Need help


420 Member
Hello all new to this site. But I need and advice and help from you God Father og growers...she's about 4 months old getting ready to clone and put her into flower is the run down on her. I have it under 2 100wat viraspectra lights,my tent temp is around 70 when lights are on with a rh of 65-70%,I have her in a soil called lush since my local store was out of fox farm ocean floor,I water about a half gallon a cpl times a week ph at 6.0-6.5 in the jug not run off.i feed with 7-9-5.. I just gave her a about a half gal with cal mag in is a pic so you all can see my issue.. thanks to all that can help

Hello all new to this site. But I need and advice and help from you God Father og growers...she's about 4 months old getting ready to clone and put her into flower is the run down on her. I have it under 2 100wat viraspectra lights,my tent temp is around 70 when lights are on with a rh of 65-70%,I have her in a soil called lush since my local store was out of fox farm ocean floor,I water about a half gallon a cpl times a week ph at 6.0-6.5 in the jug not run off.i feed with 7-9-5.. I just gave her a about a half gal with cal mag in is a pic so you all can see my issue.. thanks to all that can help

Hey buddy :ciao:
Ok 2 things your watering too often.
She needs to dry in between watering.
Your soil needs air to the roots.
Secondly your soil is probably low in nutrients.
D9 you have nutrients you can feed her?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey buddy :ciao:
Ok 2 things your watering too often.
She needs to dry in between watering.
Your soil needs air to the roots.
Secondly your soil is probably low in nutrients.
D9 you have nutrients you can feed her?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
And temps are a bit cool at 70 degrees. They'll grow at those temps but do better 10-15 degrees warmer.
And temps are a bit cool at 70 degrees. They'll grow at those temps but do better 10-15 degrees warmer.
Thanks Azi. :ciao:
Hope your doing well Amigo. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have it under 2 100wat viraspectra lights,my tent temp is around 70 when lights are on with a rh of 65-70%,
That temperature is low as already mentioned. And, when the lights are off it will drop even more. The plant is growing slower than it should be and a good chance that it is not using the available nutrients in the soil or the fertilizer mixed with the water.

I have the feeling that these temperatures will also effect how fast the cuttings start to root.

I water about a half gallon a cpl times a week ph at 6.0-6.5 in the jug not run off.i
The pH sounds good for now. But, you might want to find out what the soil manufacturer recommends as best for that blend and make a change if needed.

And it does sound like too much water per time and maybe too often.

feed with 7-9-5..
I just gave her a about a half gal with cal mag in it.
Who is the manufacturer and what is the name they gave to that fertilizer. If someone uses it or is familiar with it they might have tips and tricks that you could be able to use to get the maximum out of it.

I have her in a soil called lush since my local store was out of fox farm ocean floor,
Roots Organic makes that blend and most likely they gave it that name because of all the stuff they mix in. The paragraphs in italics are a direct copy from their website.

Earthworm castings, dolomite, limestone, phosphate rock, bat guano, langbeinite, feather meal, sulfate of potash, fishbone meal, soybean meal, fish meal, kieserite, volcanic rock dust, blood meal, crab meal, alfalfa meal, greensand, volcanic ash, kelp meal, nettle leaf and hop flowers

*0.8% Slow Release Nitrogen from feather meal, blood meal, bat guano, soybean meal, alfalfa meal, fish meal, fishbone meal, crab meal, nettle leaf, hop flowers.

"The precise ratio of peat, coir, perlite, pumice and worm castings has been added to create ideal water holding capacity and drainage. Rich in sustaining nutrients, this media is designed for a water-only or reduced nutrient schedule. In fact, most plants can happily feed on Lush for up to eight weeks without additional support. Roots Organics Lush is ideal for the gardener who wants a heavily amended soil packed with the best natural and organic nutrients on earth."

With the amounts of peat moss and coco coir the soil mix will not dry out as fast or often as a soil mix that has compost or mineral soil mixed in.

here is a pic so you all can see my issue.. thanks to all that can help
The plant is a decent size and looks like it is still healthy but getting hungry. Should not be hard to turn it around and get it greened up.
I want to thank you for the tips. But also I have a few other questions you mite be able to help with... 1 is how can I feed her if I need to let dry out for a cpl weeks? I'll send 2 pics of what I use to veg and flower with . Question 2 do you know a good safe way to heat a 4x4x80 tent the extra 15 degrees without a catching fire? I bumped the house heat but still need to raise it more... Thanks for any info you can provide..


I want to thank you for the tips. But also I have a few other questions you mite be able to help with... 1 is how can I feed her if I need to let dry out for a cpl weeks? I'll send 2 pics of what I use to veg and flower with . Question 2 do you know a good safe way to heat a 4x4x80 tent the extra 15 degrees without a catching fire? I bumped the house heat but still need to raise it more... Thanks for any info you can provide..


Have you seen the oil filled radiator’s?
Safe, economical and easy to use.
Don’t use an extension cord though.
If you get some heat 4-5 days should dry out nicely.
That monster bloom is a booster I believe.
Not an daily nutrient.
Dyna grow let me check I’ll get back.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I want to thank you for the tips. But also I have a few other questions you mite be able to help with... 1 is how can I feed her if I need to let dry out for a cpl weeks? I'll send 2 pics of what I use to veg and flower with . Question 2 do you know a good safe way to heat a 4x4x80 tent the extra 15 degrees without a catching fire? I bumped the house heat but still need to raise it more... Thanks for any info you can provide..


Dyna gro is great for orchids.
Has a lot in it not sure how good it will work for pot plants.
If it’s all you have then we will try it and see.
Follow the recommendations carefully.
Probably will work for veg just can’t guarantee anything.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hello bill. Thanks for helping so far and the advice... So great it sounds like the local grow shop sold me some bunk veg food.. what kind do u recommend that I should get for vegging and bloom .. thanks again
For ease of use @GeoFlora Nutrients are fantastic.
Mix some in your pot , then a little on the surface of your pot once a week.
It's granular, just add a couple grams to the top of the pot and water as usual.
2 formulas veg & flower.
If you can get it fantastic.
If not what do you have locally available?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Every  two weeks I believe is the recommendation, but yeah, good stuff! :thumb:
Thanks Azi. :ciao:
Maby I should read the instructions. 😂

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oil filled radiators will get your temps up without causing too much dry air. You’ll need a slightly larger model to accomplish your task but you won’t be burdened with running 3 humidifiers and changing the tanks multiple times a day.

If heating becomes cost prohibitive, time your grows to coincide with when your room stays warmer. Cannabis grows much better if you can keep your room around 85F with lights on. Lights off used to be recommended you hit 68F but in my experience the plant grows much better when it’s constantly 78 or warmer. You can ease this at the end of flower but it’s not really necessary

Also yes, @Azimuth is right, Geoflora is every two weeks. The directions on the package are spot on. Good luck grower!
I want to thank you for the tips. But also I have a few other questions you mite be able to help with... 1 is how can I feed her if I need to let dry out for a cpl weeks? I'll send 2 pics of what I use to veg and flower with . Question 2 do you know a good safe way to heat a 4x4x80 tent the extra 15 degrees without a catching fire? I bumped the house heat but still need to raise it more... Thanks for any info you can provide..


You should read @Emilya Green thread on how to water a plant. CL🍀
Dyna gro is great for orchids.
Has a lot in it not sure how good it will work for pot plants.
If it’s all you have then we will try it and see.
Follow the recommendations carefully.
Probably will work for veg just can’t guarantee anything.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I know feed for Orchids was used by many growers before we had loads of brands making cannaspecific feed.
I know feed for Orchids was used by many growers before we had loads of brands making cannaspecific feed.
Yes it has lots of good stuff in it.
I just can't guarantee it's going to work for him. :Namaste:
Ever seen it before?
Hope your doing well Amigo :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes it has lots of good stuff in it.
I just can't guarantee it's going to work for him. :Namaste:
Ever seen it before?
Hope your doing well Amigo :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The logo and name I've seen before but that's about it.

The P part seems a bit high though which might be accounting for problems? P toxicity causing nitrogen & calcium deficiency?
I want to thank you for the tips. But also I have a few other questions you mite be able to help with... 1 is how can I feed her if I need to let dry out for a cpl weeks? I'll send 2 pics of what I use to veg and flower with . Question 2 do you know a good safe way to heat a 4x4x80 tent the extra 15 degrees without a catching fire? I bumped the house heat but still need to raise it more... Thanks for any info you can provide..
I messed up my hand and can't type for more than a couple lines before it swells up so I could not get back to you earlier. What the others said about a heater and mostly about the fertilizer.

It will not take that long to get a decent watering schedule going.

Be back asap.
do you know a good safe way to heat a 4x4x80 tent the extra 15 degrees without a catching fire? I bumped the house heat but still need to raise it more...
Instead try raising the temperature of the room or area the tent is in. Example is if the tent is in a room and the room temp is raised by 5 degrees F it can make it easier to raise the tent by 10. It will also help prevent wild swings in temperatures when tent lights come on or go off.

Building some simple shelves for the plants will put them up into a layer of warmer temperatures instead of being down near the floor where the temp will stay pretty much at 70 F.

So great it sounds like the local grow shop sold me some bunk veg food..
Most of the time it is a case of confusion between store people and customers. Nothing wrong with that Dyna-Gro fertilizer and I am thinking that they suggested it to you based on the questions you asked and the types of mix you bought to put in the pots. That particular fertilizer mix seems to be intended for mixes that are predominantly coco-coir or peat moss instead of compost or worm castings. It could still be used for those types of mixes but that was not what it was intended for.
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