Need advice can you help?


Active Member
Hey guys so I’ve started noticing some curling of my sugar leaves and some praying not too sure why?

Setup is

Mars 300
And 120 watt cob
2x2 grow tent
Temps are steady at 24.c with a usual RH of 40

20/4 light cycle 3 autos black cream from sweet seeds they mainly all look healthy other than the slight praying and sugar leaves will add pics and any info would help anything I’ve missed just ask will reply thanks gromies!


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Hi @Krypto and welcome to the forum! :welcome:

It is very hard to see any possible problems in colored light, but best I can tell your plants look to be in wonderful shape and it looks like you are doing a great job.

Where ever you heard someone say that the "praying" is something bad, leave that place.... they are putting out bad information.

Every plant on this planet will track the sun as it moves across the sky. The flowers and leaves all turn and follow the sun as the day progresses, and you should expect no different from your indoor plants. Your light is not moving, but those leaves are pointing right at it, trying to maximize its effect. Note the 45 degree angle the leaves try to establish... this is the optimum stance in relation to that light to capture the most energy while also allowing the maximum energy to pass through and reach the leaves below. Plants are highly efficient beings.

So, the lift required to achieve this "praying" takes a whopping amount of water pressure in the trunk of the plant to be able to achieve it. This process of transpiration, or the evaporation of water from the leaves, is what allows that water pressure to build. A plant that can "pray" is a healthy plant, and one in full transpiration, and drawing up the maximum amount of water that it can. Lift is a good thing, and next time you hear someone refer to "praying" as something bad, please set them straight.
The things you mentioned. Might be a sign of a slight over fertilization. As long as there are no further signs you will be fine. Nothing wrong with riding the edge. Or it could be as Emilya said and just the normal look of the plant.

One of the biggest mistakes any grower can make is finding problems that are not there. New and old growers can do this. We worry about our plants so it can be expected. Just remember to Act and not React
Thanks for the advice guys I’ve been growing for quite some time under HPS and this is my first time with LED was just basically a little budget closet grow really I’m not to worried because they’re healthy but the sugar leaves wilting and curling is obviously some sort of problem which I don’t think is normal it may be possible that I’ve slightly over fertilised but I’ve been going at half the rec dose on advanced nutrients and I’m also using terminator and I’ve gave one feed of rock resinator so I’m not too sure what’s happening!
This is the best I could do hope it helps you to see what I mean


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I thought that’s what you meant wasn’t too sure if that would over water them and cause some adverse side affects?
Yeah they’re not fucked I’ve been growing long enough to know that but yeah I’ll sow down on the nutes a bit was only going half the recommended dose haven’t seen any nute burn or anything that shows real indication of over fertilising but they’ve perked back up now after I moved the light up a tad and let them dry out so will have to see how I get on!
You will be fine.

Supplemental nuits are more trouble then they are worth in lots of case's. Nothing wrong with the Basic N-P-K nuits and a little Cal/Mag.
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