keep em green and lets toke some more haha.

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

So I just came back home and I've been thinking of preparing a new plant in place of the soon-to-be-done auto. It's not putting alot but I hope at least the quality is there.
For the next plant I'm feeling lucky and gonna gamble with Nirvana freebies. I'm gonna call it Mystery Seed so in short: MySe

I also picked the smallest seed there is hehe. Let's see if it's gonna pop. So far 100% rate with Nirvana and ACE.

I'm gonna post pics of the new pot and the rest of the squad later.
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

OK, so HxKC has shown progress of its recovery after fimmed, and just a little shown by MiK. The rest are doing fine. Soil was all dry enough so I watered them just now. Temp and RH are looking good tonite. Auto is still progressing with its flower and MySe is currently germinating. If things go well, and MySe will need bigger pot within 2 weeks, then that is time for the Auto to be chopped. Fingera crossed on the mystery seed to be a female, but if it is a male, well I just have to remove it and it is still quite some time before due. So here are pics:

HxKC recovering just fine with its new growth

LiOGK doing fine

MiK still not doing amazing but new growth is happening after fim, so we shall see

AK48 also still on the right track

MaK as well


Auto still flowering, i think this is Bubblelicious after comparing pics online

Temp and RH

MySe in its...not sure, but I think this is not a gal pot, most likely just half gal or even less. Fingers crossed

So, as you can see I suspect they need more Nitrogen so I hit em with a Nitrogen-heavy nute and molasses, as for the Auto just water and foliar drench light in Nitrogen. I think we shall see tomorrow if anything changes for the better. Anyone thinks its heatstress or too much light lol?
And is this a gnat or just the usual moth?


Theyre so small, if no one can spot them, I will edit the pic and highlight them.
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

So I dont have much concern about the small insects since I saw ladybugs also making their rounds. If it ever gets too serious I have neem oil in my disposal too. Planning to drench them ladies with that if things get worse this weekend.
This morning I drench my ladies with Calcium Sulfate and Magnesium Sulfate. Not mixed, but one solution after another. I dilluted a lil less than a tsp in half gallon each and drenched mostly on the auto and some on the rest. The auto as you can see looking in dire need of some cal and mag. I hope that wasnt too much. Fingers crossed that this weekend I can give them normal nutes and tentatively neem oil solution should I see any damage done by these insects. I definitely see some of them, not too many to be worried I feel. As long as I see ladybugs flying I feel secure. Haha.

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

LOL Fuck I just found out that caso4 or calcium sulfate is not soluble as only so little will be dissolved in water. So on I went to order a Calcium Nitrate instead. This is really silly of me. The mag sulfate should be fine though. O well...microbes should be fine breaking down the calcium sulfate lol. I just hope it wont kill my Auto haha.

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

I am really happy today to have found my ladies thriving. So the hit of Nitrogen helped and then yesterday I got myself some humic acid powder and I drench them plants and soil. Just around 2L for all of them. I have watered three times over three days but it wasnt much so I dont think I overwatered. So, regular feed of 3L of veg nutrients for the photos and 3L for the auto with flowering nutes and then next day 1.5L caso4 solution among them and then 1.5L mgso4 solution as well. And lastly 2L of humic acid solution. Now into dry cycle. Just today they are already looking like this.
Oh and I trimmed my auto since those ar bad leaves anyway. I'm leaving some for the last mile. Will harvest this weekend. I tested a bud and I love it.
As for the mystery seed, still hasnt popped out so I germinated another mystery seed freebies. I have a feeling the seed is a dud due to its very small size and light color. The next one could be a dud too, we shall see.
Here are pics:


MiK new growth is looking promising

The auto as of now. She's nearing her end this weekend.






Mystery seed number 2 planted in. You can see nothing still from the first mystery seed.

So, I am very expectant that this weekend I am going to see alot of growth. It sure looks like they re taking off now. Cant wait to harvest, dry and cure my Auto. Pathetic yield but the smoke is alright. So its fine for me hehe.

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Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Todays update
Everything seems good. HxKC and MiK bouncing back just fine while the rest are leading the growth spur still with AK48 the most vigorous followed by MaK and LiOGK. Auto is just sitting waiting to be chopped. So my focus is now on the one seed to sprout. Second seed planted in soil to germinate and nothing so far. I deliberately picked the 2 least promising freebies just to check them out. They are relatively smaller and light-colored compared to the rest.

Here are pics from today. Took em just now

Positions rotated

Master Kush

Lithium OG Kush


Misty Kush bouncing with her nice new growth

Haze x Kali China bouncing bouncing bouncing. Very nice.

My tiny Auto, Bubblelicious presumably.

It's been a cloudy day and it rained pretty good today, so that is why we have this temp and RH
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

So, quick check today and I am so happy to see them doing so well. Seeds still havent popped out and this is kinda frustrating. I do not want to plant in another seed just now, so Im gonna wait another week. On the other hand, the Auto is ready to be harvested, so I chopped a third of it. So little to harvest but I am content considering this is my first harvest. Already washed them and currently being dried. Should be ready to smoke in 2 weeks. Drying for a week and will be stored afterwards. I'm stoked hehe. Here are pics.

Master Kush

Lithium OG Kush

Auto, well the third of it. Going to chop them next week, dry and cure it then.

Haze x Kali China

Misty Kush




Three freebies seeds. I am starting to feel they might be duds. O my. We shall see next week or even less than a week

Temp and RH look good

Cheap hanging apparatus cost me around $3. Drying in progress.
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Wohooo, watered them yesterday a good 6L of nutes, seaweed extract, fish emulsion and molasses among all 5 photo ladies. They are on the fast track. Next week should be the time to adjust the lighting it seems.
Auto was watered with plain water only. All the rest of the buds are almost finished. The smoke from the bud off the top I harvested and quickly dried and cured for three days was just off the chart. Will try longer dry and cure next at the final harvest.
None of the seeds has popped out, they are increasingly looking like duds these Nirvana freebies. Maybe I will simply plant a seed of ACE Malawi or Golden Tiger into the Auto's pot. I think I am going to pick the Malawi fem.


Misty Kush totally back from near death

Lithium OG Kush

Master Kush

Ak48 leading the way

Haze x Kali China also back to life, but better compared to Misty Kush
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

good stuff bro ,did u say your gonna pop a malawi gold , im currently growing a few seeds of africa mg, that little auto is pretty cool haha a little nugget just growing!
Re: Mondstern's First Official Attempt - Outdoor/Indoor Hybrid Environment - Newbie 2

Yeah very cute. Definitely real proof how bad its gonna be if an auto does not get properly grown during the early phase.
No Malawi Gold, just Malawi, photos. I forgot whats the difference. The Malawi still has not been planted. But surely soon enough. These duds. FML really haha.

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