My plant is too tall

For a photoperiod you have to flip to 12/12 when your plants are half max height or less. Also in a short tent, bending the main stem over is a great way to keep things short. A good time is right after you clip. Clipping redistributes the hormone auxin, [which tells the plant where up is] and causes growth of the branches to speed up. When these branches are tall enough, tie them down. Top half of that tall one is showing some stress. Its wilting like it's thirsty, but the bottom isnt , so its probably already too close to that light. [Which you already know]

If you have more space horizntally, you could super crop it and bend it over.
For a photoperiod you have to flip to 12/12 when your plants are half max height or less. Also in a short tent, bending the main stem over is a great way to keep things short. A good time is right after you clip. Clipping redistributes the hormone auxin, [which tells the plant where up is] and causes growth of the branches to speed up. When these branches are tall enough, tie them down. Top half of that tall one is showing some stress. Its wilting like it's thirsty, but the bottom isnt , so its probably already too close to that light. [Which you already know]

If you have more space horizntally, you could super crop it and bend it over.

You are right, I should have flipped at half height, but I let them veg as long as I did because I was waiting for an autoflower to finish before flipping, then the auto was producing seeds and I waited to harvest until seeds were mature and that caused the crazy growth. I then tried to supercrop and some of the branches stayed bent over, but some sprang back up. I will have plenty more horizontal space after culling this male SSH. That should also give me a chance to clean the tent up a bit. They have been on 12/12 for about 3 weeks.
I had an auto in there as well and it went to seed. I assumed it harmed, but when I harvested I did not see any male bits. I let these veg for about 3 months waiting for the auto to finish and apparently the Super Silver Haze had already pollinated the whole tent before showing these signs when I flipped to flower. If that is even possible.

Of course it's possible, lol. That's one of the reasons why I have been known to say (/type) "preflowers are just flowers." One does not keep one's mother plants in the same grow space with one's father plants. If they do so, and do so long enough, they tend to find the occasional seed on the grow space floor (no need to ask me how I know this ;) ).

On the other hand, it is also possible that your auto produced a staminate (aka "male") flower, or more than one, and you just missed it/them.
Of course it's possible, lol. That's one of the reasons why I have been known to say (/type) "preflowers are just flowers." One does not keep one's mother plants in the same grow space with one's father plants. If they do so, and do so long enough, they tend to find the occasional seed on the grow space floor (no need to ask me how I know this ;) ).

On the other hand, it is also possible that your auto produced a staminate (aka "male") flower, or more than one, and you just missed it/them.

I think my friend who ordered the seeds got them from a not very reputable seed bank because the Super Silver Haze was supposed to be fem, but obviously they are not. I am no expert but this looks like a full on male plant to me. Your advise was very helpful in this situation and I appreciate it. I would have never thought about that but it obviously happens.


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Definitely male

Thanks. It looked male to me, for the obvious reason. But my vision is not perfect (and by not perfect, I mean 20:120 vision in one eye, with the other one being slightly worse :rolleyes: ) - so there could have easily been a pistillate ("female") here and there, too, and I might not have noticed. A male plant can have its uses - I wouldn't mind collecting some of that pollen and freezing it for future use. A natural hermaphrodite, never.
I was going to grind it up and put it in a jar with some silver tequila and make a tincture. I will have lots of seeds because if it pollinated my GDP auto it more than likely pollinated my Himalayan Gold and that girl is a beast.
A hermaphrodite?, a male, and a sinsemilla oh my! How did this happen? This picture of my last plant, the Himalayan Gold. This picture was taken about a week ago and I started harvesting her last night and guess what NO SEEDS! How does that happen? So here is the conclusion of my 1st grow so far.

The autoflower GDP was full of seeds from hermaphroditism or pollination which one I am still not sure but a got more than a few seeds from her. She smoked pretty good anyway and gave me a little over 2oz dried.

The Super Silver Haze was a straight up boy and was destroyed.

The Himalayan Gold has no seeds at all and I have harvested a little over a 1/3 of the plant last night and so far she has produced 6.75 oz wet, no seeds and more to go. I sampled a small amount last night and it was an excellent high without even being cured, so I have high hopes.

I have learned a lot from this grow and the advice I received from everyone on here helped tremendously! Let me know what you think and your opinions about this grow. Thank you.


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