New grower

Flush with just water correct or is there something I can flush with ?

Ok would it be necessary to get duct liner and run it outside my window ? And I have have market basket purified water i believe around 9
get duct liner and run it outside my window
That'll be a better option than running co2 at the moment, for plants to benefit from co2 they have to be optimum condition.

purified water i believe around 9
Yeah, that's quite high, it needs to be lowered when given to the plants.
I'll have to check the ph for pro mix, as soil you usually give ph at 6.3 but I think pro mix is a little lower. I'll check.
Purified water is pH 7.0. I use to use it. Now I just use tap water. To do a flush you have to pH the water to 6.3 that you flush with. If you are growing in a 5 gal. pot it takes 3 times that in gallons of water to do a proper flush.
So it takes 15 gal. to flush a 5 gal. pot. Right after the flush you feed with nutes that are about 1/2 strength then what the manufacturer says. They always tell you to use more then needed in their directions. They want you to buy more.
Ok so it’s in a 3 gallon bucket so to flush I use PH 6.3 9 gallons each bucket, am I correct, essentially how long after I do that do I feed nutes?
Ok so it’s in a 3 gallon bucket so to flush I use PH 6.3 9 gallons each bucket, am I correct, essentially how long after I do that do I feed nutes?
Feed right away. Then you probably wont feed or water for about 5 days as it will take that long for the soil to dry out. Plants will look bad for a day or 2 but they will bounce back as the pot dries out.
9 gal. is correct.
I've just checked and the website for pro mix, says It comes with the ph range of 5.8, I thought it may be lower as I think it's more one of them peat based mediums.
Now that you mention that, I think that's why many had issues using it. They were feeding pH 6.3 - 6.5 nutes & Pro Mix has to be treated more like Hydro or Coco.
But I definitely didn’t put 9 gallons in each pot though probably not even a half in each :/
Flushing the medium can be useful if there's an excess amount of nutrient salts in the medium, that's not the case here. That's the only time to use that amount of water.
My advice is let them dry out a bit, let the roots settle with a bit of stability. Get the environment sorted with good air.
When dried out a bit, take stock and see then if it needs a feed or not.
All future water and feed at a ph of 5.8.
Now that you mention that, I think that's why many had issues using it. They were feeding pH 6.3 - 6.5 nutes & Pro Mix has to be treated more like Hydro or Coco.
Next grow if you want to really simplify things get Fox Farms Ocean Forrest Soil & either the Geo Flora nutes or Mega Crop all in one nute. Makes life easy. It's what I use on all my grows.
I see. Geoflora couple videos i seen, Seems very easy just fertilizer if I’m not mistaking just putting it on top of the soil
So I bought clones to get my feet wet, started in coco started seeing deficiencies, got frustrated moved to hydro now I’m stuck with shocked plants and in soil any help any tips anything 8(
Welcome to 420magazine my friend. :welcome: It looks like your question is being sorted out. Happy growing.
Update on the girls!!!! Theyre still not dried out yet for I’m scared to feed them $(.... as you can see hydro plant is doing her thing, Checking in should I feed them now or is the soil too wet??! Also moved the seedlings to alil bit bigger pot,as I was told it’s not good for the stems to be showing any help first time popping seeds !!!!

Hi shy,
Yeah, it's gonna take awhile for the roots to take hold of the new soil and recover. I'd still let them dry out a bit more. The hydro girl does look really happy today.

Are the seeds photo or auto? Plant pots look good size to me.
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