New grower

What are y’all talking about? PH pen??? What is this

Oh no!

You bought a new light before a good pH pen?

Now your in trouble, for sure.
What are y’all talking about? PH pen??? What is this
John is feeding out of a bottle, therefore he needs to carefully adjust pH or trust the buffers in his soil until they wear out... but now that the lightbulb has come on, you no longer need to worry about such matters. Organic growing is much easier than what he is doing, because all the prep work was done months ago in building that supersoil for you.
Ahh I understand now . I was like , is there some new way for pants to get light other than traditional. I was looking this stuff up and coming up empty lol
Welcome GhostWriter, both myself & partner lost both parents & our mom's when we were on our 20's, about 18 -20 mos ago is when I came back to cannabis. At the time I was just post double knee replacements, we took in my partner's adoptive mom with cancer diag, Lymphoma & Lung. As I was just beginning to become reacquainted with MMJ for my own pain issues I did not know some of the amazing things I could have perhaps done to ease her suffering.

But that bell has rung now I have some experience and awesome resources on this forum. Some of the absolute best info I had come across so much so that I de-lurked myself & became a member. I really wish you the best going through watching a loved one suffer with cancer is mind - spirit crushing at times at least in my experiences.

I too am so over big pharma, all of the corporations dictating our lives for stockholder gain. I guess its combo of age, suffering, and just cultural change for me since attempting to us MMJ to enhance my life, but I forgot so much of what living should be & how we are not getting any major help from our US elected officials. That's as story for another day. Just know man here have and do share your pains. Best of luck growing is an awesome experience.
Looking very nice
Thank you for the reply. I just got home and turned the lights out for next 4 hours. I’m doing the 20/4 during the veg stage. I am using fox farms organic with one pound of super soil on bottom.. I also have used the fox farms 3 bottle nutrients of course only the first two atm. During the flower stage I’ll use third nutrient . Here’s my problem, I’ve been watering and feeding according to directions and what I’ve read here. I am going to Home Depot tonight and check the PH because I feel like I am at a point where I can very easily mess up the last month hard work. A few leaves have a brown spot here and there. I have a new cob/led light on its way to help with light. Back to water: my soil seems to damp but my plant seems like it’s drinking it up. I guess I’ll know.more once I check my PH
Don't bother with your PH my friend, I went down that same road and found through research that PH is almost a non factor when growing in soil. The problem I was having was trying to do a "schedule" I found that was the wrong approach. The best way to determine what your plants need is to look at them, they will tell you what they do and don't need. It is a learning curve but with this group's help you will get it. The best and smartest advice I have gotten here was to start a journal , the help will come pouring in. Sorry to hear about your Pops, I lost my Pops to cancer as well and it wasn't until near the end that he found cannabis's medicinal qualities and enjoyed it until his last days. :welcome:
Welcome GhostWriter, both myself & partner lost both parents & our mom's when we were on our 20's, about 18 -20 mos ago is when I came back to cannabis. At the time I was just post double knee replacements, we took in my partner's adoptive mom with cancer diag, Lymphoma & Lung. As I was just beginning to become reacquainted with MMJ for my own pain issues I did not know some of the amazing things I could have perhaps done to ease her suffering.

But that bell has rung now I have some experience and awesome resources on this forum. Some of the absolute best info I had come across so much so that I de-lurked myself & became a member. I really wish you the best going through watching a loved one suffer with cancer is mind - spirit crushing at times at least in my experiences.

I too am so over big pharma, all of the corporations dictating our lives for stockholder gain. I guess its combo of age, suffering, and just cultural change for me since attempting to us MMJ to enhance my life, but I forgot so much of what living should be & how we are not getting any major help from our US elected officials. That's as story for another day. Just know man here have and do share your pains. Best of luck growing is an awesome experience.
Thank you. My father was diagnosed in 2015 and was supposedly in remission however know I feel like my mother was holding information so to speak. I never in a million years thought I’d be burying a parent who was only 79 years young. I feel like I was robbed of probably the next best ten years we had together. In October he was fine. Come November he was in the hospital and by end of November he was in hospice care at hospital not talking and hooked up to a tube. This wasn’t best time for me , I was battling other demons and I only blame myself for that . I got mixed up with a girl 21 years my senior and she had me partying like a rock star leaving nothing out that Motley Crue or Ozzy Osbourne Would have done on any given night. For real ! I can’t live fast and loose like that anymore . I’m almost 50 don’t feel like it but fact is I am. Ultimately in a matter of three months I was drinking almost a fifth of brown liquor every day. I say the blow didn’t become a problem but who am I kidding . Long story short I checked into a 3 day detox and got the hell out and haven’t loooed back. She’s GONE! Ended when I got treatment. I had been sober almost 20 years. Went down in flames in 3 months. I can’t say I don’t have a good time because that would be a lie too. It was a blast and looking back it was an escape from what was really happening. My father was dying. I hate he smelled liquor on my breath and hate I put a female before my father who probably needed me more then than ever before. By this time I was staying at my moms house 24/7 and took a leave from work. In December my mother intervened and drove me to a hospital Christmas Day. I didnt fight it I was tired anyhow and knew if I didn’t I’d be dead. It’s amazing how fast one can go from A to Z in such a short time . My father was in a coma for last two weeks as we held a bedside vigil until he passed January 2. My poor mother was dealing with this while she’s putting me in a hospital clear across town. 30 miles or more and crazy traffic. Anyhow I’ve put all this behind me and moving forward in a slow pace but with a little mire optimism
Haha I said senior and I meant junior. She 26 me 49 . Gosh I tried to fix three or four errors in my typing and couldn’t figure it out on my phone and hated to back it all out. So here’s my edits. Mire is more towards the end
Cannabis is and has been my savior. I did a speech in college on why Cannabis should be legal and every argument made today I made 30 years ago. The amount of information then was pretty thorough. Main thing was CBD and seizures is what I spoke of
Take care bud
I don’t mind at all. In fact I was going to do that in November when I have my second go with purple punch and another go at gorilla shizzle . I’ll fire up my laptop and get started today. I will assume the journal is self explanatory
I read A thread last night where a vendor was sponsoring a journal grow with a 2000 LED lift set up but you must have 2 years experience. That’s not me but one day will be I am excited to say I do have a COB cree/ LED that will be here Monday. It was supposed to be here Friday but got held up and delayed till Monday. This should really boost things up quite a bit
My LED now is 12’ by 8’ inches of that gives you an idea of how little light these guys are getting ( says 2000 watts but I doubt seriously it is) I paid $70 retail if that says anything .... the new one is definitely a step up
I say I dont mind. I think I need to post 50 times before I am able. I have to be getting
Haha I said senior and I meant junior. She 26 me 49 . Gosh I tried to fix three or four errors in my typing and couldn’t figure it out on my phone and hated to back it all out. So here’s my edits. Mire is more towards the end
Cannabis is and has been my savior. I did a speech in college on why Cannabis should be legal and every argument made today I made 30 years ago. The amount of information then was pretty thorough. Main thing was CBD and seizures is what I spoke of
Take care bud
Also, I said my age today for me but didn't age her a bit. She is now 28. . I am editing my above post with replies to this thread so I can get a 50 post score and do a grow journal...Im not crazy I promise
Hey ghost go to this link here below

Click here for a link to journals in progress.

Once screen loads click on the box that says post thread. Then make yourself a journal.

You don’t need 50 post to be able to make a journal, you need 50 posts to be able to personal message other members.

Please tag my name along in your journal so I can follow along please!
Hey ghost go to this link here below

Click here for a link to journals in progress.

Once screen loads click on the box that says post thread. Then make yourself a journal.

You don’t need 50 post to be able to make a journal, you need 50 posts to be able to personal message other members.

Please tag my name along in your journal so I can follow along please!
Thank you I will do this first thing in the morning if not tonight. I’m a school teacher and have to get up early during week it’s hard to fall out of routine on weekends. I’m a early morning person. Thanks for the link, on my laptop it says I don’t have authorization to post a journal. I’m certain your link will work
Take care
You guys have one hell of a story!

@Sierra Cowboy its good to see you! Haven’t seen you in a long while. How did your plants turn out?
Hey Back. all is well, Our plants just started the flowering stage we have had some hiccups but this amazing group got us through.
Thank you I will do this first thing in the morning if not tonight. I’m a school teacher and have to get up early during week it’s hard to fall out of routine on weekends. I’m a early morning person. Thanks for the link, on my laptop it says I don’t have authorization to post a journal. I’m certain your link will work
Take care

Yeah new members with 0 posts have access to starting a journal, it’s a great way to meet people here as well, as you never know who’s attention you catch and they will follow along from day one. You’ve got 34 messages so your almost able to have access to personal messaging as well as voting and entering contests in the contest section! Have you checked that out yet? Great contests get held every month and very easy to enter. Go check it out in the link in my signature.

Look forward to seeing your journal! :thumb:

Have a great night!
Hey Back. all is well, Our plants just started the flowering stage we have had some hiccups but this amazing group got us through.

Awesome! I’m glad your having such great success! I was following along, then stopped getting notifications for your journal. You obviously didn’t need my help though. I will have to go check it out here when I’m all caught up on my notifications.:thumb:
Awesome! I’m glad your having such great success! I was following along, then stopped getting notifications for your journal. You obviously didn’t need my help though. I will have to go check it out here when I’m all caught up on my notifications.:thumb:
Well you were right there for me during the bumps so yes do go check my journal, I posted pics recently
I was trying to find a picture of his actual tomatoes but the one picture I do have has me and my children and parents posing. Not sure how smart that would be so I’ll error on side of caution. This was him and my son about a year before he passed maybe a few more months past a year but not much .
God I miss him
He grew up on a farm and became a school teacher and eventually a principal. smartest Math person I’ve ever met. There wasn’t any trig, calculus, geometry question or problem he couldn’t solve. He got me through every upper Math course I took in college. Twice . In 88 and 20 years later . He eventually retired a HS principal his last 10 years in education. But for as long as I can remember he had a garden. Grew everything from squash , tomatoes , okra, figs , muscadines , blueberry, grapes, watermelon, potatoes , carrots. I don’t think there was much he did not grow and often makes me wonder what Cannabis would have been like had he grown it with all his love .
My father was the most simple man I’ve ever met. He was.......a simple unlike myself! I am complicated


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Yeah new members with 0 posts have access to starting a journal, it’s a great way to meet people here as well, as you never know who’s attention you catch and they will follow along from day one. You’ve got 34 messages so your almost able to have access to personal messaging as well as voting and entering contests in the contest section! Have you checked that out yet? Great contests get held every month and very easy to enter. Go check it out in the link in my signature.

Look forward to seeing your journal! :thumb:

Have a great night!
Yeah I did see that. I was interested in a vendor doing a light giveaway but you needed two years experience. Certainly one will come up for rookies lol . I will definitely start the journal in the am. I’ll be sure and tag you as well. Everyone whose supported me thus far
I was trying to find a picture of his actual tomatoes but the one picture I do have has me and my children and parents posing. Not sure how smart that would be so I’ll error on side of caution. This was him and my son about a year before he passed maybe a few more months past a year but not much .
God I miss him
He grew up on a farm and became a school teacher and eventually a principal. smartest Math person I’ve ever met. There wasn’t any trig, calculus, geometry question or problem he couldn’t solve. He got me through every upper Math course I took in college. Twice . In 88 and 20 years later . He eventually retired a HS principal his last 10 years in education. But for as long as I can remember he had a garden. Grew everything from squash , tomatoes , okra, figs , muscadines , blueberry, grapes, watermelon, potatoes , carrots. I don’t think there was much he did not grow and often makes me wonder what Cannabis would have been like had he grown it with all his love .
My father was the most simple man I’ve ever met. He was.......a simple unlike myself! I am complicated

So sorry for your loss! Wise men, produce even wise(er) children! You are a gifted person, and I can tell you take pride in your job!

What grade do you teach? If you don’t mind me asking?
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