My First Grow Journal - Kush


New Member
hello 420'er:thumb::thanks:

my setup-3 plants
5x5 room with a 1000w hps 12/12-temps 79-81 humiditys around 30 to 52%
he told me it was bubba kush.

roots organics-3g buckets-

foxs farm growbig,tiger bloom,big bloom,ching,beasty bloom,sesame,
once a week @6.3 ph

i'm alittle late for a journali'm into the 5th week but what the heck. lol so far so good this is my second grow and i think im doing ok..

i'll try to keep updates of the my progress.. here's some random pic's i took today.. if u see anything wrong plz let me know good or bad..i can take it.. lol.. group shot

i notice the top of leafs are curling up..




i'll get them all sort it for you guys i just wanted to get them up first..
thanks for looking:thumb:
Re: my first grow journal (kush)

Looking real Healthy Harleyman!!! great job! And welcome to 420mag
Re: my first grow journal (kush)

Holy granola, what a cola, Batman!

Seroiusly, Harley, beautiful looking crop. You're doing a great job.

Kushmain said:
i see ur leaves are shooting up.. hopefully somebody can help ya..

To be honest, I didn't even see this at first. It looks like you might have a slight Magnesium deficiency. I had one in my last grow. Not a big deal and easy to correct.

The old saying is "If the leaves are curling up, they're praying for Magnesium." Just add one tbsp of Epsom salts per gallon to your next watering.

Check this out (about half way down the page):

By the way, have you flushed these plants at all? You may have some mineral salt buildup. This can lock out certain nutrients.
Re: my first grow journal (kush)

Holy granola, what a cola, Batman!

Seroiusly, Harley, beautiful looking crop. You're doing a great job.

Kushmain said:

To be honest, I didn't even see this at first. It looks like you might have a slight Magnesium deficiency. I had one in my last grow. Not a big deal and easy to correct.

The old saying is "If the leaves are curling up, they're praying for Magnesium." Just add one tbsp of Epsom salts per gallon to your next watering.

Check this out (about half way down the page):

By the way, have you flushed these plants at all? You may have some mineral salt buildup. This can lock out certain nutrients.
thanks gg for the help it was very helpful.:thanks:
I'm on my 2nd grow as I love much detail involved to perfect this art!!! makes me wanna learn more and more...and this site is great for that!! can't wait to see some updates!!
Never too late to start a journal, especially one with plants as good looking as those. I'm Subbed.

I'm on my 2nd grow as I love much detail involved to perfect this art!!! makes me wanna learn more and more...and this site is great for that!! can't wait to see some updates!!

thanks mud for stoping by... this has been really fun for me to! i know there's going to be a time where shits going to get out of wack i just hope im ready and get some help when i need it..

my lights about to come on so i'm going to take some pics for you guys..
little update they seem to be allright but the mag def getting worst.. i just got some epson salt today so i'll flush tomarrow..

i'm going on the 7th wk flowering it only goes about 6-9 wks to finish do u guys think i should try to fix her or should i just let her be.. well here's some pic's

you can see the mag def on this plant..

this one's really bad..

on one of the plant i notice the hair turning brown quick.. i might take it down on thw 8th wk..
My hairs got brown real fast. Get a scope if you havent already, the hairs turn colors when they arent ready alot but the trich colors are what matters. The plants look great, the mag def wont show signs of gettin better for a few days maybe weeks so just focous on this harvest date u have. Once you fkush your plants are going to brown each leaf anyway. Great plants bud
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