My killer A5 haze won't flip


420 Member
I am new here. I have never grown before, or tried to flip a plant before. I have a Killer A5 Haze that germinated on aug.1st. It is grown in hydro and is outgrowing my tent. The tent is a 3x4, and I have been trying to flip to flower for 11 days now (12/12) and not even a sign of white pistals. The temp. Is between 73 and 70 degrees at night, the humidity around 50%. I am growing in a vivosun tent, which due to light leaks, I have covered with black out curtain panels. How long does it take to flip a haze, or do I need to do something else? Help...this plant is outgrowing my tent before any flowers start. The canopy is at least 3 ft. By 3 ft. I need it to flower soon or I will run out of space


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The timer works, because I am always there to put to bed, so to speak, and up at 6am to wake her up. I just have never done this before so I'm just worried its taking so long. I'm reading posts that it only takes a few days to a week.
Hey Kabuki,

welcome to 420! on average It takes anywhere from 8 to 21 days depending on strain. For the height problem maybe consider super-cropping the limbs.... but don’t do the whole plant in a day. Spread it out and do 4 to 6 limbs per day or something so you don’t shock her. Then the next day give her total rest and on the following day do 4 to 6 limbs again. Carry on until you’ve treated all the main limbs.
It is in a five gallon bucket. Super cropping scares me. I just add a net, and started pulling tops down. I literally only have 15 inches until its hitting the light. That is max light height. This is the first plant I've grown and didn't know what I was getting into. Watching youtube videos like crazy etc. I started autoflowers in soil, but not so successful. This plant you can do anything and it grows 2 Inches overnight.
I tried to start flowering 11 days ago, all the videos said it would flower in 3 to 7 days. Still nothing, that is why im getting concerned. The tent is 72 inches tall and with the light pulled all the way up that will be all I have. It grew faster than I thought. I never did this before. The autoflowers are only 18 to 24 inches at flower. This plant is big for a indoor tent. I had to move everything else out of the tent to accommodate. Didnt realize it may not flower for three weeks. I was beginning to think it's not going to flower because I may be missing something I need to be doing
At least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. A timer helps with keeping her hours very consistent. No light leaks, check all your gear... fans, power strips, dehumidifier etc tape off all indicator lights. Some indicator lights may need 3 or more coats of duct tape to black out the light. Keep tent room as dark as possible during her lights off hours. She will pop her fuzzy flowers out soon and show you the bush!
What if it is a boy? I bought a feminized seed. How long before I know?

I thought I saw a pistil in picture #2 of post #1. Could be wrong (half-blind).

BtW, with a 12:12 light:dark light schedule, the average cannabis plant will stretch for the first ~40% of its flowering period. In other words, if it has a 100-day flowering period, expect it to stretch for the first 40 days of it. Some haze strains have a longer flowering period than that, lol. Back in the day, I kept two mother plants of Nevile's Haze. One flowered for approximately 16 weeks and the other for about 20.5. With the latter, a ready-to-flower clone, placed in a space with 12:12 light schedule at 10"... would be 6' or so tall at harvest time. You might want to think about running a 11:13 or even 10:14 schedule if you think you're going to have height (or "bush diameter," I suppose) issues. It would mean less yield - but so would a severely overcrowded grow space.
Thank you for your advice. I left it in the 4x3 grow tent because it's the only plant I'm trying to flower right now, but the canopy is already over 3 ft. By 3 ft. I have a 4 x 5 grow tent I may have to put it in, but that means moving my autoflowers and crowding them a bit in the smaller tent. I just didn't realize the size this plant had the potential to grow as I've never grown or flowered a plant before. Now I know better, and will plan plant size to tent accordingly.
It'd probably be a great plant to... end up with a large one of ;).

You can flower autoflowering cannabis plants under a traditional flowering light schedule, so if you need to do some shuffling and it's a choice between sticking one or two in the tent with the haze or throwing them onto the compost pile, stick them where you need to. They just won't end up being as large (unless you can make up the DLI hit from less hours of light by giving them more light "at a time," so to speak).
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