My first grow.


New Member
What strain is it? Bagweed and White Rhino
Indoor or outdoor? Indoors
Soil or Hydro? Hydro
Size of light? 4' T5 4 bulbs
PH of media or res? 6.2Any Pests ?
How often are you watering? Ebb and Flow, but I will be changing to top drip.
Type and strength of ferts used? Botanicare Blend Pro

Bagseeds and AeroGarden system

A couple of mother plants will use to start the first crop.

White Rhino and one unknown from the Nivana seeds.

There are two system for vegetable stage:
AreoGarden and ebb/flow setup. If the AeroGarden does the job well, then the ebb/flow will be turned into a SOG area.

There is one White Rhino in the flower area, but being out of town for 2 weeks, there were problems. The top leave were curling upward and yellow/green. The 400w HPS air cooled light was 6" from the top of the plant. It's just a matter of wait and see after the light was rised to 12" above the plant.

The bagseeds were sorted. There are over 200 seeds (not show in the photo below). In Feb/March 2009, the bagseed will be the next crop.

Re: My first grow...

~Hey Looks Like A Sweet Set-up I Think Plants Grow Best At 5.6 Ph Though You May Want To Bring Yours Down A Little.. Good Luck With The Grow I Will Be Following. How Many Plants Does That Support~
Sick plant

The White Rhino Plant isn't doing so well. I have added Cal-Max to help with the yellowing/curling leaves. The new growth is curling at the tips.

The other 3 smaller White Rhinos I put in the flowering area are doing ok.
The droplets are from spraying the plants.

Re: My first grow...

The clones are doing well in the aerogarden. The roots are getting long.

If anyone else is using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro, I would be interested in your dosing schedule. I am thinking about switching on my next growth to GH since there is a lot of information on using the stuff.
Re: My first grow...

I like the aerogarden. It had a bunch of thyme and basal, cut I can't use that much herb to cook, so I decided to use it for some herb that I can use daily.
2 weeks in flowering mode

One of the White Rhino is going better, but the tips are still curling up on the tips. I did a flush and water/nutrient change today.
Total 4 plants in flower area.
Re: My first grow...

The White Rhino is doing well. I keep the ppm at 1700. I add Mg (Epsom salt) to my reservior (15G) approx 1 tsp a week or when I see the yellowing curling.

Re: My first grow...

The clones in the AeroGarden are getting too tall. I am thinking about using one of them as a mother plant and cutting them down a little for my next grow. The next grow will be SCROG.

Re: My first grow...

update photos for January 28, 2009
The plants are doing well. I added Big Bud today.




The 3 plants are drinking approx 2g a day. The solution is 1710ppm. Using Bontanicare Pure Blend pro, Cal-Mag, Big Bud.
Re: My first grow...

damn, you are a pro. I don't know what most of those Cal-Mag and pure blend stuff is. The aerogarden is a great idea, but I agree that the plants might get too tall. how important is Mg to the plant? I just started my plant a week ago, and i noticed that there really isn't any Mg in my nutrients. I think i can get Mg from epsom salt, but how important is it? should I add it to the nutrient water I created, or should i sprinkle the epsom on top of the soil? I only have one plant and i water from the top. it's my first plant.
Re: My first grow...

I learned the hard way about Mg. I use R/O water with a TDS of 5ppm. When I switch to the flowering stage, I went away for 2 weeks on vacation. When I got back, the tips were curling upwards and the leaves were yellow.

I flush and added the correct nutrient balance and Cal-Mag. The plant recovered. If you notice in the current photos, some leave are curling again. I added a teaspoon of Epsom salt when I top off the reservior with 2 gallons of r/o water, approx once every 4 to 5 days. I change out the reservior biweekly. Keep an eye on the ppm. I run 1700ppm
Re: My first grow...

damn, okay. I use distilled water. i have the nutrient thing down, i think. the only one i'm missing is mg. so i only use a tiny bit of epsom salt, ok.
Re: My first grow...

damn, okay. I use distilled water. i have the nutrient thing down, i think. the only one i'm missing is mg. so i only use a tiny bit of epsom salt, ok.

I recommend investing in some Cal-Mg solution. I use it and the different is amazing. I get the curling up every now and then, I add the mixture and the problem is gone. It only affects one of my plants, but the others are looking great!
Re: My first grow...

hmm... okay, how much does it cost? or should i just wait to see if my leaves curl before i do anything? yea, that seems like the better idea
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