My first grow.

Re: My first grow...

Mg is one item that is missing in distill water, but Ca is also needed.
Update Feb 2, 2009. Aerogarden and veg forest.

I change out the solution.
15 gals r/o water
Bontenicare Pure Blend Pro Grow 300ml
Big Bud 2 tsps
Liquid Karama 150ml
Ca-Mg 150ml
1910 ppm

Buds everywhere: 2 unknow and 1 white Rhino


I think I am at 5 weeks. I started flowering December 22, 2008


The parameter above are in the reserviour



Here is the White Rhino:

I am going to stop using the AeroGarden. The plants are drinking the water too fast. I have to refill the tray every other day. Too much work.


I want to make two of the plants mothers.

The veg ebb and flow area is a forest. I have to cut them back. I will use the plants in here to do my next crop as a SCROG when my 1st crop is complete, sometime in late Feb.


Too many clones.
Feb 16 update

I got the handheld microscope today. The tits are clear.



My veg area is over-grown. I cut the plants down once and now they are wide and tall. I will cut them down again this week. My 2nd grow will be SCROG and i believe by cut the plants in the veg area will provide more cola.

The Aerogarden is just a waste of time to use as a veg unit. The reserviour is too small. I have to refill the unit every other day. The clones are now about 20" tall and are wide!!!. I will cut them down also for the SCROG once my flower area is available.
Re: My first grow...

One other thing, the buds are very sticky. My fingers felt like paste was on them. The leave now have crytals covering them near the buds.
Re: My first grow...

abso-fucing-lutely beautiful, great job man, really impressed
Re: My first grow...

I am at 51 days in the flowering phase. I am wondering when do I start to flush. Do I start when the trichs turn amber? Or, will the trichs turn amber once I start to flush?
Re: My first grow...

I harvested and cured the crop. 3 plants and I got approx 130g, 4.5oz. 400w lights, ebb and flow (2x2).

I went to a friend's house and we sampled the results (a party of 4).
1st the bagseed, the smoke taste was like a lite grapefruit taste with a bit of after taste. The smoke was thick. We smoke one blout. We sat for a moment and a feeling of the body relaxing then I felt my head feeling lite. A very relax state of mind.
Then we did the White Rhino, complete head high!!! And I mind started remembering pleasent things. I enjoyed the feeling. The taste was mild and smooth, a little like a melon.

Next we place the WR in a bong. After two hits, I stood up, went to the sofa and day dreamed of old lovers (smile).

After a few moments or an hour, I was called back to the table to try the WR in my Vapor Genie. Two hits and I was done for at least an hour. Complete Head high with some body. We ordered pizza and eat like we were straving. That night I was passed out for 6 hours of the best sleep I had since 1998.

The next day, I was feeling completely rested.


Re: My first grow...

Nice looking bud.:smokin:
Sounds like you had some fun.:smokin:
I tried some my Rhino it tastes like roses with a hint of citrus.:grinjoint:


You are correct about the taste. It was the WR that had the grapefruit/citrus taste. We had a very good night. I usually just take a couple of hits, but that night I was celebrating the harvest. I left a jar with my friend. He just ask for more. No no no. I must keep my supply until the next harvest. I will share every now and then... :roorrip:
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