My grow on the verge of being overtaken by spider mites


Well-Known Member
I read there are plants that keep the mites away that you can put next to the other plants. How close to them do you think it would have to be? If I get like chives and place them around the grow would that make them go away?

How long do you think it would take to work? I'm starting to think this wont help me with this grow but maybe I can use it for the next one to make sure they stay away once I am in flowering.

They have pretty good numbers now but I am keeping them back best I can with light spraying of azamax, but I fear mold. I have two dehumidifiers in the room and it keeps the humidity at around 35-40%. Temp is between 65-72, I lowered it a bit to keep the mites away but I really need to keep the heat up so the plants are putting on more weight.

Any other info you may need is probably in my grow journal in the link below.
peppers also will help and rosemary too.
as far as treating them there is a product called Spinosad from Bonide which you can spray on your plants up to one day before harvest.
its organic and does a great job on killing them little shits. hope it helps you.
Peppers huh? Can I spray rosemary while I'm in flowering?

I found Bonide but It's a site with a lot of different stuff. Is it the "Insecticidal Soap RTU"? Bonide

Oh sorry I didn't miss you said spinosad. Can't find a product called that on their site but they have a few with that in it. I think I found it elsewhere though.
I had spider mites once went and got a hot shot no pest at the local box hardware store hung one in the mother chamber one in the flower chamber under the plants within 48 hours i had to look hard to find a mite now i keep one in the room all the time and no mite problems. i tried neem oil but it just didnt get rid of them.
try neem oil it is organic and the shit stinks. mix with water, safe on leaves,stems, soil. couple of treatments, week apart,boom done! Stuff says it can used to day of harvest but I would not do that. Cause it stinks did I say that all ready. ohh anyway, good luck
If you have spider mites, your best bet is to get rid of them NOW instead of using traps and plants to put a barrier up, there already in : /

i used alot of products and they failed untill i used Liquid Ladybug, you can get it online and it works great, you can even use days befor harvest because its 100% organic,


Notice the yellow sponge rapped around the base of the plant, you do this and tie tight around stem and saturate with your product, this is your barrier for spider mites because SPIDER MITES CANT FLY! so they would have to crawl up the stem, which u just made a lava
sponge in its path.

Then you want to spray the WHOLE PLANT, under leafs, tops, soil, stems, your moms underbelly;P, then spray the bucket/room lightly to get any that are runners.

I had a whole room infestation and within 2 days got rid of and have not had mites sense then! :wood:
These threads should get an answer. Like... how did it go?

Neem Oil blows chunks on marijuana. You want to smoke fishy smelling weed? Go right ahead.

Ladybugs? Yeah... if you get larvae. Adult ladybugs you buy in the store are looking to have sex rather than eat.

I have spider mites right now... feet away from me... hopefully dying as I type. I just got a Hot Shot No Pest Strip and will report back with results.
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