New Grow: Blackberry Auto - Cookies N Cream Auto - Russian Cream Candy Auto


420 Member
started my "Christmas Grow" 3 days ago.

i had such great luck with my last grow (harvested 4 days ago) that i couldn't wait to start another :)

i'm not changing a thing on this grow. i'm doing everything exactly as i did the last grow.

coco loco. water when the buckets get lite. zero nutes. never check ph. 24/7 leds (1200 watts)

4 plants in each 2x2x4 tent.

i live @ 7043' and it gets COLD here. just had 10" snow yesterday.

i have my tents in my shop which is a 100+ year old un-insulated cabin.

the cabin gets down to 29-30 degrees inside every night but with the tents shut up tight, the led's keep the temps 70-75 overnight.

after i get a fire going in the wood heater i have to open up the vents and turn on the fans in the tents to keep the temps around 75-80 during the day.

our humidity (even with snow) seldom hits 20% and is usually around 10%.

anyhow, i am super excited! the plants are about 1.5" tall today and look just fine.

i know my approach is the opposite of most everyone else but i run 6 online stores, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, and just don't have the time

for a maximum yield approach. i have to plant 'em and almost forget 'em. i make up for possible lower yields with more plants and a continual


anyhow, when there's something worth photos i take some.

best wishes to all :)
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