New Person - First Time Grower - I Will Need Your Help - White Widow Fem


New Member
Welcome to my journal ive just registered as the other website i was using is not working so here goes.

Grow room: A lovely cubard in my home 1.2m x 1.5m x 2/3m high
Growing medium: Compost - home made + perlite
Lighting: 300W CFL Dual Spectrum
Seeds: Sensi seeds white widow feminised x1
Filters: Home made ( i dont need it really but im using it to test see if it works when needed before binning it and getting a real one. )
Fans: 1x cpu fan from a pc on the wall - one 18 inch fan underneith the bench what has holes in blowing air upwards to help with any smells - exhaust fan into a dryer hose into my attic with carbon filter up there.

Current status: Ive geminised it successfully i planted the seed and covered it 2 days ago, today its already showing 2 leafs so now im going to be asking for advice and help along with my grow, i have 9 more seeds but seeing as its my first time and i will make mistakes screw up and so on ive just decided that if i do im only sacraficeing one seed in preperation for a better grow journal with LEDs 9 seeds and so on.

So as ive pointed out its germinised and got 2 little leafs i have a few questions about other things im hoping people would kindly help me out with.

1. My final plant pot stands about 20-30cms high maybe, how higher than the plant pot ( bear in mind im using white widow fem thats ment to grow around 1/1.5m high ) How high up from my plant put should i be connecting my scrog net thing ( its not netting but idk what to call it so its a scrog net )

2. I do live in the united kingdom and it is illegal to grow i know that but my reason for growing is medically ( insomnia social anxiety etc and i started on it about 6 months ago and i love the way i am on it i love sleeping for 6 hours i enjoy having a appetite however most grow diaries or most people posting are from the states or somewhere where it is not illegal to grow so im hoping that someone in the united kingdom would beable to help me out.
- compost - b&q - homebase any recommendations links will be a huge bonus?
- nutes? do i really need to use nutes or not, i know using them will be benificial but first grow here hi

Thank you for reading and i will keep this updated daily and i will provide my pictures once i am back home ( p.s in advance if anyone laughs at my "frozen" cup i will cry xD

Thank you all for reading
Mr Paul.

Hows it going Mr Paul hope you like it here and trust me you will :high-five:sounds like you have a nice set up but just a heads up scrog can be a little tricky for first time growers but still can be done lol its not rocket sscience but lets talk about your set up,soil or hydro what lights are you running LED CFL Hps try watch grow like a pro from high times or reddy set grow all on youtube thats a good start
sorry i thought i posted everything erm im running 300w cfl dual spectrum and im using my own compost ok thats a lie im using next doors compost and perlite mix. ive done all my research on scrogging and watched numourus videos so im confident on doing it but ive never seen anyone post how high they put it up from plants especially with people growing different strains i have looked on here also to no avail so im hoping i get lucky with a answer.
Hi mate, if you research topping and low stress training, you'll learn how to prepare a nice, flat, low canopy BEFORE you flip to 12/12. I would then install the scrog net 2 inches above the canopy and change light to 12/12. Then you just keep her at the scrog net level.

Hth. Ps. You'll need to have the plant at about 60% of the complete scrog size when you flip it. That will allow room for the stretch as she goes into flower and give you space for all those other bud sites.
Welcome to :420: mrpaul! Glad you could make your way here. The community is great here and is very helpful. I am on my first grow as well and it wouldn't be what it is today without the help here.

Your setup sounds like it will do great for your little girls. One of the biggest things that you need to watch out for as a new grower is over watering. You have to remember that it is a weed and likes a complete wet/dry cycle.

As for the SCRoG, I am doing one as well. We put the scrog in the tent a week before the flip to flower. We made it 1" (2.5 cm) taller than the tallest top. We are 2 weeks into flower and the screen is basically full. Stop on by if you would like to see.

Hey nismo thanks for the advice, ive read and since im a newbie thats all i can do is read, that you should water them when you put your knuckle in a inch or somthing and if its dry give it a water. ive also just opened that link you have about watering and will have a read on that after my sunday roast, as well as updating this thread with a lot of images, ive just made some changes it was pushing 27+ so ive moved my fan from underneith and ive nailed it for 18 - 23 depending the speed cycle on the fan itself.








As promised, the pictures i have, i have half the fan blocked for the reason its close to the plant but without it on the room hits 40 as my boiler is also in there at the other side ive just sectioned it off.
So heres a picture of my net im about to put up today what size holes do people recommend the ones already made or the bigger one ive made, id say the small ones are around 2.5 inches and the bigger about 5
So my first rookie mistake, leaving the door open and vanishing for 30 seconds allowing the cat to jump up onto the bench, thankfully the plant was left alone unfortunatly my hygrometer ( themometer and hydro in one ) fell and hit me hammer and broke so now i have no clue at all on the humidity i hope it will be ok for a few days for a new one coming, i can see a little bit of drooping today looks like when i watered after transplanting from tissue to the soil i let it get to wet and now im paying the price ill lay off the water for 3-4 days see what happens then. however i was fortunate to find a temp themometer for the time being.

- picture of plant
- picture of plant
- themometer temps around 25 in light 18 without
Hi mr Paul I'm also UK based And scrogging I've used what looks to be the identical netting.. Take a look I'm fairly new but hopefully something may help you I'm fairly far into my grow. A few of the people commenting here have great advice and are currently running great grows I've learned from snidrajsed and nismo12 directly and viewed or commented/had comments of help from pretty much every one in here !! Your in great hands
Bless you I'm starting for most of your medical problems. Broke my neck and back also. I'm looking forward to following you. I will be starting mine in about 2 weeks still putting grow box together. Maybe we can help each other. I'm going to grow white widow and northern lights. Thank you for shareing

Sent from my SM-J100VPP using 420
Hey cdog im suscribing now and yes i agree the help ive had so far is great im not waiting days for replys to advice i usually ask before bed and wake up snap answers waiting and im happy with that, im most certainly going to get a coffee and have a nice read through now :D
Bless you I'm starting for most of your medical problems. Broke my neck and back also. I'm looking forward to following you. I will be starting mine in about 2 weeks still putting grow box together. Maybe we can help each other. I'm going to grow white widow and northern lights. Thank you for shareing

Sent from my SM-J100VPP using 420

Hey juststarting, yes most certainly im willing to help and offer advice, can i ask where you have got your seeds from, mine are from sensi and they germed in a day and popped through my soil/compost 2 days after and it has a nice straight stalk leaves are now bouncing back too,, just happily drop me a message when you start im looking forward to it.
I ordered from nirvana and grand daddy's both orders came with in 10 business days. This is my first time ordering seeds. I look at everyone in the seed bank hall of fame.
I'm going to start putting my box together. I spent 500 dollars on my grow box and supplies. I'm trying to do this right first time. Thank you

Sent from my SM-J100VPP using 420
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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