Need help I think it’s pH but not sure!


420 Member
Tips on the leaves are yellowing and I’m pretty new to growing and successfully cloned my buddy’s blue dream plant and now she’s showing signs of Deficiencies please get back to me !


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Hiya Beestrees you using nutes yet? Might be some burn. Do you have a soil pH tester? My water is off a bit I have to bring down my pH with vinegar.
Looks like your doing well. You are likely getting a little nute burn. What are you growing in? What nutes are you using if any?
Don't stress. Young clones are sensitive to nutes at first so just go easy if you are using any.
You say that you think it's ph related... What is your ph going in?
Looks like your doing well. You are likely getting a little nute burn. What are you growing in? What nutes are you using if any?
Don't stress. Young clones are sensitive to nutes at first so just go easy if you are using any.
You say that you think it's ph related... What is your ph going in?
Yeah I’m using grow big 6-4-4 and cal mag 2-0-0 thought it was a mag diff so I bought cal mag my ph tester says the water is 6.6 I usually try to keep it under 6.9 and above 6.2 also I’m using soil for the medium
6.5 is your target ph for soil. If you can keep it around that when feeding / watering you should be fine as far as ph goes.
I don't think ph is your issue as 6.6 is fine for soil. What kind of soil are you growing in? Does it have anything built into it?
I think as your plant matures it will stand up to the feeding schedule better but for now just keep an eye on the tips to avoid burn.
They look good, I wouldn't sweat it. The bright green in the middle looks like happy new growing. I'd say worst case you are a bit early with the nutes, turn them back a bit if it makes you nervous to push the plants. I'm defaulting to pushing harder rather than going soft on my plants lately, they seem to be rewarding my zeal with vigorous new growth! :yahoo:
Thank you !
They look good, I wouldn't sweat it. The bright green in the middle looks like happy new growing. I'd say worst case you are a bit early with the nutes, turn them back a bit if it makes you nervous to push the plants. I'm defaulting to pushing harder rather than going soft on my plants lately, they seem to be rewarding my zeal with vigorous new growth! :yahoo:
Thank you ! I’ll be back if I have more questions
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