Need help with seedling


New Member
This is my fourth grow. The seedlings are about two weeks old and are now starting to curl and I don't know what's wrong. I usually water them with two capsules of water once every two days. Anne it's been about 30 hours and the leaves are curling. I am growing in a pc box and using 3 CFL bulbs. The temperature ranges from 65_80 and the humidity level is usually low. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. If I'm watering too late, too soon, too little, or too much. Please help
Hey ScarletJohn,

Welcome to :420:

Can you post pics of the little seedlings? It will make it much easier for knowledgeable growers to help you with pictures.

What kind of soil/media are you using? Is it different than your last three grows, is anything different than your last three grows?

Those are the only questions I can think to ask without seeing them. Hopefully we can get you sorted out in time!

Good luck!
Hello. Good to see you here. SweetLeef has asked all the ? I had for you as well. I will sit back and watch
This grow has gotten the farthest I have been using fox farm soil. I will post pics but it's not letting me do so. Hold on and thanks for your help.
Seed - 420 Magazine Photo Gallery
Hey ScarletJohn,

Welcome to :420:

Can you post pics of the little seedlings? It will make it much easier for knowledgeable growers to help you with pictures.

What kind of soil/media are you using? Is it different than your last three grows, is anything different than your last three grows?

Those are the only questions I can think to ask without seeing them. Hopefully we can get you sorted out in time!

Good luck!
The seedling has just been replanted in miracle grow soil. I'll keep you all posted!
ood news everyone. Thanks to all your insight and help after transplanting the seed into the miracle grow soil the seedling is starting to curl back up! Hardest thing ever transplanting roots that early... But still praying this seedling survives... If it does just a wow right there I'll post some pictures if anyone would like to see!
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