New girl grower on the block

Hello everyone! First time grower here, going to attempt to grow some Amnesia Haze, SourD and Gelato. Fox Farm Happy Frog. I am looking to keep it simple. . lights are led 480watts at the wall with 4inch exhaust, and 4X5X8 closet. We removed the door of the closet and put up a zip door. Any suggestions on nutrients? I don't plan on using and bloom boasters if I don't have too. So glad to be here!
Hi, welcome, I'm on my 3rd grow, but knew here. I used fox farms trio for my 1st 2 grows..
I'm using ( Kind soil ) with roots organics ... The kind soil is a super soil so I only water.....
This is my best grow
Hi, welcome, I'm on my 3rd grow, but knew here. I used fox farms trio for my 1st 2 grows..
I'm using ( Kind soil ) with roots organics ... The kind soil is a super soil so I only water.....
This is my best grow
Hi, I have never heard of Kind Soil. I guess I will google and find some information on it. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too...
Here a shot of my 9 wk chocolate skunk auto.


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Happy New Year, Zooie !
I hope 2020 is a good one for you- I Look forward to seeing what you grow :thumb:
Zooies grow.

Zooie. Perhaps think about adding a link to your grow in your signature.
Zooies grow.

Zooie. Perhaps think about adding a link to your grow in your signature.
Thank you for the idea, still lots to learn.... :green_heart:
So I am sold on MegaCrop so far. Week 4 of flower and put 1/4tsp in a quart of water for each watering and it has been like auto pilot. I have 4 plants in 3 gal plastic containers and they are doing great. I have them in FFHF soil, 30% perlite and started feeding after week 3 of veg. Use a moisture meter and when they show dry I dump the quart of water, unfiltered, from the faucet. My intent was to be overly simplistic and see how they did. I am not seeing the reason to spend money on all the other STUFF out there.
Hi Zooie welcome to 420! I use 2 difrent ways of growing. The first is organic dry amendment called Earth Dust it's pretty easy to use only take 3 feedings through the entire grow and depending what medium you use you dont have to Ph water great for someone starting out. The second I use Avanced Nutrients line Sensi grow A&B and Sensi bloom A&B. I would try to stay as basic as possible till you get comfortable growing. Hope this info helps. If and when you do start a journal, please let me know. I'd love to follow.Cheers!
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